P. 20
Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
Dodgers clinch NL home-field advantage with win over Padres
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Adrian Diamondbacks acquired
Gonzalez hit his third home him from Detroit, tied with
run of an injury-plagued Miami slugger Giancarlo
season and Los Angeles Stanton for most in the ma-
beat San Diego to clinch jors since July 19. The six
home-field advantage RBIs tied a career high, and
throughout the National Martinez’s total of 103 RBIs
League playoffs. Yasmani on the season is a career
Grandal and Corey Seager best. Arizona starter Robbie
each had a three-run hom- Ray (15-5) had more than
er for the NL West champi- enough support, though he
ons, who improved to 101- gave up Tim Federowicz’s
57. They’ll open a best-of- two-run homer in the fifth.
five Division Series at home Giants starter Matt Moore
Oct. 6 against the winner (6-15) couldn’t make it out
of the NL wild-card game, of the second inning.
hosted by Arizona. The Dia- PHILLIES 4, NATIONALS 1
mondbacks’ opponent has PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Jake
not been determined yet. Thompson pitched four-hit
Alex Wood (16-3) allowed ball into the sixth inning,
two runs in six innings for Los and Philadelphia spoiled
Angeles. Dinelson Lamet Bryce Harper’s return from
(7-8) gave up four runs and a knee injury. With the loss,
walked six over five innings. Washington locked itself
ROCKIES 6, MARLINS 0 Los Angeles Dodgers’ Yasmani Grandal watches his three-run home run in front of San Diego into the second seed in
DENVER (AP) — Trevor Story Padres catcher Luis Torrens during the fifth inning of a baseball game in Los Angeles, Tuesday, the NL playoffs behind the
hit a three-run homer and Sept. 26, 2017. Dodgers. The Nationals will
Tyler Anderson pitched sev- Associated Press host the NL Central cham-
en superb innings, helping ing Pittsburgh to the victo- chance at clinching the NL second NL wild card. Josh pion in a Division Series be-
Colorado maintain its slim ry. McCutchen raised a fist Central title. Matt Carpen- Hader (2-3) earned the win, ginning Oct. 6 at Nationals
lead for the second NL wild in triumph as he rounded ter and Jedd Gyorko also and Corey Knebel worked Park. Thompson (3-2) was
card. The Rockies notched the bases after connect- connected for St. Louis, the ninth for his 38th save. charged with a run in five-
their first win over the Mar- ing against Kevin Gaus- which is 2 1/2 games back Scott Schebler, Zack Cozart plus innings. Hector Neris
lins in five tries this season man (11-11) in the second in the race for the second and Jesse Winker homered struck out the side in the
and stayed 1 1/2 games inning. He also hit an RBI NL wild card. Zach Duke for last-place Cincinnati, ninth for his 25th save.
ahead of Milwaukee. double in the first, singled in (1-1) got the win and Juan which has dropped seven Washington left-hander Gio
Nolan Arenado hit a two- the fifth and belted a three- Nicasio earned his fifth in a row. Rookie Deck Mc- Gonzalez (15-8) allowed
run homer in the fifth for run homer in the seventh. save. Jason Heyward hit Guire (0-1) allowed four three runs in five innings.
Colorado. Anderson (6- McCutchen’s eight RBIs a three-run homer for Chi- earned runs in three innings. METS 4, BRAVES 3
6) allowed four hits and were one off the franchise cago, and Ben Zobrist also DIAMONDBACKS 11, GI- NEW YORK (AP) — Travis
walked none. record and the most by a went deep. Jake Arrieta ANTS 4 Taijeron hit a game-ending
Miami starter Jose Urena Pirate since Jason Bay in (14-10) was charged with PHOENIX (AP) — J.D. Mar- RBI single in the ninth, send-
(14-7) yielded six runs over 2004. Trevor Williams (7-9) three earned runs in three tinez hit a grand slam and ing the Mets to the win. q
five innings. The right-hand- pitched six innings of one- innings. drove in six runs, leading Ar- New York was stymied by
er allowed a total of six runs run ball and rookie Steven BREWERS 7, REDS 6 izona and its lineup of regu- R.A. Dickey much of the
in four previous starts this Brault finished the five-hitter MILWAUKEE (AP) — Domin- lars over San Francisco. night and trailed 3-0 in
month. for his first career save. go Santana hit a three-run Martinez continued his tor- the seventh before Kev-
PIRATES 10, ORIOLES 1 CARDINALS 8, CUBS 7 homer in Milwaukee’s four- rid September in which he in Plawecki hit a two-run
PITTSBURGH (AP) — An- ST. LOUIS (AP) — Tommy run first, and the Brewers has 15 home runs, 35 RBIs homer off the 42-year-old
drew McCutchen hit his Pham and Randal Grichuk held on for the win. Milwau- and seven doubles with a knuckleballer. Asdrubal
first career grand slam and homered, and the Car- kee remained 1 1/2 games .414 batting average. He Cabrera tied it with a sacri-
drove in eight runs, power- dinals denied the Cubs a behind Colorado for the has 28 homers since the fice fly in the eighth. q
Jeter Group who led the Marlins to the that has celebrated three
2003 World Series champi-
World Series titles.
onship. “Part of the deal is ac-
Continued from Page 19 Team president David knowledging when it’s time
Samson is not expected to to pass the baton to the
The transition to new own- be retained. Manager Don next generation, and wish
ership has already begun, Mattingly is a former team- them well in taking things
with four well-known Mar- mate of Jeter’s and may to the next level,” Loria
lins executives told last return. said in a statement. “With
week they won’t be re- Loria, 76, became widely that in mind, I can’t think of
tained. They were special unpopular because of anyone better suited than
assistant to the president his frugal ownership and Bruce Sherman and Derek
Jeff Conine, who goes by the public financing that Jeter. They are true base-
the nickname Mr. Marlin, helped build the five-year- ball people, as well as true
and three special assis- old Marlins Park. He bought gentlemen. I have every
tants to the owner — Hall the franchise for $158.5 confidence in their ability
of Famers Andre Dawson In this May 31, 2016, file photo, Miami Marlins owner and CEO million in 2002 from John as the next stewards of the
Jeffrey Loria walks through the dugout after a baseball game
and Tony Perez, and former between the Marlins and the Pittsburgh Pirates in Miami. Henry, part of the Boston Miami Marlins to take us to
manager Jack McKeon, Associated Press Red Sox ownership group new heights.”q