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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 4 September 2020

                   Study: Electronics could stop 40% of big truck rear crashes

            By TOM KRISHER
            AP Auto Writer
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Safety
            features  such  as  automatic
            emergency  braking  and  for-
            ward    collision   warnings
            could prevent more than 40%
            of  crashes  in  which  semis
            rear-end  other  vehicles,  a
            new study has found.
            The  Insurance  Institute  for
            Highway  Safety,  a  research
            group supported by auto in-
            surers, also found that when
            the  rear  crashes  happened,
            the systems cut the speeds by
            over  50%,  reducing  damage
            and injuries.
            The  institute  called  on  the
            federal  government  to  re-
            quire  the  systems  on  new
            large  trucks  and  said  many
            truck  fleet  operators  are  al-
            ready   adding   emergency
            braking on their own.        In this Monday, March 25, 2019, file photo, cars and trucks travel on Interstate 5 near Olympia, Wash.
            “Rear-end crashes with trucks
            and  other  vehicles  happen  a                                                                                                 Associated Press
            lot, often with horrible con-  that were equipped with col-  Two  federal  agencies  that  ulations  requiring  automatic  required  by  the  European
            sequences,”  said  Eric  Teoh,  lision  warning  alone,  auto-  regulate  heavy  trucks,  the  emergency  braking  on  all  Union on all new large trucks
            the institute’s director of sta-  matic  emergency  braking,  Federal Motor Carrier Safety  new  vehicles,  both  passen-  since  late  2013,  the  insti-
            tistical  services  who  did  the  and no crash prevention fea-  Administration  and  the  Na-  ger and commercial, after the  tute said. The systems could
            study.  “This  is  an  important  tures at all, the IIHS said.   tional Highway Traffic Safety  technology is used over time  prevent  horrific  crashes  that
            countermeasure to that.”     The  IIHS  also  found  that  Administration,  said  they  by fleets and drivers.      happen  when  trucks  don’t
            Trucks  with  collision  warn-  trucks  equipped  with  a  col-  will review the IIHS report.  Yet the Owner Operator In-  stop  for  slower  or  stopped
            ing  systems  reduced  rear  lision  warning  system  had  NHTSA said in a statement  dependent  Drivers  Associa-  traffic  in  freeway  construc-
            crashes  by  44%,  while  au-  22% fewer crashes than those  that it is nearly finished with  tion  said  it  can’t  accept  the  tion zones, Teoh said.
            tomatic  emergency  braking  without  either  technology.  a study examining the safety  study’s  conclusions  because  A  crash  with  those  circum-
            cut rear crashes by 41%, the  For  automatic  emergency  benefits of driver assist tech-  it did not include real-world  stances  happened  in  July
            study found.                 braking, the figure was 12%.  nology  on  heavy  vehicles,  factors such as driver training  2019  in  Indianapolis,  killing
            To  reach  his  conclusions,  “This  is  important  informa-  while  the  motor  carrier  ad-  and experience or a carrier’s  a woman and her 18-month-
            Teoh examined crash data per  tion  for  trucking  companies  ministration  has  been  en-  safety  record.  The  systems  old twin daughters. Prosecu-
            vehicle  mile  traveled  at  62  and  drivers  who  are  weigh-  couraging  voluntary  use  of  use  cameras,  radar  or  other  tors alleged that a semi driver
            trucking  companies  that  use  ing the costs and benefits of  systems  such  as  automatic  sensors to check the roadway.  was  traveling  65  mph  (105
            tractor-trailers or other trucks  these  options  on  their  next  emergency braking.  Some just warn the driver of  kilometers  per  hour)  when
            weighing  at  least  33,000  vehicles,” Teoh said.        In October of 2015, NHTSA  hazards, while more sophisti-  his rig hit a line of traffic in a
            pounds  (15,000  kilograms).  The institute says U.S. crash-  began the regulatory process  cated emergency braking sys-  construction  zone.  Authori-
            The study found about 2,000  es involving large trucks rose  to evaluate forward collision  tems  will  actually  brake  the  ties  charged  the  driver  with
            crashes  that  happened  over  by nearly one-third since hit-  warning and automatic brak-  truck.                  reckless homicide and said he
            more than 2 billion miles (3.2  ting a record low in 2009. A  ing for heavy trucks.    In the U.S., there are no re-  didn’t start braking until the
            billion  kilometers)  traveled  total of 4,136 people died in  The  American  Trucking  As-  quirements  for  either  sys-  rig slammed into the first of
            from 2017 through 2019.      such  crashes  in  2018,  with  sociations, an industry group  tem,  but  automatic  emer-  several  vehicles.  Five  other
            The  study  compared  trucks  119 of the deaths in rear-end  that  represents  many  large  gency  braking  with  forward  vehicles  were  hit  and  seven
            from  the  same  companies  crashes.                      carriers, said it supports reg-  collision  warning  has  been  more people were injured.q

                       Army Cyber Command completes its move to Georgia base

              By RUSS BYNUM                                  by Army Under Secretary James McPherson and  vilians and contract workers worldwide.
              Associated Press                               Gen. Paul Nakasone, who serves as commander  According  to  the  Army,  the  Cyber  Command
              SAVANNAH,  Ga.  (AP)  —  The  Army  com-       of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the Na-  headquarters  will  bring  about  1,200  additional
              mand  dedicated  to  defending  against  hackers  tional Security Agency.                     soldiers  and  civilian  workers  to  Fort  Gordon.
              and other online threats celebrated its move into  McPherson  noted  the  move  brings  the  Army’s  Fogarty said all of them should be in place within
              a new $366 million headquarters in Georgia on  cyber soldiers, commanders and trainees together  the next year. Fortitude Hall spans 336,000 square
              Thursday.                                      at Fort Gordon, which is also home to an NSA  feet (31,215 square meters) and is equipped with
              Created a decade ago, the Army Cyber Command  facility.                                       more than 300 servers.
              had been spread across Army installations in three  “The cyber domain in the most recent one, it’s  Before the consolidation, elements of the Army
              states before consolidating at Fortitude Hall, its  the one that changes the most rapidly and it it is  Cyber  Command  were  also  based  in  Fort  Bel-
              new home at Fort Gordon in Augusta. Plans to  the one we must learn to not only compete in but  voir, Virginia, and Fort Meade, Maryland. At Fort
              bring  the  entire  command  together  under  one  dominate  in  with  our  near-peer  competitors,”  Gordon, the Army now has its electronic warfare
              roof had been in the works for seven years.    McPherson said.                                and defense units based at the same installation
              “It’s not just a physical move. It’s not just a nice  The  U.S.  military  established  the  Army  Cyber  used for training new cyber soldiers and provid-
              new facility,” Lt. Gen Stephen Fogarty, the com-  Command in 2010 after the Defense Department  ing them with continuing education.
              mander of Army Cyber Command, told report-     declared  cyberspace  a  new  domain  for  warfare,  The  headquarters  dedication  on  Thursday  was
              ers on a conference call Thursday. He called the  citing rising threats from hackers backed by for-  largely symbolic. Army Cyber Command’s lead-
              headquarters  “a  purpose-filled  cyber  weapons  eign governments and online attackers acting in-  er,  Lt.  Gen.  Stephen  G.  Fogarty,  and  his  com-
              system.”                                       dependently.                                   mand  staff  have  been  working  at  Fort  Gordon
              Fogarty was joined during a dedication ceremony  The command oversees about 16,500 soldiers, ci-  since July.q
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