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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 4 September 2020

                           White House faces skepticism over prospects for a vaccine

            By  LINDA  A.  JOHN-                                                                                                “Too  much  of  the  evidence
            SON  and  MICHELLE  R.                                                                                              points to the Trump adminis-
            SMITH                                                                                                               tration pressuring the FDA to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    approve a vaccine by Election
            Could  the  U.S.  really  see  a                                                                                    Day to boost the president’s
            coronavirus  vaccine  before                                                                                        reelection campaign,” he said
            Election Day?                                                                                                       in  a  statement.  “This  raises
            A  letter  from  federal  health                                                                                    serious safety concerns about
            officials  instructing  states  to                                                                                  politics, not science and pub-
            be ready to begin distributing                                                                                      lic  health,  driving  the  deci-
            a  vaccine  by  Nov.  1  —  two                                                                                     sion making process.”
            days  before  the  election  —                                                                                      Three  COVID-19  vaccines
            has  been  met,  not  with  ex-                                                                                     are  undergoing  final-stage,
            hilaration, but with suspicion                                                                                      or  Phase  3,  clinical  trials  in
            among  some  public  health                                                                                         the  U.S.  Each  study  is  en-
            experts, who wonder wheth-                                                                                          rolling  about  30,000  people
            er the Trump administration                                                                                         who will get two shots, three
            is  hyping  the  possibility  or                                                                                    weeks apart, and then will be
            intends  to  rush  approval  for                                                                                    monitored  for  coronavirus
            political gain.                                                                                                     infections and side effects for
            The  skepticism  comes  amid                                                                                        anywhere from a week to two
            growing questions about the                                                                                         years.
            scientific  credibility  of  the                                                                                    The FDA will not be able to
            Food  and  Drug  Administra-                                                                                        even consider a vaccine until
            tion and the Centers for Dis-  White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany speaks during a press briefing at the White House,   certain key steps occur.
            ease Control and Prevention,   Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020, Washington.                                                 First,  independent  experts
            and  their  vulnerability  to                                                                      Associated Press  on  what  are  known  as  data
            political pressure from Presi-                                                                                      safety  monitoring  boards,
            dent Donald Trump.           but  “extremely  unlikely”  a  1. Redfield did not say a vac-  of  Public  Health.  He  said  or  DSMBs,  will  have  to
            Dr. Anthony Fauci, the gov-  vaccine  will  be  ready  before  cine would be ready by then.  November “feels awfully ear-  rule that they have collected
            ernment’s  top  infectious-  the election.                Some  longtime  scientific  ly.”    Last  week,  FDA  Com-  enough information to draw
            disease expert and a member  White  House  spokeswoman  advisers  to  the  government  missioner Stephen Hahn was  firm conclusions about a vac-
            of  Trump’s  coronavirus  task  Kayleigh  McEnany,  mean-  said the CDC’s preparations  forced to correct himself af-  cine’s performance. Then the
            force, told CNN on Thurs-    while,  gave  assurances  that  for  a  possible  early  vaccine  ter  overstating  the  lifesaving  experts  will  make  the  data
            day that it is unlikely but “not  Trump “will not in any way  do not necessarily mean that  benefits of the plasma treat-  available to the manufacturer,
            impossible”  that  a  vaccine  sacrifice  safety”  when  it  an answer will come sooner  ment.                      which will decide whether to
            could win approval in Octo-  comes to a vaccine. And ex-  or  that  there  will  be  a  rush  The  CDC  also  came  under  submit it for FDA approval.
            ber, instead of November or  ecutives of five top pharma-  to  judgment  about  whether  fire from scientists in recent  Whether and when to stop a
            December,  as  many  experts  ceutical  companies  pledged  one  works.  “Being  prepared  days  for  quietly  updating  its  study early is up to a DSMB,
            believe.                     that no COVID-19 vaccines  for  early  success  ...  is  actu-  guidelines  to  suggest  fewer  whose scientists see a study’s
            “And  I  would  assume,  and  or  treatments  will  be  ap-  ally prudent,” said Dr. Steven  Americans need to get tested  results as they are accumulat-
            I’m  pretty  sure,  it’s  going  proved,  even  for  emergency  Nissen,  a  Cleveland  Clinic  for the virus.       ing. The company does not.
            to be the case that a vaccine  use,  without  proof  they  are  cardiologist.  If  a  vaccine  is  Jha  said  the  stakes  here  are  “We  will  not  cut  corners,”
            would  not  be  approved  for  safe and effective.        working,  “you  want  to  be  much higher.                Pfizer  CEO  Albert  Bourla
            the American public unless it  The  concerns  were  set  off  prepared to act on the infor-  “You  want  to  have  pretty  vowed  Thursday  in  a  call
            was indeed both safe and ef-  by  a  letter  dated  Aug.  27  in  mation.” Still, to some public  good safety data on vaccines,”  with  reporters,  hosted  by
            fective,” he said.           which CDC Director Robert  health experts, the timing of  he said. “So I am deeply wor-  a  pharmaceutical  industry
            Similarly, Dr. Moncef Slaoui,  Redfield  asked  the  nation’s  the letter smacked of a politi-  ried that that’s not what is go-  group. Chief executives from
            chief  adviser  to  Operation  governors  to  help  govern-  cal stunt by a president facing  ing to happen.”       Merck,  Roche,  Eli  Lilly  and
            Warp Speed, the administra-  ment  contractor  McKesson  a tough reelection.           Senate  Democratic  leader  Gilead Sciences agreed, add-
            tion’s  project  to  hasten  the  Corp.  set  up  vaccine  distri-  “I think it’s almost a certain-  Chuck  Schumer  questioned  ing that extra transparency on
            development  of  a  vaccine,  bution  facilities  so  that  they  ty,”  said  Ashish  Jha,  dean  of  the  Trump  administration’s  the  test  results  and  approval
            told  NPR  that  it  is  possible  are up and running by Nov.  the Brown University School  motives.                process is needed. q

                        Can I get the coronavirus twice?

             By The Associated Press      against serious illness even if  lieve  people  who  had  CO-
             Can  I  get  the  coronavirus  it  could  not  prevent  a  rein-  VID-19 will have some im-
             twice?                       fection. His more recent in-  munity  against  a  repeat  in-
             It  seems  possible,  though  fection was detected through  fection. But they don’t know
             how  often  it  happens  isn’t  screening  and  testing  at  the  how  much  protection,  or
             known.                       Hong Kong airport, and re-  how long it would last.

             Researchers  in  Hong  Kong  searchers  said  genetic  tests  This is important because if
             recently reported evidence of  revealed  different  strains  of  immunity wears off, it could
             a person who got the corona-  the virus.                 pose a challenge for vaccines.
             virus a second time, months  Several  other  possible  cases  Some  experts  say  booster
             after an initial infection.   have  been  reported,  includ-  shots may be needed.
             The finding has not yet been  ing  a  U.S.  man  who  was  It’s also unclear whether re-
             published  in  a  journal.  But  sicker the second time than  infected  people  would  be
             scientists  said  the  33-year-  the first.              able  to  spread  the  virus  to   This  electron  microscope  image  made  available  and  color-
             old man had mild symptoms  Even  if  people  can  get  re-  others. That’s another reason   enhanced  by  the  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and  Infectious
             the  first  time  and  none  the  infected,  the  World  Health  scientists  say  people  should   Diseases  Integrated  Research  Facility  in  Fort  Detrick,  Md.,
             second  time,  suggesting  his  Organization  says  it  likely  continue to wear masks, so-  shows Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, orange,
             immune  system  may  have  wouldn’t happen regularly.    cial  distance  and  practice   isolated from a patient.
             provided  some  protection  Health experts generally be-  good hygiene.q                                                      Associated Press
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