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A28    world news
               Diabierna 4 September 2020

                  E.U. unveils plan to secure raw materials, cut dependency

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       believes that the EU’s mining
            Associated Press                                                                                                    potential is underused.
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Wor-                                                                                             “We need to diversify supply
            ried by an increasing depen-                                                                                        and make better use of the re-
            dency  on  the  raw  materials                                                                                      sources within the European
            used to make smart phones,                                                                                          Union, where we would ap-
            televisions and energy-saving                                                                                       ply the highest environmen-
            lights,  the  European  Union                                                                                       tal and social standards to that
            on Thursday launched a new                                                                                          effect,” Sefcovic told report-
            strategy  to  secure  access  to                                                                                    ers in Brussels.
            rare  earth  minerals  and  to                                                                                      The strategy aims to set up a
            reduce  reliance  on  suppliers                                                                                     European Raw Materials Alli-
            like Chile, China and South                                                                                         ance with industry, investors,
            Africa.                                                                                                             the  European  Investment
            The EU is predicted to need                                                                                         Bank, EU member countries
            around  60  times  more  lithi-                                                                                     and others to help secure raw
            um and 15 times more cobalt                                                                                         mineral  supply  chains.  The
            for  electric  vehicle  batteries                                                                                   commission  wants  to  start  a
            and  energy  storage  by  2050.                                                                                     partnership with Canada and
            Its demand for rare earth ma-                                                                                       interested  African  countries
            terials in permanent magnets                                                                                        starting next year.
            used  in  several  technologies                                                                                     The EU also wants to study
            could  increase  10-fold  over                                                                                      ways to reuse, repair and re-
            the same period.                                                                                                    cycle  products  that  use  rare
            The coronavirus pandemic is                                                                                         earth minerals.
            highlighting  the  world’s  in-                                                                                     The  commission  said  that
            creasing reliance on electron-  European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton shows a map of Europe as he talks to   while recycling works well in
            ics and technology for remote  journalists during an online news conference at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, Sept.   Europe, less than 1% of prod-
            work,  education  and  com-  3, 2020.                                                                               ucts  containing  the  compo-
            munication,  and  the  27-na-                                                                      Associated Press  nents  are  actually  recovered
            tion  EU  enters  a  widening                                                                                       to be treated.
            race to secure supplies for its  change our approach,” Euro-  lower environmental and so-  China.  Turkey  supplies  98%  The goal is to map the pos-
            communications, health, de-  pean Commission Vice-Pres-   cial standards, less freedoms,  of  its  borate,  while  Chile  sible  supply  of  critical  raw
            fense and space sectors along  ident  Maros  Sefcovic  said.  (and)  poor,  unsustainable  meets 78% of Europe’s lith-  materials  in  EU  stocks  and
            with the United States, Chi-  “We are largely dependent on  economies.”                ium needs. South Africa pro-  waste,  as  well  as  to  iden-
            na and Japan.                unsustainable  raw  materials  The EU gets around 98% of  vides  71%  of  its  platinum.  tify  projects  to  help  recover
            “We  have  to  drastically  from  countries  with  much  its  rare  earth  minerals  from  The  European  Commission  them, by 2022.q

                  100 million discounted meals eaten in U.K. during August

                                                                      government within five days.  By  the  end  of  August,  the  around 20%.
                                                                      Critics  say  the  scheme  was  cutoff point, the government  “From  the  get-go,  our  mis-
                                                                      short-term  gimmick  by  the  said  the  scheme  had  cost  it  sion has been to protect jobs,
                                                                      government  to  court  public  522  million  pounds  ($680  and to do this we needed to be
                                                                      favor  following  a  series  of  million),  22  million  pounds  creative, brave and try things
                                                                      missteps  on  the  coronavirus  more than estimated.      that no government has ever
                                                                      front and merely shifted din-  Citing  figures  from  the  on-  done before,” he said.
                                                                      ing habits from the end of the  line  reservation  company,  Restaurants  and  other  food
                                                                      week to the start.           Open  Table,  it  said  early-  outlets such as pubs were only
                                                                      Many say the scheme did not  week business in August was  allowed to reopen on July 4,
                                                                      change  the  underlying  dy-  up  by  more  than  50%  from  more  than  three  months  af-
                                                                      namics facing the industry, as  the year before.          ter they were closed as part of
                                                                      summer turns to winter and  That’s a sharp contrast to July,  lockdown  measures  to  fight
                                                                      people will be largely forced  when restrictions were eased  the  spread  of  coronavirus.
                                                                      to eat indoors, which is more  and restaurant bookings were  Britain  has  Europe’s  highest
                                                                      conducive  to  spreading  the  down  54%  on  average  from  death toll in the pandemic at
            A man walks past the Department for Digital, Culture, Media   virus.                   Mondays to Wednesdays.       over 41,600 people.
            and Sport in London's Whitehall, around the old normal morn-  Lorenzo  Nargi,  co-director  For Aug. 31, it said bookings  David  Page,  chairman  of
            ing time 'rush hour', in central London, Thursday Sept. 3, 2020.   of three Lorenzo Italian res-  were up 216% from the same  Fulham  Shore,  which  owns
                                                     Associated Press  taurants in southeast London,  day in 2019.              The  Real  Greek  chain,  said
                                                                      said the scheme was not good  Treasury  chief  Rishi  Sunak  the  scheme  “immediately”
            By PAN PYLAS                 lot more as participating eat-  for structure of the business  said the scheme helped pro-  increased customer numbers
            Associated Press             eries  have  until  the  end  of  and that customers had fallen  tect  the  jobs  of  1.8  million  by  over  50%,  enabling  it  to
            LONDON (AP) — Around  September to make claims.           sharply  on  non-discounted  people working in the hospi-  get staff back to work.
            100 million discounted meals  Under  the  program,  sitting  days.                     tality sector and boosted the  “In fact, we are now creating
            were eaten by British diners  customers  could  receive  a  “All this has done is messed us  country’s economic recovery  new jobs, by hiring and train-
            during  August  as  part  of  a  50%  discount  on  food  and  about,” he said. “It ultimately  from  the  coronavirus-reces-  ing more people as fast as we
            government drive to encour-  non-alcoholic  drinks  at  par-  stripped revenue from other  sion,  which  saw  economic  can,” he said.q
            age  nervous  customers  back  ticipating  restaurants  be-  days.”                    output  in  Britain  shrink  by
            to restaurants.              tween Monday and Wednes-
            Figures  published  Friday  day  up  to  10  pounds  ($13)
            by  the  Treasury  department  per person.
            show that the so-called “Eat  Food outlets from Michelin-
            Out  to  Help  Out”  scheme  starred outlets to internation-
            for  August  cost  more  than  al burger chains then get the
            envisioned. It is set to cost a  discount  reimbursed  by  the
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