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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 4 September 2020

                U.S. official warns El Salvador's president that aid at risk

             By JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                  really concerned that it’s go-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   ing to be the end of the world
             MIAMI  (AP)  —  A  senior                                                                                          here.”
             U.S.  official  quietly  told  El                                                                                  Jacob  Wood,  an  MCC
             Salvador’s  government  that                                                                                       spokesman, said the agency’s
             anti-poverty  assistance  from                                                                                     model  is  built  around  ac-
             Washington  is  at  risk  over                                                                                     countability to make sure the
             President  Nayib  Bukele’s                                                                                         projects  are  a  good  invest-
             defiance of his country’s su-                                                                                      ment for American taxpayers.
             preme  court  and  congress,                                                                                       “El Salvador is no exception
             The  Associated  Press  has                                                                                        to this and MCC is proud of
             learned.                                                                                                           our partnership,” he said.
             The  rare  rebuke  from  the                                                                                       Bukele  has  come  under
             Trump administration — one                                                                                         mounting  criticism  from
             of  Bukele’s  biggest  boosters                                                                                    both  Democrats  and  some
             — came in a May 29 letter to                                                                                       Republicans in Congress that
             an aide of the president from                                                                                      he is exceeding his authority
             Thomas  Kelly,  acting  vice                                                                                       in  a  country  with  tradition-
             president of the Millennium                                                                                        ally weak institutions.
             Challenge  Corporation,  an                                                                                        In  February,  Bukele  sent
             independent U.S. foreign aid                                                                                       heavily armed soldiers to sur-
             agency  that  has  committed                                                                                       round  the  congress  to  pres-
             nearly $300 million in grants                                                                                      sure lawmakers into approv-
             to  the  small  Central  Ameri-                                                                                    ing  a  loan  to  fund  the  fight
             can country.                                                                                                       against gangs. Then in April,
             With  Congress  considering   In this Feb. 18, 2020 file photo, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele delivers his speech to the   Bukele  defied  El  Salvador’s
             whether  to  extend  a  Sept.  9   newly inducted members of the armed forces at Gerardo Barrios square in front of the National   supreme court, ignoring sev-
             deadline  for  spending  the  Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador.                                                 eral  rulings  striking  down
             U.S. aid, the criticism reflects                                                                  Associated Press   strict measures that led to the
             growing  concerns  among  disclose a private correspon-  the  U.S.  had  been  spent,  El  indicators,  among  28  devel-  detention  in  crowded  quar-
             mainly Democratic lawmak-   dence.                       Salvador’s government says.  oping countries with similar   antine  centers  of  hundreds
             ers  that  Bukele  is  taking  his  Bukele’s press office did not  El  Salvador  is  expected  to  income levels.   of people accused of breaking
             country down an authoritar-  comment in response to a list  seek new U.S. funding once  “MCC  grants  are  supposed   the  coronavirus  lockdown
             ian  path,  such  as  his  use  of  of questions about the letter.   the current assistance expires.  to  be  a  reward  for  govern-  rules.
             troops  to  intimidate  legisla-  The MCC in 2014 signed a  But Democratic Party staffers  ments  that  meet  objective   “Five  people  aren’t  going  to
             tors and his rejection of high  compact with El Salvador to  in  Congress  say  there  is  no  criteria  like  battling  corrup-  decide the death of hundreds
             court  ruling  against  tough  provide up to $277 million to  support  for  it  becoming  the  tion and respect for the rule   of thousands of Salvadorans,”
             pandemic restrictions.      finance  regulatory  reforms,  first  partner  country  to  de-  of law,” Rieser said.   Bukele said on Twitter about
             “Recent actions by the Gov-  education  and  infrastruc-  velop  a  third  compact  with  “Senator Leahy believes that   the court’s judges. “It doesn’t
             ernment of El Salvador have  ture improvements, with the  the MCC, which was estab-   if  we  ignore  conduct  like   matter  how  much  ink  and
             raised  questions  about  the  goal of promoting economic  lished by Congress in 2004 as  President  Bukele’s  that  vio-  seals they have.”
             government’s  commitment  growth  and  private  invest-  an agency that reports to the  late  those  criteria  it  under-  The  Trump  administration
             to MCC’s eligibility criteria,  ment in the country. El Sal-  State  Department  but  oper-  mines  the  MCC’s  credibil-  has  publicly  stood  strong-
             in  particular  the  Executive  vador  agreed  to  allocate  an  ates independently.  ity.”                        ly  with  Bukele  amid  those
             Branch’s  interactions  with  additional  $88  million  for  Tim  Rieser,  an  aide  to  Sen.  Michael  Kozak,  acting  assis-  standoffs, saying he has pro-
             the  other  branches  of  gov-  those efforts. It is one of the  Patrick  Leahy  of  Vermont,  tant secretary of state for the   moted  dialogue  and  prais-
             ernment,” Kelly’s letter said.  MCC’s largest commitments  the ranking Democrat on the  Western  Hemisphere,  said   ing  him  for  adhering  to  an
             “Further  concerning  inci-  anywhere  in  the  world  and  Senate Appropriations Com-  this week that he was confi-  earlier  supreme  court  ruling
             dents relating to these criteria  followed an earlier $461 mil-  mittee,  said  the  MCC  was  dent Congress would extend   to withdraw troops from the
             could  risk  negative  conse-  lion U.S. aid package.    established  with  the  goal  of  the  compact  for  El  Salvador   congress.
             quences for our partnership,  It’s  not  clear  how  El  Salva-  raising  the  standard  for  for-  and  other  countries  where   President Donald Trump has
             something we wish to avoid.”  dor addressed Kelly’s private  eign assistance.         implementation  has  been    said on Twitter that the Sal-
             Kelly  added  that  assistance  concerns, but there’s no sign  To be eligible, a country must  slowed by the pandemic.  vadoran  leader  has  worked
             from the MCC is contingent  the  MCC  is  looking  to  cut  first  pass  an  MCC  “score-  “The  extension  is  tied  up   well with the U.S. on immi-
             on  “strict  adherence  to  the  off  Bukele’s  government,  card” that rates performance  with  the  COVID  relief  bill,   gration. Bukele has expressed
             rule of law and the protection  which  has  requested  a  6-  to  on 20 categories. In the 2020  but we remain engaged,” Ko-  support  for  Trump’s  tough
             of fundamental freedoms.”   12-month  no-cost  extension  scorecard,                  zak told reporters.          policies on migrants by sign-
             A copy of the letter was pro-  to carry out projects that have  El Salvador ranked in the top  “We understand there is sup-  ing an agreement that would
             vided  to  AP  by  a  U.S.  con-  been delayed by the corona-  quarter  for  political  rights  port  to  find  a  way  forward   allow the U.S. to send asylum
             gressional  staffer  on  the  virus pandemic. As of July 30,  and  top  half  for  civil  liber-  and we’ll keep working it, so   seekers from other countries
             condition  of  anonymity  to  74% of the funds donated by  ties,  both  third-party  policy  that’s why I don’t think we’re   to El Salvador.q

                  France calls on U.S. to withdraw sanctions on world court

             PARIS (AP) — France called on the  ed States and its allies. The sanctions  gitimate  attempts  to  subject  Ameri-  Service,  called  the  U.S.  sanctions
             United States on Thursday to with-  include a freeze on assets held in the  cans to its jurisdiction.”      “unacceptable” and “unprecedented.”
             draw  sanctions  levelled  on  top  of-  U.S. or subject to U.S. law and target  French  Foreign  Minister  Jean-Yves  “The  International  Criminal  Court
             ficials  of  the  International  Criminal  prosecutor  Fatou  Bensouda  and  the  Le  Drian  said  the  sanctions  are  “a  (ICC)  plays  an  essential  role  in  de-
             Court, saying they are a “grave attack”  court’s head of jurisdiction, Phakiso  grave attack against the court … and  livering justice to the victims of some
             on  the  court  and  put  into  question  Mochochoko.                   beyond that a questioning of multi-  of  world’s  most  horrific  crimes.  Its
             the independence of justice.        The court is, notably, investigating al-  lateralism  and  the  independence  independence  and  impartiality  are
             U.S.  Secretary  of  State  Mike  Pom-  legations of torture and other crimes  of  the  judiciary.  France  calls  on  the  crucial characteristics of the Court’s
             peo announced sanctions Wednesday  by Americans in Afghanistan.         United  States  to  withdraw  the  an-  work, which are fundamental for the
             against  the  chief  prosecutor  of  the  The  United  States  has  never  been  nounced measures.”         legitimacy of its judgements,” Borrell
             court, based in The Hague, and a top  party to the court, and Pompeo said  Josep  Borrell,  vice  president  of  the  said in a statement urging the U.S. to
             aide, for investigations into the Unit-  the U.S. would not tolerate “its ille-  European  Union’s  External  Action  reverse course.q
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