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P. 16
LOCALWednesday 11 November
Countries Highlight the Role of Multiple Policies in Eradicating Poverty
and Achieving the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean
--Ministers wrap up social promote the implementa- izing to grow,” said Alicia
development meeting, tion of the Agenda 2030,
jointly organized for the first concluded ministers par- Bárcena, Executive Secre-
time by ECLAC, the Gov- ticipating in the inaugural
ernment of Peru and UNDP. meeting in Lima, Peru last tary of the United Nations
week. “The conference has
ORANJESTAD/LIMA,PERU - revealed the need to build Economic Commission
The Regional Conference intersectoral and com-
on Social Development in prehensive social policies for Latin America and the
Latin America and the Ca- that account for the multi-
ribbean highlighted syner- dimensionality of poverty, Caribbean (ECLAC), clos-
gies between different so- inequality and social exclu-
cial and economic policies sion. It is a matter of grow- ing the three-day event.
to eradicate poverty and ing to equalize and equal-
The senior official added
“we must move forward in
the Agenda 2030 path, to-
wards a new generation of
policies to combat poverty
and inequality, as part of a The President of Peru, Ollanta Humala (center), with ECLAC’s
Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena (left) and the Minister
gradual structural change Development and Social Inclusion of Peru, Paola Bustamante.
(Photo by Govt. of Peru)
and sustainable economic meeting of the Board of the
growth: sustained and in- Regional Conference, to
clusive. Reducing inequal- be held in the third quarter
ity is essential to achieve a of 2016 in Santo Domingo,
world without poverty.” in the next Ministerial Forum
The Regional Conference for Development.
on Social Development In the conference resolu-
was created in 2014 as a tion, country delegates
subsidiary body of ECLAC. stress that the 2030 Agenda
As a result of a strategic al- for Sustainable Develop-
liance, its first meeting was ment adopted in Septem-
convened jointly with the ber at the United Nations
United Nations Develop- General Assembly marks a
ment Program (UNDP), giv- paradigm shift and a new
ing continuity to seven con- era for international coop-
secutive years Ministerial eration, as well as an op-
Forums for Development in portunity for countries in the
the region. region to eradicate pov-
“In this sustainable devel- erty and reduce inequality
opment era we see an in- for the people, for the plan-
creasing multidimensional et, seeking prosperity for all.
approach to development Senior government officials
policy, focused on peo- at the meeting highlight-
ple’s well-being, beyond ed the ECLAC document
living above or below the Inclusive Social Develop-
poverty line,” said Jessica ment: A New Generation of
Faieta, UN Assistant Sec- Policies to Overcome Pov-
retary General and UNDP erty and Inequality in Latin
Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbe-
America and the Carib- an, and requested that it
bean, stressing that this will be given wide distribution,
be the topic of the next encouraging discussion
Regional Human Develop- and analysis in various sec-
ment Report. tors, including academia
“Education, social protec- and civil society.
tion, quality jobs, all of these They also called on the
will be crucial to boost resil- Commission to update
ience, or the ability to ab- official figures systemati-
sorb shocks such as natural cally with three regional
disasters or financial crises, databases: social invest-
without falling back into ment; non-contributory so-
poverty,” Faieta added, cial protection programs
thanking the Dominican and youth and social
Republic for hosting the first inclusion.q