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P. 13

                                                         Wednesday 11 November

Renaissance Aruba Resort Launches New Elevated
  Dining Menu at L.G Smith’s Steak & Chop House

ORANJESTAD – Renais-            gnon, Pink Pepper & Herb     plete menu visit www.lg-
sance Aruba Resort and          Crusted Lamb Chop and        smiths.comTo celebrate
Casino has welcomed             much more. For the sugar     the launch of the new
Chef Augusto Riofrio Ma-        lovers Chef Riofrio made     menu L.G Smith’s is offer-
pelli as the new Chef of the    sugary menu filled with      ing a 50% discount on wine
resort’s luxurious L.G. Smith   sweetness like; Lucuma &     bottles of $100 or less. To set
Steak & Chop House res-         Chocolate Mousse, Ba-        the mood right L.G Smith’s
taurant. With ample expe-       nana Bread Pudding with      also has live entertainment
rience in the culinary world    warm whisky souse, Pear      on Friday, Saturday and
through positions held at       + Blue Cheese Ravioli &      Sunday by the Jazz Band
prestigious hotel restau-       Lemon Jelly and much         ‘Live Expressions’. Visit
rants that offer upscale        more. Besides the new L.G    L.G Smith’s Steak & Chop
dining experiences and a        Smith’s menu Chef Riofrio    House open from 5:30pm
culinary style that aligns      also gave a special twist    till 11:00pm and enjoy the
with Marriott’s CookSmart       to the Lounge Midnight       new and unique flavors of
Philosophy, Chef Riofrio        Grill menu which features    Chef Riofrio. To make res-
provides a seamless transi-     a wide variety of delicious  ervations call 523-6195 or
tion into the Renaissance       foods, like; Shrimp Brûlée,  visit the L.G Smith’s Steak
Aruba hospitality team.         Renaissance Burger and       & Chop House website or
In his new role as chef of      Fish n’ Chips. For the com-  Facebook page.q
L.G. Smith’s Steak & Chop
House, Chef Riofrio will
spearhead the culinary
team at the restaurant
and produce a new menu
that showcase the restau-
rants specialties. The ability
to write strong menus and
adapt offerings based on
guest feedback, already
showcases Chef Riofrio
strong leadership skills both
in the kitchen and front
of the house. Born and
raised in Peru, Chef Rio-
frio graduated from the
Institute of Gastronomy
Cuisine D’Gallia in 2006.
Chef Riofrio has served
as executive chef at Bel-
mond Sanctuary Lodge
at Machupicchu Cusco
and Tambo del Inka luxury
Collection Resort & Spa by
Starwood Hotels, as well as
chef at Mukul Resort & Spa
Nicaragua, Casa Andina
Private Collection Cusco
and Casa Andina Private
Collection Miraflores. Start-
ing today visit L.G Smith’s
Steak & Chop House and
choose your favorite from
the new menu which in-
cludes: Spinach Salad,
L.G Smith’s Garden Salad,
Chef Augusto’s Caesar
Salad, Heart of Ribeye,
Porterhouse, Tomahwak,
Big Oscar, Seafood Mi-
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