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                                                                                                                  Wednesday 11 November

Russia to deploy new weapons to counter US missile shield 

V. ISACHENKOV                   a layered missile defense      Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with defense       nian and the North Korean
Associated Press                system. Such systems have      officials in the Bocharov Ruchei residence in the Black Sea          nuclear missile threat just
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia            already begun to enter the     resort of Sochi, Russia, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. President           have served to cover up
will counter NATO’s U.S.-led    military this year. And now    Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia will counter NATO’s U.S.-    the true plans, and their
missile defense program by      we are talking about de-       led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons          true task is to neutralize
deploying new strike weap-      velopment of new types of      capable of piercing the shield.                                      nuclear potential of other
ons capable of piercing the     weapons,” Putin said.                                                                               nuclear powers, ... Russia
shield, President Vladimir      His statement comes amid                 (Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)  in particular,” Putin said.
Putin said Tuesday.             a severe strain in Russia’s                                                                         “Regrettably, our concerns
Putin told defense officials    relations with the U.S. and    the massive Russian nuclear     six world powers that has            and cooperation propos-
that by developing defens-      its NATO allies, which have    arsenal. Putin argued Tues-     curbed its nuclear program           als haven’t been taken into
es against ballistic missiles   plunged to the lowest point    day that the U.S. has kept      in exchange for relief from          account.” Putin added that
Washington aims to “neu-        since the Cold War over the    working on the missile shield   international sanctions.             in the future Russia may also
tralize” Russia’s strategic     crisis in Ukraine. For many    despite Iran’s deal with        “So, references to the Ira-          work on the development
nuclear deterrent and gain      years, the Kremlin has pro-                                                                         of its own missile defense
a “decisive military superi-    tested the U.S.-led missile                                                                         systems, but will now focus
ority.”                         shield, voicing concern that                                                                        primarily on commissioning
He said that Moscow will        it could eventually become                                                                          new strike weapons.
respond by developing           capable of intercepting                                                                             Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
“strike systems capable of      Russia’s nuclear-tipped                                                                             Peskov said that Russia aims
penetrating any missile de-     intercontinental ballistic                                                                          to spend less on its missile-
fenses.”                        missiles, thus eroding the                                                                          defense system than the
“Over the past three years,     strength of the nation’s nu-                                                                        United States has done.
companies of the military-      clear deterrent. Washing-                                                                           “The Russian president has
industrial complex have         ton, in turn, has argued that                                                                       repeatedly said that we are
created and successfully        the shield was aimed to                                                                             not going to follow the Unit-
tested a number of pro-         fend off missile threats from                                                                       ed States’ lead and spend
spective weapons systems        nations such as Iran and                                                                            stratospheric amounts on a
that are capable of per-        North Korea and wouldn’t                                                                            missile-defense system,” he
forming combat missions in      be capable of dealing with                                                                          told journalists.q

Violence spikes again in Jerusalem after 2-week lull 

DANIELLA CHESLOW                The train attack was remi-     a security guard on a train.    shoes. The boy was stripped          On Tuesday, 13-year-old
Associated Press                niscent of a similar case      The guard was moderately        to his underwear as the se-          Ahmed Manasra went on
JERUSALEM (AP) — Two Pal-       from October when two          wounded and shot the            curity men shouted at him.           trial before a Jerusalem
estinian boys, aged 11 and      young Palestinian cousins      younger assailant. Passen-      Jerusalem had been rela-             court over a stabbing last
14, stabbed and wounded         stabbed two Israelis in east   gers subdued the other,         tively calm over the last            month that fueled a high-
an Israeli guard on a train     Jerusalem. That case be-       police said. The wounded        two weeks as the focus of a          profile media war.
who responded by fir-           came fodder for the ongo-      boy was being treated at a      two-month wave of Pales-             Since mid-September, 12
ing and wounding one of         ing war of words between       hospital. An amateur video      tinian attacks, mainly stab-         Israelis have been killed in
them Tuesday. Meanwhile,        the Palestinian and Israeli    that surfaced on a Palestin-    bings, shifted to the West           Palestinian attacks, mostly
Israeli security forces killed  governments and the trial      ian website showed plain-       Bank, where Israeli troops           stabbings. Seventy-seven
two other Palestinians who      of one of the attackers be-    clothes Israeli security forc-  have regularly clashed with          Palestinians have been
carried out knife attacks,      gan on Tuesday.                es wrestling a young boy,       Palestinian protesters.              killed by Israeli fire, includ-
police said, as violence re-    In the first attack Tuesday,   presumably one of the at-       Most of the Palestinian at-          ing 50 said by Israel to have
turned to Jerusalem after a     police said two young Pal-     tackers, to the ground and      tackers have been in their           been involved in attacks or
two-week lull.                  estinian relatives stabbed     taking off his clothes and      late teens or early 20s.             attempted attacks.q
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