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WORLD NEWSWednesday 11 November

UN officials say Honduran Indians face land invasions 

MARK STEVENSON                   indigenous peoples, said       from invaders who come                           because they (traffickers)     boring Nicaragua earlier
Associated Press                 drug traffickers cut down      in and occupy their land,                        make a landing site” for       this year. In March, Indians
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Indi-         trees to carve airstrips from  whether these are agricul-                       drug flights, she said. “The   in Honduras seized and
ans on Honduras’ Carib-          the jungle, recruited Indian   tural land owners or log-                        young people don’t have        then released some squat-
bean coast are suffering         youths into the trade and      gers, and they mentioned                         livelihood activities, and so  ters they accuse of acting
invasions of their lands by      bought up land to launder      that even drug traffick-                         they are easy prey to these    as pawns of big palm oil
squatters, loggers, palm-oil     money. Honduran Miskitos       ers are entering their ter-                      drug traffickers.” She also    planters and loggers to il-
planters and drug traffick-      and other groups are de-       ritories,” Tauli-Corpuz said                     expressed concern at the       legally clear the land.
ers, a U.N. official said Tues-  manding the government         by telephone following a                         trafficking and prostitution   Tauli-Corpuz, said the Hon-
day.                             help them protect their ter-   visit to Miskitos and other                      of indigenous women.           duran government is trying
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, the       ritory in the swampy, heav-    ethnic groups in western                         The Miskito complaints are     to raise money to compen-
United Nations Special           ily forested region. “There    Honduras. “Some of their                         similar to problems that led   sate settlers for their evic-
Rapporteur on the rights of      is no protection basically     lands are stripped of trees                      to confrontations in neigh-    tion. q

Argentina top court orders disclosure of YPF-Chevron deal 

A. CALATRAVA                     In this 2013 photo, Ali Moshiri, Chevron’s head of Latin America,               Repsol’s controlling stake     the deal.
Associated Press                 Middle East and Africa, right, speaks with Miguel Galuccio,                     in YPF in 2012.                Last year, a federal ap-
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina          CEO of Argentina’s state-controlled YPF oil company, before                     They dismissed claims that     pellate court ordered a
(AP) — Argentina’s Su-           the start of a joint news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                releasing confidential in-     criminal investigation into
preme Court on Tuesday           Argentina’s Supreme Court is ordering the YPF state-run energy                  formation could affect         the approval of the billion-
ordered the government-          company to publicly disclose clauses of an investment deal                      the development of the         dollar deal at the Vaca
run YPF energy company           with U.S.-based Chevron Corp. to produce oil and gas by                         deal.                          Muerta shale deposit.
to disclose clauses of an        hydraulic fracturing in one of the largest shale deposits in the                Opposition politicians, en-    Then-Cabinet chief Jorge
investment deal with U.S.-       world. The decision was published on the site of the official                   vironmental groups and         Capitanich denied last
based Chevron Corp. to           judicial news agency Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015.                                    others criticized potential    year that there were any
produce oil and gas by                                                                                           environmental problems         “secret clauses,” but said
hydraulic fracturing in one                                                        (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)  and the government’s re-       it did have confidential
of the world’s largest shale                                                                                     fusal to release all of the    elements “typical of an
deposits.                        as a state-run company, information on its activi-                              contract’s provisions.         investment of this nature.”
The decision, published          YPF must allow access to ties. Argentina took over                              Giustiniani had alleged        Chevron announced its
on the website of the offi-                                                                                      that the deal had se-          first substantial investment
cial judicial news agency,                                                                                       cret clauses, including a      in the Vaca Muerta shale
follows a request by Sen.                                                                                        “commitment that would         deposit the day after Pres-
Hector Giustiniani after                                                                                         force the country to hand      ident Cristina Fernandez’s
YPF refused to disclose                                                                                          over the rights to the third-  government lowered cur-
environmental and other                                                                                          largest deposit of uncon-      rency and tax restrictions
information on the project                                                                                       ventional oil and gas for      on investors that spend
in the southern province                                                                                         the next 35 years.” He also    at least $1 billion in the oil
of Neuquen.                                                                                                      said one clause would en-      sector.
The decision, signed by                                                                                          sure that Chevron would        The government has said
three of the four Argen-                                                                                         continue to get royalties      that the deal was transpar-
tina top justices, said that                                                                                     even if it pulled out from     ent and constitutional.q

Mexico reports 12 killed in shooting at cockfight 

JOSE ANTONIO RIVERA              rero said the attack oc-       According to a law en-                           also confirmed the shoot-      A law enforcement of-
                                 curred in Cuajinicuilapa,      forcement official who                           ing, saying the dead           ficial in the city said one
Associated Press                 a town near the border         was not authorized to be                         were mostly young males,       other person was seriously
                                 with Oaxaca state on the       quoted by name, one of                           though at least one wom-       wounded in the attack.
ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP)            southern Pacific coast.        the dead was a 12-year-                          an was also killed.            The official also was not
                                 Some in the crowd ap-          old boy whose father al-                         In the resort of Acapulco,     authorized to be quoted
— Gunmen burst into a            parently shot back at the      legedly headed a local                           further to the west, uniden-   by name.
                                 attackers; prosecutors de-     crime gang. However, po-                         tified assailants opened       The motive in the attack
clandestine       cockfight      scribed it in a statement as   lice were unable to con-                         fire on an amateur soccer      was still under investiga-
                                 “a confrontation.”             firm the motive in the at-                       match on the outskirts of      tion. The dead and injured
in southern Mexico and           Two of the dead were un-       tack.                                            the city, killing three peo-   were apparently specta-
                                 der the age of 18.             Police in Cuajinicuilapa                         ple on Sunday.                 tors at the match.q
sprayed the crowd with

bullets, killing 12 people

and wounding five others,

officials said late Monday.

The prosecutors’ office in

the southern state of Guer-
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