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world NEWSWednesday 11 November

Cameron: Britain’s EU demands not ‘Mission: Impossible’ 

JILL LAWLESS                   Cameron says he wants        Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron thinks during a question and answer session after he
Associated Press               to remain in, provided he    delivers a speech on EU reform and the UK’s renegotiation, in London, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015.
LONDON (AP) — Brit-            can secure the reforms he    Cameron on Tuesday formally launched his bid to renegotiate Britain’s membership within the
ish Prime Minister David       seeks.                       European Union, setting out four key demands for EU reform.
Cameron laid out his gov-      He acknowledged that
ernment’s demands for          getting the other 27 na-                                                                                             (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, pool)
European Union reform          tions to agree to Britain’s
Tuesday, saying a looser       goals would be a major
“British model of member-      challenge — but not “Mis-
ship” would let him cam-       sion: Impossible.”
paign “heart and soul” for     “I would argue that it’s
his country to stay in the     Mission: Possible, but it’s
28-nation bloc.                going to take a lot of hard
Cameron said the EU must       work to get there,” he
agree to “irreversible         said.
changes” that would            The EU’s executive Euro-
cede autonomy back to          pean Commission, how-
member states — and limit      ever, called some of the
freedom of movement, a         issues raised by Cameron
key EU principle, by allow-    “highly problematic.”
ing the U.K. to restrict ben-  Cameron outlined his de-
efits for immigrants from      mands in a speech in Lon-
within the EU.                 don and a letter to Euro-
Britain will hold a referen-   pean Council President
dum by the end of 2017 on      Donald Tusk.
whether to leave the  EU.      He told an audience

                                                            at the Chatham House           for national parliaments to   binding and irreversible”
                                                            think-tank that his country    opt out of rules made by      exemption from the EU’s
                                                            wants change in four ar-       the Brussels-based EU.        commitment to an ever-
                                                            eas, including protection      “We are a proud, indepen-     closer union.
                                                            for countries such as Brit-    dent nation. We intend to     Most contentiously, Cam-
                                                            ain that don’t use the euro    stay that way,” Cameron       eron said Britain wants to
                                                            single currency, less red      said, stressing that Britain  “control migration from
                                                            tape and greater power         wanted a “clear, legally      the European Union.”q

                                                            Government ousted amid austerity backlash 

                                                            BARRY HATTON                   manded of countries shar-     the bloc*s recent financial
                                                            Associated Press               ing the euro currency.        crisis.
                                                            LISBON, Portugal (AP) —        The moderate Socialist        Eurozone leaders had
                                                            Anti-austerity lawmakers       Party forged an unprec-       pointed to Portugal, and
                                                            forced Portugal’s center-      edented alliance with the     Ireland, as examples of
                                                            right government to resign     Communist Party and the       how austerity paid off as
                                                            Tuesday by rejecting its       radical Left Bloc to get a    their economies improved.
                                                            policy proposals at the start  122-seat majority in the      Now, the progress Portu-
                                                            of what was supposed to        230-seat Parliament, which    gal made is in doubt, and
                                                            be a second consecutive        it used to vote down the      some fear the country
                                                            term in office — and four      proposals. The defeat         could go down the same
                                                            more years of cutbacks         brought the government’s      road as Greece, which
                                                            and economic reforms.          automatic resignation.        has needed three bailouts
                                                            The government*s dra-          The government’s fall was     since 2010. The triumph of
                                                            matic collapse came less       also a political setback for  the leftist alliance will likely
                                                            than two weeks after it was    the 19-nation eurozone’s      give heart to anti-auster-
                                                            sworn in and raised ques-      austerity strategy. The pol-  ity forces in much bigger
                                                            tions about debt-heavy         icy of cutbacks was de-       neighbor Spain, where a
                                                            Portugal*s commitment          manded by Germany and         general election is sched-
                                                            to the fiscal discipline de-   the others as a remedy for    uled for Dec. 20.q
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