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U.S. NEWSWednesday 11 November

US economists: Trump’s charges against China are obsolete 

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to a crowd of supporters during a cam-                                      China’s increased global         the country as an enemy
paign rally in Springfield, Ill.                                                                                                  clout. By May of this year,      ruled by cunning leaders
                                                                                                                                  the International Monetary       bent on stealing U.S. jobs.
                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Seth Perlman)  Fund declared the yuan “is       “This grossly undervalued
                                                                                                                                  no longer undervalued.”          yuan gives Chinese ex-
PAUL WISEMAN                  rency, the yuan, to gain       the  U.S. Treasury Depart-                                           The Peterson Institute for       porters a huge advantage
Associated Press              an economic advantage          ment, complained that                                                International Economics          while imposing the equiva-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re-         over the United States and     China kept its currency ar-                                          publishes an interactive         lent of a heavy tariff on U.S.
publican presidential can-    other countries. Citing the    tificially low. And until per-                                       graphic showing which            exports to China,” says his
didate Donald Trump’s         estimates of unidentified      haps 2012, it was probably                                           countries’ currencies are        policy paper. “Such cur-
latest attack on China is     economists, the real-estate    true. But the charge ap-                                             out of whack with econom-        rency manipulation, in con-
about three years behind      magnate charged that           pears outdated now.                                                  ic reality, starting with 2008.  cert with China’s other un-
the times.                    “the yuan is undervalued       The yuan has risen nearly                                            It shows the yuan being          fair practices, has resulted
In a column in The Wall       anywhere from 15 percent       5 percent against the  U.S.                                          “significantly undervalued”      in chronic  U.S. trade defi-
Street Journal previewing     to 40 percent,” giving Chi-    dollar over the past five                                            until mid-2012 and reach-        cits, a severe weakening
a policy paper he released    nese exporters an unfair       years — a period during                                              ing a more or less fair value    of the  U.S. manufacturing
Tuesday, Trump wrote that     price edge in world mar-       which most major curren-                                             last year.                       base and the loss of tens of
“the worst of China’s sins”   kets.                          cies fell against the dollar.                                        “My analysis indicates that      millions of American jobs.”
is manipulating its cur-      For years, critics, including  The rising currency reflects                                         the currency has risen suf-      But the rising yuan has
                                                                                                                                  ficiently that it’s now no       eroded China’s economic
                                                                                                                                  longer undervalued,” said        advantage over the rest
                                                                                                                                  Peterson senior fellow Wil-      of the world. In 2007, for in-
                                                                                                                                  liam Cline.                      stance, China was running
                                                                                                                                  Charging that China is ma-       a trade surplus equal to 10
                                                                                                                                  nipulating its currency is “a    percent of its gross domes-
                                                                                                                                  good talking point,” Cline       tic product — the broadest
                                                                                                                                  said, but “it’s out of date.”    measure of economic out-
                                                                                                                                  Trump’s column and policy        put. By 2013, its trade sur-
                                                                                                                                  paper on China came just         plus was down to 1.9 per-
                                                                                                                                  before the fourth Repub-         cent of GDP, according to
                                                                                                                                  lican presidential debate,       the World Bank.
                                                                                                                                  as he continues to face          China is attempting to
                                                                                                                                  pressure to fill in the broad    move its economy, the
                                                                                                                                  strokes of his stated policy     world’s second biggest,
                                                                                                                                  goals.                           away from dependence
                                                                                                                                  He has been criticizing Chi-     on exports and often-
                                                                                                                                  na’s currency and trade          wasteful investments in real
                                                                                                                                  position for more than a         estate, factories and infra-
                                                                                                                                  decade. In his campaign,         structure projects such as
                                                                                                                                  he continually describes         high-speed rail lines.q

Clinton says she doesn’t back declaration of war against IS 

KEN THOMAS                    ans that the  U.S. needs to    worked as this threat is,”                                           Islamic State group “put         she has opposed the  U.S.
Associated Press              have a better understand-      Clinton said. The Democrat-                                          a bomb on that charter           entering a larger ground
DERRY, New Hampshire          ing of the threat posed by     ic presidential candidate                                            plane, that raises the stakes    war in the Middle East to
(AP) — Hillary Rodham Clin-   radical Islamic groups. She    spoke as some members of                                             not just for the United States   combat the rise of Islamic
ton said Tuesday she does     said the  U.S. also needs to   Congress have pushed for                                             but for others.”                 militants.
not currently support seek-   understand the potential       a vote on a new authoriza-                                           Clinton has backed the de-       As secretary of state, Clin-
ing a declaration of war      costs, saying, “if you have    tion for the  use  of military                                       cision by President Barack       ton advocated for a more
against the Islamic State,    a declaration of war you       force as the U.S. military in-                                       Obama to deploy a small          aggressive  U.S. role in the
citing the diffuse nature of  better have a budget that      tervention in Iraq and Syria                                         number of special opera-         Syrian conflict and has
the threat.                   backs it up.”                  have crept forward.                                                  tions forces to northern Syr-    called for a no-fly zone
Clinton said in response      “I’m not sure that makes       Clinton also pointed to the                                          ia to work with local ground     over the area, a move
to a question at a town       sense in fighting a threat     recent Russian plane crash,                                          forces in the fight against      the Obama administration
hall meeting with veter-      that is as diffuse and net-    saying if an affiliate of the                                        Islamic State militants. But     opposes.q
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