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                                                                                                                                                Wednesday 11 November

2 dead as business jet crashes into Ohio apartments

Firefighters work at the scene where authorities say a small            MARK GILLISPIE                   maker said.
business jet crashed into an apartment building in Akron, Ohio,         Associated Press                 The plane then hit an em-
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. Investigators were trying to determine          AKRON, Ohio (AP) — A             bankment beyond the
how many people were on the 10-seater jet, but they con-                small business jet crashed       apartment building, caus-
firmed two deaths, said Lt. Sierjie Lash, an Akron fire department      into an apartment building       ing a nearby house to also
spokeswoman.                                                            on Tuesday, killing at least     burn, he said.
                                                                        two people aboard, au-           There were no known inju-
                             (Ed Suba Jr./Akron Beacon Journal via AP)  thorities said.                  ries on the ground, he said.
                                                                        Investigators were trying to     Witnesses reported hearing
NY Police: Boys, 14, recorded,                                          determine how many peo-          explosions when the plane
sent sex video; 20 suspended                                            ple were on the 10-seater        hit.
                                                                        Hawker H25 jet, but they         “I heard a big bang, and
                                                                        confirmed two deaths, said       my couch shook twice,”
                                                                        Lt. Sierjie Lash, an Akron fire  said Carrie Willis, who lives
                                                                        department spokeswom-            several blocks away.
                                                                        an.                              The front of the apartment
                                                                        No one was inside the small      building was destroyed.
                                                                        brick apartment building or      Jesse Moon told WEWS-
                                                                        a neighboring home that          TV that he was six blocks
                                                                        caught fire, she said.           away when the plane went
                                                                        The jet clipped a utility wire   down and he ran over to
                                                                        on the way down and burst        the area.
                                                                        into flames and disintegrat-     “Everything was gone,” he
                                                                        ed after impact, Ohio State      said. “It looked like a bomb
                                                                        Highway Patrol Lt. Bill Hay-     exploded.”q

FRANK ELTMAN                  ter on their phones or send-
Associated Press              ing copies to friends. Kings
MINEOLA, New York (AP)        Park Superintendent Timo-
— Two 14-year-old boys        thy Eagen told Newsday
were charged after one of     that about 20 students had
them allegedly shot video     been suspended for be-
of the other having sex       tween one and five days.
with a girl, and as many as   He said school officials
20 students at a neighbor-    got an anonymous tip last
ing school in the U.S. have   week about the images,
been suspended for either     and students were seen
viewing the video encoun-     “huddled” around cell-
ter on their smartphones or   phones during lunch.
sending copies to friends.    Eagen said students who
The incident has at least     possessed or saw the imag-
one parent decrying his       es got lighter punishments;
son’s suspension, and civil   those who possessed and
libertarians have ques-       distributed them got up to
tioned whether school ad-     five days’ suspension. He
ministrators followed due     did not immediately return
process in doling out disci-  a call for comment, but is-
pline. The boys, students at  sued a statement on the
Smithtown High School on      school district website cit-
eastern Long Island in New    ing confidentiality issues in
York state, have not been     not providing additional
identified, nor has the girl  information.n
depicted in the video. Po-    Andrew Fenton, the father
lice say the two boys face    of sophomore AJ Fenton,
felony charges of dissemi-    said his son should not
nating indecent material      have been suspended for
to minors and promoting       merely receiving an unso-
a sexual performance by       licited video.
a child, as well as misde-    AJ Fenton was escorted
meanor sexual abuse.          by police from the school
Police provided no infor-     on Tuesday morning af-
mation on whether they        ter attempting to defy the
have attorneys who could      suspension. “He was un-
comment. The case is be-      justifiably, supposedly sus-
ing prosecuted in Fam-        pended, although we still
ily Court. A police spokes-   have not been officially
woman said Tuesday that       notified,” the elder Fenton
further arrests were not      told reporters outside the
expected. Meanwhile, as       school.
many as 20 students at        His son said he is being un-
neighboring Kings Park High   fairly disciplined. “I can’t
School were suspended for     stop somebody from send-
either viewing the encoun-    ing a text to me. q
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