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WORLD NEWSWednesday 11 November

China to Philippines: No sea feud talk at APEC summit 

Chinese Foreign Minster Wang Yi gestures as he arrives at the Department of Foreign Affairs for       “They said they hope that       meetings and promised
                                                                                                      contentious issues will not     “the warmth of Filipino
talks with Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert Del Rosario, left, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015 at suburban  be raised during APEC,”         hospitality,” according to
                                                                                                      Department of Foreign Af-       presidential spokesman
Pasay city, south of Manila, Philippines. It was Wang’s first visit to the country amid the two       fairs spokesman Charles         Herminio Coloma. The Phil-
                                                                                                      Jose said in a news confer-     ippines, Jose said, agreed
countries’ row over the Spratlys group of islands in the South China Sea.                             ence, when asked if the         that the meetings in Manila
                                                                                                      disputes were discussed in      would not be the proper fo-
                                                                           (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)  Wang’s hour-long talk with      rum to discuss the conflicts,
                                                                                                      del Rosario.                    adding that Manila has a
TERESA CEROJANO             ers in Manila next week, a rivals like Washington could                   Wang also mentioned that        pending legal challenge
                                                                                                      his Manila visit was to en-     against Beijing’s massive
Associated Press            Filipino official said.       use it to criticize Beijing.                sure that Xi’s visit “will be   claims in the South ChinaS-
                                                                                                      smooth, safe and success-       ea before an international
MANILA, Philippines (AP) Chinese Foreign Minister Non-inclusion of the thorny                         ful,” Jose said.                tribunal in The Hague. “In
                                                                                                      Wang also met President         the context of APEC, we
—  China’s  top diplomat Wang Yi’s request, relayed topic would also shield Chi-                      Benigno Aquino III in the       both agreed that APEC is
                                                                                                      first visit by a top Chinese    an economic forum and
asked the Philippines Tues- to his Philippine counter- nese President Xi Jinping,                     official to Manila since the    it won’t be a proper ven-
                                                                                                      two Asian neighbors’ rela-      ue to discuss political and
day not to raise conten- part Albert del Rosario dur- who is expected to attend                       tions soured in the last three  security issues,” Jose said.
                                                                                                      years due to overlapping        Asked if other leaders can
tious issues — an obvious ing talks in Manila, under- the Nov. 18-19 Asia-Pacific                     claims in the South  Chi-       raise the thorny issue, Jose
                                                                                                      na Sea, a regional conflict     said they can. In Wash-
reference to the Asian scored Beijing’s objection Economic Cooperation fo-                            that involves four other        ington, State Department
                                                                                                      Asian governments, whose        spokesman Mark Toner
neighbors’ territorial spats to any effort to bring the rum in Manila, from a po-                     leaders are attending the       said Tuesday that APEC
                                                                                                      Manila meetings.                was primarily an economic
— in an annual economic long-raging disputes to an tentially embarrassing con-                        The last time a Chinese         forum, and it was up to the
                                                                                                      foreign minister visited the    hosts to set the agenda,
summit of Asia-Pacific lead- international arena, where frontation.                                   Philippines was in 2009 and     but the South  China  Sea
                                                                                                      Jose said Wang’s visit in it-   could still be discussed on
                                                                                                      self “is an indication that     the sidelines. He said when
                                                                                                      we can move the bilateral       the U.S. meets with allies
                                                                                                      relations forward.”             and partners in the region
                                                                                                      Aquino said he welcomed         it’s an issue “that does
                                                                                                      Xi’s decision to join the       come up.”q

China says 2-child policy to add 30 million workers by 2050 

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese      moves away from the           demographics at Peking                      ety’s aging process.            processing applications
authorities expect that     one-child policy to allow     University, said the 30 mil-                The policy is expected to       for additional children
easing the country’s one-   all couples to have two       lion estimate appears to                    be formally adopted in          and directing couples to
child policy will add more  children.                     be conservative, given an                   the spring.                     prenatal care. Wang said
than 30 million people to   The new policy is expect-     estimate of 3 million extra                 About half of the women         they are likely to see their
the country’s labor force   ed to add 3 million extra     births per year. “Maybe                     of child-bearing age ex-        workload increase under
by 2050, a senior official  births each year in the ini-  the consideration is that                   pected to become eli-           the new policy.
said Tuesday.               tial years, Wang said.        the birthrate will drop after               gible for having a second       “Their tasks will only in-
Wang Pei’an, spokes-        China  had 16.87 million      the initial several years,”                 child will be in their 40s,     crease and get heavier,
man for the National        births last year, and the     Lu said.                                    Wang said.                      so this team can only be
Health and Family Plan-     easing of the policy is       Wang said the younger                       The country’s family plan-      strengthened, not weak-
ning Commission, said       expected to boost the         blood will improve  Chi-                    ning workers — notori-          ened,” Wang said.
at a news conference        annual figure to nearly       na’s  age makeup in the                     ous for their past work of      He told reporters that Chi-
that more than 90 million   20 million births — in line   labor force, lower the per-                 forced sterilization and        na  is not ready to abolish
women will become eli-      with  China’s  population     centage of the elderly in                   forced abortions to en-         the birth limit because it
gible for having a second   goals, he said.               the population by 2 per-                    force the one-child policy      still needs to manage the
child when China formally   Lu Jiehua, an expert on       cent, and slow the soci-                    — are also involved with        population growth.q
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