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P. 19
Wednesday 11 November
NBA Capsules
Clippers edge Grizzlies 94-92
on Redick’s late scoring
The Associated Press for the Hawks. tually stretched the lead Minnesota Timberwolves’ Andrew Wiggins shoots over Atlanta
LOS ANGELES (AP) — J.J. The Timberwolves avoided to 26 points. Doug McDer- Hawks’ Paul Millsap during the second half of an NBA basketball
Redick scored six points in what would have been the mott scored 18 points and game Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, in Atlanta.
the final 55 seconds to rally franchise’s biggest blown Derrick Rose had 12.
the Los Angeles Clippers lead in a loss. They led by Philadelphia (0-7) has lost Associated Press
to a 94-92 victory over the 29 before falling to Dallas 17 straight games dating
Memphis Grizzlies on Mon- on Dec. 30, 2008. to March 27, 2015.
day, ending a two-game It marked the first time in The 17-game skid matches
losing streak. Wiggins’ two-year career the fourth-longest mark in
Blake Griffin had 24 points that he’s had consecu- franchise history, and three
and 12 rebounds, and De- tive 30-point games. His of those lengthy losing
Andre Jordan added 13 3-pointer early in the third streaks have come since
points and 12 rebounds for made it 81-47. the start of the 2013-14
the Clippers during a back- WARRIORS 109, PISTONS 95 season.q
and-forth game in which OAKLAND, California (AP)
neither team led by more — Stephen Curry over-
than eight points. came his worst shooting
Redick finished with 16 night of the season to score
points, but his biggest con- 22 points as Golden State
tributions came when he hit beat Detroit to remain the
a go-ahead 3-pointer and NBA’s only undefeated
then got fouled by Tony Al- team.
len and made all three free Curry missed five of his first
throws to put the Clippers seven shots and finished 7
ahead 90-86. of 18 from the floor while
Zach Randolph scored 26 being held under 30 points
points to lead the Grizzlies, for only the third time this
who dropped their third in season. The reigning MVP
a row. Marc Gasol added also had five assists and five
18 points and Mike Conley rebounds.
had 16. Klay Thompson added 24
TIMBERWOLVES 117, HAWKS points, Harrison Barnes had
107 12, Andre Iguodala scored
ATLANTA (AP) — Andrew 13 and Leandro Barbo-
Wiggins tied a career high sa had 10, including five
with 33 points, Karl-Anthony straight to help the War-
Towns added 17 and Min- riors pull away in the fourth
nesota blew a 34-point quarter.
lead before snapping At- Golden State’s 8-0 start is
lanta’s seven-game win- the second-best in fran-
ning streak. chise history. The Philadel-
Andrew Wiggins equaled a phia Warriors won their first
career high with 33 points nine games in 1960-61.
and Karl-Anthony Towns Reggie Jackson, coming
added 17 as the Minne- off a career-high 40-point
sota Timberwolves blew a night in Portland, scored 20
34-point lead before snap- points for Detroit (5-2). An-
ping the Atlanta Hawks’ dre Drummond added 14
seven-game winning streak points and 15 rebounds.
with a 117-107 victory on BULLS 111, 76ERS 88
Monday. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Niko-
Atlanta never led until Paul la Mirotic had 20 points
Millsap’s runner with 3:26 and 10 rebounds and Pau
remaining made it 107- Gasol scored 16 points to
106, but Wiggins scored lead Chicago past winless
the next seven points to Philadelphia.
prevent one of the biggest The Bulls played with-
collapses in NBA history. out Joakim Noah and still
Jeff Teague finished with 24 cruised to a 15-point lead in
points and Millsap had 22 the first quarter. They even-