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                                                                                                               Wednesday 11 November

Google Maps offers offline option when Internet is spotty 

ANICK JESDANUN                  to typical incomes.           so, start by searching for                            This smartphone screen grab provided by Google shows a
AP Technology Writer            Mapping apps included         a location, such as a city.                           map of the San Francisco Bay Area during a demonstration of
NEW YORK (AP) — Google          with Windows phones           Then pinch in or out to se-                           Google Maps’ new offline navigation option.   Associated Press 
Maps is getting discon-         have long had this fea-       lect what area you want
nected.                         ture, but Windows has a       to download. Larger areas                             businesses. But you do get       ing. It’s not yet available
With an update for An-          tiny market share com-        will give you more flexibil-                          contact information, hours       for walking, biking or pub-
droid phones Tuesday,           pared with iPhones and        ity for navigation, but they                          and an overall user rating.      lic transit — so you might
you’ll be able to search        Android. Offline mapping      also take up more storage.                            For directions, the feature      still be stuck in subway
nearby businesses and           is also available with some   As you change your selec-                             initially works only with driv-  stations.q
get driving directions, in-     third-party apps, including   tion, you’re told how large
cluding turn-by-turn voice      Nokia’s Here.                 the file is and how much
prompts, even if your Inter-    Google Maps has had a         storage on the phone you
net connection is spotty or     limited offline feature. It   have left.
non-existent. Google says       lets you save a small region  Once you download an
a version for iPhones will      ahead of time, but it’s the   area, Google will periodi-
come soon.                      equivalent of displaying      cally refresh the data with
The feature is ideal if you’re  a paper map in a phone        new businesses and road
trying to leave an under-       app. You can’t use it for     changes. By default, that’s
ground parking garage or        navigation and other tasks    done only when you’re on
a remote national park. It’s    we’ve come to expect in       Wi-Fi.
also great if you’re travel-    digital maps.                 What you won’t get with
ling abroad and want to         With the new version, you’ll  offline mapping is traffic
conserve on expensive           be able to do most of what    information. Once you’re
data plans. Google is also      you can do now.               back online, Google Maps
targeting users in emerg-       You’ll need to download       might suggest a detour if
ing markets, where cellu-       databases ahead of time,      there’s unusual backup
lar speeds are slower and       preferably when you have      ahead. You also won’t get
prices are higher relative      a Wi-Fi connection. To do     photos and user reviews for

T-Mobile exempts streaming video from some data caps 

ANICK JESDANUN                   In this June 18, 2014 file photo, T-Mobile CEO John Legere                         a step up from the most          said Andrew Sherrard, T-
AP Technology Writer            speaks at T-Mobile’s Uncarrier 5.0 event in Seattle.                                basic plans. T-Mobile CEO        Mobile’s chief marketing
NEW YORK (AP) — Stream-                                                                                             John Legere said those           officer.
ing video from Netflix, HBO                                                                       Associated Press  with smaller plans prob-         Higher-resolution video, he
and other leading ser-                                                                                              ably weren’t streaming           said, is more important for
vices will no longer count      Mobile said YouTube isn’t     financial arrangements                                much video anyway.               larger TV screens. View-
toward data limits under        covered because the           with video providers to be                            But all customers will bene-     ers who want that higher
T-Mobile’s higher data          company couldn’t reli-        included, and any service                             fit from T-Mobile’s new vid-     quality can turn the fea-
plans.                                                                                                              eo-optimization  technol-        ture off, but the data ex-
T-Mobile already exempts        ably tell yet that it’s video. can qualify by meeting                               ogy, which the company           emptions wouldn’t apply.
many streaming music                                                                                                says means three times as        New customers can sign
services from data limits,      Also not covered is vid-      technical requirements                                much video for the same          up starting Sunday. Existing
but audio doesn’t use as        eo shown on Facebook          the company is posting                                amount of data. Streams          customers will get it auto-
much data as video. Vid-        feeds, as T-Mobile has no     online.                                               will maintain DVD-level          matically later next week.
eo is among the leading                                                                                             quality on a phone with-         T-Mobile is also doubling
uses of data on phones.         good way of distinguishing Unlimited video streaming                                out transmitting as much         data speeds for new cus-
A few hours of video can                                                                                            data. Although DVD quali-        tomers, though in some
quickly eat up an entire        video traffic from musings    is restricted to those who                            ty is short of high definition,  cases, it means paying $5
month’s allotment under         about lunch.                  have data plans of at least                           which many phones are            to $15 more per line. The
some plans.                     T-Mobile says there are no    3 gigabytes, which are                                capable of displaying, the       price increase doesn’t
The data exemption,                                                                                                 company doesn’t believe          apply if all members in a
dubbed Binge On, applies                                                                                            most people will notice.         family plan sign up at the
to 24 services, including                                                                                           Normally, “data is wast-         same data level. Existing
most of the major ones,                                                                                             ed because on smaller-           customers won’t get dou-
plus two from T-Mobile’s                                                                                            screen devices, you don’t        ble the data automatical-
competitors, Verizon and                                                                                            need to get all that data        ly unless they switch to the
AT&T. But not YouTube. T-                                                                                           to get a great picture,”         new plans and prices.q
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