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SPORTSWednesday 11 November

NFL Roundup

Miller’s 1-handed TD grab lifts Bears over Chargers, 22-19 

BERNIE WILSON                   Chicago Bears wide receiver Alshon Jeffery, above, is stopped near the goal line by San Diego Chargers cornerback Patrick Rob-
AP Sports Writer                inson, below, during the first half of an NFL football game Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, in San Diego. 
Miller made a one-handed                                                                                                                                                                             Associated Press
grab of a 25-yard touch-
down pass from Jay Cutler       cago. He continually at-       was 26 of 42 for 280 yards.   off-the-mark throw to Jef-     lacerated kidney when he
with 3:19 to go as the Chi-     tacked San Diego’s deplet-     It was the first time in six  fery, which second-year        landed hard at the end of
cago Bears beat the San         ed secondary, completing       games that he didn’t throw    cornerback Jason Verrett       a spectacular touchdown
Diego Chargers 22-19 on         27 of 40 passes.               for more than 300.            intercepted and returned       catch in a loss at Baltimore.
Monday night.                   Two plays before the TD                                      68 yards for a 13-0 lead.      Cutler broke the franchise
Cutler, who overcame an         throw to Miller, Cutler was    The Bears had a rough         The Chargers suffered even     record for touchdown
interception return for a       hit and still completed a 12-  first half, but the Chargers  more injuries.                 passes when he found Mar-
touchdown and a fumble          yard pass to Alshon Jeffery    couldn’t put them away.       Verrett hurt his groin one     tellus Bennett for a 1-yard
to throw for 345 yards, calm-   on third-and-6.                Cutler lost a fumble on a     play after his pick-six and    score midway through the
ly led the Bears on the win-    San Diego’s Philip Rivers      sack and then made an         came out, but remained         second quarter.
ning 10-play, 80-yard drive                                                                  on the sideline. Cornerback    Cutler had been tied with
after the Chargers opened                                                                    Patrick Robinson left with a   Hall of Famer Sid Luckman
a 19-14 lead on rookie Josh                                                                  neck injury.                   with 137 with the Bears.
Lambo’s 22-yard field goal.                                                                  Wide receiver Malcom           Cutler began his career
Miller made a leaping grab                                                                   Floyd, who is playing his      with the Broncos. Luckman
with his right hand and                                                                      last season, injured his left  threw his final touchdown
scored. Rookie Jeremy                                                                        shoulder while diving try-     pass as a member of the
Langford, subbing for the                                                                    ing to make a catch. Eight     Bears on Sept. 17, 1950.
injured Matt Forte, ran in                                                                   days earlier, San Diego’s      Langford scored on a
the 2-point conversion.                                                                      Keenan Allen, one of the       1-yard run early in the
It was the first lead for Chi-                                                               NFL’s leading receivers,       fourth quarter to start Chi-
cago, which scored 15                                                                        suffered a season-ending       cago’s comeback.q
points in the fourth quarter.
Cutler’s two TD passes
broke the franchise record,
giving him 139 with the
Bears. He had been tied
with Hall of Famer Sid Luck-
The Bears (3-5) ended a
two-game losing streak.
San Diego (2-7) lost its fifth
Cutler never wavered in
another tight game for Chi-
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