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HEALTHWednesday 11 November
Tired of being tired? dle at both ends. Not get-
By: Dr Carlos Viana ting enough sleep is easy
when we continue to meet
Do you feel tired all the to function fully. An over- our job responsibilities and
active thyroid gives us too we want to enjoy all the
time even when you think many hormones, causing Carnival festivities. Getting
stress-related symptoms. run down can be helped
you get enough sleep? If Unfortunately, a general with vitamins and nutri-
thyroid test might not be tional elements working to-
you find yourself getting sufficient to diagnose spe- gether to provide the raw
cific thyroid problems. A material to produce lots of
winded or short of breath- detailed, thyroidblood test energy. Not working and
can usually detect hid- partying? Then we have
for little or no reason, if den problems. However, a metabolic problem that
for some people compre- can be identified and cor-
people tell you that you hensive hormone testing rected. Stop feeling tired!
including saliva rather than Come in so we can correct
look pale, if you have de- only blood can check hor- that metabolic imbalance.
mone status including the
veloped palpitations or thyroid even further. CARLOS VIANA, Ph. an
A routine thyroid check Oriental Medical Doctor
a racingheart you could should be done every few (O.M.D.) having studied in
years as a part of a health Shanghai, China; a Board
have a metabolic imbal- wellness exam. If you are Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
experiencing any of these (C.C.N.), a fellow mem-
ance. Your metabolic pro- symptoms, have your thy- ber of the Board Certified
roid tested in detail. If the Association of Addiction
cess or metabolism is the symptoms are determined Professionals (C.Ad.), the
to be thyroid related, di- Chairperson of the Latin
processby which the food etary changes includ- American Committee of
ing supplements like kelp, the International Academy
we eat is broken down into which is rich in iodine could of Oral Medicine and Toxi-
restore the balance to your cology (IAOMT), a Rejuve-
useful substances and en- life. Don’t try to “fix” your nating Cell Therapist and
thyroid with table salt that specializes in Anti-Aging
ergy that our body needs has iodine in it. Ordinary Medicine, has a weekly
table salt is not healthy for radio program, writes and
to live. This is how we main- anyone. If you like salt, try lectures extensively. For in-
natural sea salt which does formation: VIANA NATURAL
tain a healthy body. My not raise blood pressure HEALING CENTER NV, Kibai-
and contains healthy trace ma 7, Aruba, TEL: 585-1270,
protocol, Biocompatible minerals from the sea. Web Site:
Anemia is another
Medicine, specializes in condition that causes fa-
tigue. Like the underac- Dr. Viana’s Award Winning
identifying and correcting tive thyroid, low levels of BOOK: Prescriptions from
B vitamin’s which include Paradise, Introduction to
metabolic problems. B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B5, B6, Biocompatible Medicine
B12, B9 (folic acid) and iron – Available at local Book-
Chronic stress, can cause lack of energy, energy. Vitamin B12 main- rocytic anemia where the stores, Hotel Gift shops
weight gain and depres- tains and repairs blood red blood cells are very and Boticas. Signed cop-
physical, mental or emo- sion.Vitamin B is the body’s cells as well as carries oxy- large. Microcytic anemia, ies at Viana Healing Cen-
conductor of energy, as is gen through the blood to is when the red blood ter, EBooks: Amazon kindle,
tional can causemany of the thyroid, and metabo- the body. Folic acid helps cells are too small, this is Nook, Itunes check for
lizes the foods we eat into produce and repair DNA caused by a deficiency of Events at:
the symptoms mentioned and it is essential in the B- complex and Folic Acid. vianahealingcenter.q
growth of red blood cells. When supplementing with
above. Another reason Our clinic checks B vitamins, it is important to
blood test results for the lev- supplement with the whole
could be related to an els of vitamin B12 and Folic B “family” B complex vita-
Acid to help diagnose the mins usually come as B50,
improperly working thy- cause of anemia or neu- B100 (stronger) or in liquid
ropathy (nerve damage). form. B12, found mainly
roid. Thyroid imbalances Most people and many in red meats, is lacking in
doctors think to treat ane- vegetarian diets and peo-
might also include sudden mia, you must supplement ple who follow the blood
with iron. However, of the type diet for group A and
weight-gain or loss and 400 different anemia’s, AB. B12 tablets do not ab-
only one is produced by sorb properly through the
problems with memory. a deficiency in iron. Iron stomach. B12 is best given
pills usually do not improve by a doctor through in-
It is thought that one-fifth anemia. jection or sub-lingual as a
There are several com- nugget or liquid under the
of all chronic depression mon types of anemia that tong. Make sure you are
are caused by B- com- taking a full B complex with
cases may be due to an plex vitamin deficiency.A your B-12 vitamins.
deficiency in either B12 or Get The Point! You
underactive thyroid. Panic folate can lead to mac- could be burning the can-
attacks, nervousness and
irritability can be symptoms
of an over active thyroid,
as well as weak muscles,
soft nails and hair loss.
The thyroid, which pro-
duces hormones, is respon-
sible for controlling healthy
body temperature and
producing energy. When
an underactive thyroid
does not send out enough
hormones, our bodies do
not have enough energy