P. 3
U.S. NEWS Thursday 29 June 2017
South Korea leader Little progress seen as GOP hunts health bill votes
vows to stand with
US on North Korea By ALAN FRAM Pat Roberts, R-Kan. “I’m force him to negotiate with are dissatisfied with it and
ERICA WERNER assuming they produced Schumer, the New Yorker so am I.”
Continued from Front Associated Press smaller porcupines. They set a price for such talks McConnell, R-Ky., wants
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen- produced something. It has — no Medicaid cuts or tax agreement by Friday on
Moon was underscoring his ate Majority Leader Mitch to be done carefully. That’s reductions for the wealthy. revisions so the Senate can
personal commitment to McConnell explored op-
the U.S.-South Korean alli- tions for salvaging the bat-
ance in the face of ques- tered Republican health
tions over whether his in- care bill Wednesday but
clination toward engage- confronted an expanding
ment with North Korea de- chorus of GOP detractors,
spite its rapidly advancing deepening the uncertain-
nuclear capability could ty over whether the party
lead to strains in relations can resuscitate its bedrock
with Washington. promise to repeal President
Moon’s conservative pre- Barack Obama’s overhaul.
decessor, who was im- A day after McConnell,
peached in a bribery short of votes, unexpect-
scandal, took a hard line edly abandoned plans to
toward North Korea, similar whisk the measure through
to Trump. his chamber this week,
Despite Moon’s softer fresh GOP critics popped
stance, the North’s rapid forward. Some senators
tempo of missile tests has emerged from a party
continued, deepening U.S. lunch saying potential
fears that the American amendments were beyond
mainland could soon be cosmetic, with changes to
within range. Medicaid and Obama’s
Trump’s National Security consumer-friendly insur- President Donald Trump speaks during an energy roundtable with tribal, state, and local leaders
Adviser H.R. McMaster said ance coverage require- in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Wednesday, June 28, 2017, in Washington.
Wednesday that the U.S. ments among the items in (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
is preparing “all options” play.
for North Korea, “because “There’s a whole raft of what we’re doing now.” No negotiations seem im- approve it shortly after re-
the president has made things that people are talk- Having seen the House minent. Facing a daunting turning in mid-July from an
clear to us that he will not ing about, and some of it’s approve its health care equation — the bill loses if Independence Day recess.
accept a nuclear power in trimming around the edges package in May six weeks three of the 52 GOP sena- Several senators scoffed
North Korea and a threat and some of it’s more fun- after an earlier version col- tors oppose it — the list of at that timetable, with Mc-
that can target the United damental,” said Sen. Bill lapsed, Democrats were Republicans who’ve pub- Cain saying, “Pigs could
States.” Cassidy, R-La. “Right now, far from a victory dance. licly complained about the fly.” At the White House,
The talks between Moon they’re still kind of, ‘Can we “I expect to see buyouts legislation reached double Trump continued his pecu-
and Trump, which begin do it?’ and I can’t answer and bailouts, backroom digits, though many were liar pattern of interspersing
with dinner on Thursday that.” deals and kickbacks to in- expected to eventually encouragement to GOP
night and then formal talks Yet while this week’s retreat dividual senators to try and relent. Sen. John McCain, senators trying to tear down
on Friday, come amid in- on a measure McConnell buy their vote,” said Sen- R-Ariz., said “of course” his Obama’s 2010 statute with
tense wrangling over North wrote behind closed doors ate Minority Leader Chuck support was uncertain be- more elusive remarks.
Korea. dented his reputation as Schumer, D-N.Y. “What I cause he wants to ease Trump told reporters that
China is pushing the United a consummate legislative don’t expect to see, yet, some of the measure’s Republicans have “a great
States to start negotiations seer, no one was counting is a dramatic rethink of the Medicaid cuts, and Sen. health care package” but
with the North. him out. core” of the bill. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., told The said there would be “a
That prospect appears un- “Once in Glacier National A day after McConnell Omaha World-Herald that great, great surprise,” a
likely as Trump grows frus- Park I saw two porcupines prodded Republicans by the bill was not a full re- comment that went with-
trated over Beijing’s level making love,” said Sen. saying a GOP failure would peal, adding, “Nebraskans out explanation. q
of economic pressure on
the North, its wayward ally.
North Korea shows no sign Senate Committee to get access to Comey memos
of wanting to restart talks
on abandoning its nuclear By MARY JALONICK the committee made the Committee hearing earlier media accounts in the
weapons program. Associated Press deal. this month, Comey said he days after he was fired, and
Although Moon hopes to WASHINGTON (AP) — The “We have a commitment prepared multiple memos Comey himself detailed his
forge a personal bond with Senate Intelligence Com- to get appropriate ac- documenting conversa- conversations with Trump
Trump, there’s little in com- mittee has an agreement cess to the Comey mem- tions with Trump that made at the Senate hearing.
mon between them: one to get former FBI Director os,” Warner told reporters him uneasy in the weeks Warner said he’s anxious
a brash American tycoon- James Comey’s memos of Wednesday. “I’m pleased, before his May 9 firing. to see Comey’s contem-
turned-populist president, his conversations with Presi- I think it’s critical informa- One memo recounts a Feb- poraneous reflections on
the other a former human dent Donald Trump. tion we have to have as ruary request from Trump, his meetings with Trump,
rights lawyer who received The panel’s top Democrat, part of our review process.” during a private meeting in particularly the Feb. 14
an elite education but opt- Sen. Mark Warner of Vir- The committee is investi- the Oval Office, that Com- meeting in which Comey
ed for grassroots activism. ginia, confirmed the deal gating Russian intervention ey end an investigation recounts the Oval Office
Moon sought to allay con- Wednesday and said the in the 2016 election, includ- into former National Secu- discussion on Flynn.
cerns over differences with panel would have access ing possible ties to President rity Adviser Michael Flynn. Warner wouldn’t say if he
Trump in interviews before to the memos “soon.” He Donald Trump’s campaign. Details from some memos knew if there were multiple
his visit. q wouldn’t say with whom At a Senate Intelligence were made public in news copies of the memos.q