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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 29 June 2017

            Samsung investing $380M in South Carolina, creating 950 jobs

            By SEANNA ADCOX                                                                                                     ing  facility  in  Newberry  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    consolidate  production  in
            COLUMBIA,  S.C.  (AP)  —                                                                                            other  states.  At  the  time,
            Samsung  is  investing  $380                                                                                        it  was  one  of  Newberry
            million  in  South  Carolina                                                                                        County’s largest employers
            to   manufacture     home                                                                                           and taxpayers.
            appliances,  creating  an                                                                                           Samsung’s decision “is one
            estimated  950  jobs  over                                                                                          that  will  change  the  very
            the next three years, state                                                                                         fabric  of  the  Newberry
            and company officials an-                                                                                           community,”     McMaster
            nounced Wednesday.                                                                                                  said.  “Samsung  will  now
            The  South  Korean-based                                                                                            be  an  important  partner
            company  is  opening  a                                                                                             in ushering in an unprece-
            “state-of-the-art” facility in                                                                                      dented period of econom-
            the former Caterpillar plant                                                                                        ic growth and prosperity in
            in  Newberry.  Production                                                                                           our state.”
            is  expected  to  start  early                                                                                      The board of Santee Coo-
            next year. “Premium home                                                                                            per, South Carolina’s state-
            appliances”  made  at  the                                                                                          owned  utility,  approved
            plant  will  include  wash-                                                                                         a  $2.75  million  grant  for
            ing  machines  and  will  be                                                                                        Samsung on Monday, said
            sold primarily in the United                                                                                        spokeswoman Mollie Gore.
            States,  the  company  said                                                                                         The plant will be powered
            in a news release.                                                                                                  by  Newberry  Electric  Co-
            The announcement came                                                                                               operative,  which  gets  its
            hours  after  new  South  Ko-  In this photograph provided by Samsung Electronics America, U.S. Secretary of Commerce   power  from  Santee  Coo-
            rean  President  Moon  Jae-  Wilbur Ross (standing left), Senator Lindsey Graham (standing left center), Korean Vice Minister   per.
            in left for the United States   of Trade, Industry & Energy Inho Lee (standing right center), Samsung Electronics America   Other  incentives  offered
            for meetings with President   President & CEO Tim Baxter (standing right), Samsung Electronics President & CEO of Consumer   by  South  Carolina  are  not
            Donald  Trump.  Samsung      Electronics Boo-Keun Yoon (seated left) and South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster (seated   public   information   until
            Electronics  CEO  B.K.  Yoon   right) announce plans to open a Samsung manufacturing facility in Newberry, S.C., Wednesday   an  agreement  with  Sam-
                                         June 28th, 2017 in Washington, D.C. The plant is slated to bring 954 jobs to the region by 2020.
            signed   the   company’s                                                                      (Photo: Business Wire)  sung  is  completed  and
            plans Wednesday morning                                                                                             signed,  which  can  take
            in  Washington  with  Gov.   the company said.            County, about 50 miles (80  people.    Caterpillar   an-  up  to  a  year,  according
            Henry McMaster.              Samsung already operates  kilometers) away.               nounced in April 2016 it was   to  the  state  Commerce
            A celebratory event was to   a  call  center  employing  Rural  Newberry  County  is  closing  its  325-employee    Department.q
            be  held  in  Newberry  later   800  people  in  Greenville  home to fewer than 40,000  electric generator packag-
            enable  Samsung  to  in- Australia developer buying Maine ski mountain
            “This  new  investment  will

            crease  the  speed  with
            which we can deliver pre-    RANGELEY,  Maine  (AP)  —  replace  an  aging  double-    erybody apprised.”           It’s been a long, frustrating
            mium  home  appliances       An  Australian  company  is  chair lift, and the company  Majella Group CEO Sebas-     wait for skiers since the Ber-
            that  reflect  the  regional   buying  the  family-owned  was  making  no  promises  tian  Monsour  and  Saddle-    ry family announced in July
            preferences of our fastest-  Saddleback  Mountain  ski  that’ll be completed by this  back owners Bill and Irene  2015  that  the  resort  would
            growing  and  most  impor-   area  that  has  been  shut-  fall, said Fred LaMontagne,  Berry made the announce-    not reopen without $3 mil-
            tant  consumer  market,”     tered for the last two winter  who’s managing the transi-  ment Wednesday.             lion  to  replace  the  aging
            Yoon said.                   seasons,  giving  the  moun-  tion.                       They  expect  to  close  later  Rangeley Double Chairlift.
            Company  officials  began    tain’s loyal skiers something  “We  recognize  the  chal-  this  summer  on  the  deal  Ron  Jacques,  who  owns
            considering     expanding    to cheer.                    lenges  that  are  in  front  that  includes  the  resort,  a ski shop in Jay, said he’s
            its  U.S.  production  near-  The reopening date is con-  of  us,”  LaMontagne  said  base  lodge,  ski  lifts  and  looking  forward  to  getting
            ly  three  years  ago  and   tingent  upon  how  quickly  Wednesday.  “Our  focus  is  more  than  6,000  acres  of  back  on  the  mountain  —
            launched  talks  with  South   Majella  Group  can  install  getting  skiers  back  on  the  timberland.            and seeing Saddleback ski-
            Carolina  officials  last  fall,   a modern quad-chairlift to  mountain.  We’ll  keep  ev-  Terms  were  not  disclosed.  ers return to his shop.q
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