P. 9
WORLD NEWS Thursday 29 June 2017
North Korea warns US it will keep building nuclear arsenal
Associated Press toward the Democratic
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — People’s Republic of Ko-
North Korea’s U.N. ambas- rea, which is North Korea’s
sador warned the United official name.
States and the rest of the He said the United States
world Wednesday that his is modernizing its nuclear
country will keep building weapons but other coun-
up its nuclear arsenal re- tries aren’t allowed “to
gardless of sanctions, pres- test or launch any object
sure or military attack. which goes with the words
Kim In Ryong told the U.N. of nuclear or ballistic.”
Security Council that the “This is really the height of
more than 50-year confron- shameless arrogance, self-
tation between North Ko- righteousness and double
rea and the United States standards,” he said.
came closer to the brink Accusing the U.S. of trying
of nuclear war than ever to hold down North Korea
before when the U.S. mili- and retain a military edge
tary held what he called its in Asia as part of “its dream
largest-ever “aggressive” of world domination,” Kim
maneuvers with South Ko- said the North Korean peo-
rea in April and May. ple have concluded that
Since then, he said, the to defend their rights and
United States has sent B-1B sovereignty they must re- North Korea Deputy United Nations Ambassador Kim In Ryong speaks during U.N. Security Council
nuclear bombers into South spond in kind. “No matter meeting on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Wednesday June 28, 2017, at U.N.
Korean airspace, deployed what others say, whatever headquarters.
the THAAD anti-missile sanctions, pressure and mil- (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)
system in the country, im- itary attack may follow, we
posed new U.S. sanctions will not flinch from the road
against North Korea, and to build up nuclear forces,
spearheaded another U.N. which was chosen to de-
sanctions resolution. fend the sovereignty of
Kim said the Trump ad- the country and the rights
ministration is pursuing an to national existence,” he
outdated “hostile policy” said. q
China frees the 3 activists who
probed Ivanka Trump supplier
By GERRY SHIH detained, a possible sign
BERNARD CONDON that they won’t be formally
Associated Press charged and put on trial.
GANZHOU, China (AP) — Political dissidents and
The three Chinese inves- other activists who are re-
tigators who went under- leased in China typically
cover at a factory that face restrictions on what
made Ivanka Trump shoes they can do and say, in-
walked out of a Chinese cluding comments to the
police station Wednesday media.
after a month behind bars, “This is a way of keeping
but face an uncertain fu- people under pressure, un-
ture and threat of a trial. der police control, without
Chinese authorities re- subjected them to actual
leased the three on bail af- confinement,” said Jerome
ter allegedly breaking the Cohen, a law professor at
law by using secret cam- New York University and a
eras and listening devices. Chinese human rights ex-
It is extremely rare for indi- pert. “Whether they are
viduals to be freed on bail prosecuted depends on
if they had been criminally how they behave.”q