P. 5

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 29 June 2017

             Man destroys new Ten Commandments statue at Arkansas Capitol

            By JILL BLEED                tol’s dome is visible. Music
            ANDREW DeMILLO               is  heard  followed  by  a  fe-
            Associated Press             male voice, likely on the ra-
            LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A   dio, saying, “Where do you
            man yelled “Freedom!” as     go when you’re faced with
            he crashed his vehicle into   adversity  and  trials  and
            Arkansas’  new  Ten  Com-    challenges?”  The  driver  is
            mandments       monument     then  heard  growling,  “Oh
            early  Wednesday,  nearly    my  goodness.  Freedom!”
            three years after he was ar-  before  accelerating  into
            rested in the destruction of   the monument.
            Oklahoma’s monument at         The  vehicle’s  speedom-
            its state Capitol, authorities   eter is last shown at 21 mph
            said.                        (33  kph)  and  then  a  colli-
            The  privately  funded  Ar-  sion can be heard.
            kansas  monument  had        The  monument  fell  and
            been in place outside the    broke  into  multiple  pieces
            state  Capitol  in  Little  Rock   as it hit the ground.
            for  less  than  24  hours  be-  Oklahoma  County  sher-
            fore  it  was  knocked  from   iff’s  spokesman  Mark  Op-
            its  plinth  and  smashed  to   grande  told  The  Associ-
            pieces.                      ated Press on Wednesday      Personnel from the Secretary of State’s office inspect the damage to the new Ten Commandments
            Michael  Tate  Reed,  32,  of   that  Reed  was  the  same   monument outside the state Capitol in Little Rock, Ark., Wednesday morning, June 28, 2017, after
            Van  Buren,  Arkansas,  was   man  arrested  in  October   someone crashed into it with a vehicle, less than 24 hours after the privately funded monument
            booked in the Pulaski Coun-  2014  in  the  destruction   was installed on the Capitol grounds.
            ty jail shortly after 7:30 a.m.   of  Oklahoma’s  Ten  Com-                                                           (AP Photo/Jill Zeman Bleed)
            on  preliminary  charges  of   mandments monument at      monument and said he suf-    wished  I  could  take  it  all  It  was  installed  Tuesday
            defacing objects of public   the state Capitol.           fered  from  delusions  and  back,” Reed said.            morning  on  the  southwest
            interest,  criminal  trespass   In a 2015 email to the Tulsa   heard voices.           Arkansas’  granite  monu-    lawn  of  the  Capitol  with
            and  first-degree  criminal   World  ,  Reed  apologized   “I  am  so  sorry  that  this  ment   weighed    6,000  little  fanfare  and  no  ad-
            mischief.  An  arrest  report   for  wrecking  Oklahoma’s   all  happening  (sic)  and  pounds  (2,721  kilograms).  vance notice. q
            lists his occupation as “un-
            employed/disabled.”          Lawyer:
            Authorities  did  not  know
            whether  he  had  an  attor-  Suspected Holocaust memorial vandal is mentally ill
            ney  who  could  speak  on
            his behalf.
            A  video  arraignment  was   BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  man  9-foot-tall  (2.7-meter)  glass  ish violence in Germany in  es.  Not-guilty  pleas  were
            set  for  Thursday  morning,   suspected  of  using  a  rock  panel  on  one  of  the  me-  1938.                   entered  on  his  behalf.  His
            a  Pulaski  County  sheriff’s   to  shatter  a  glass  panel  morial’s   six   54-foot-high  Israel  Arbeiter,  a  92-year-  court-appointed  attorney
            spokesman  said.  A  call  to   on the New England Holo-  (16.5-meter)  towers  shat-  old Holocaust survivor who  said  her  client  suffers  from
            the number listed for Reed   caust Memorial is mentally  tered. They quickly arrested  played a key role in build-  mental health issues and is
            on  a  police  report  went   ill, his lawyer said Wednes-  James Isaac, 21, of Boston,  ing  the  memorial,  showed  in  a  partial  hospitalization
            straight to voicemail.       day,  as  elected  officials  and charged him with mali-  the  tattoo  he  received  program.
            Arkansas    Secretary   of   and religious groups came  cious destruction of person-   from the Nazis on his arm.   The Massachusetts chapter
            State’s  Office  spokesman   together  to  condemn  the  al property and destruction  “The  Jewish  people  are  of  the  Council  on  Ameri-
            Chris  Powell  said  officials   vandalism.               of a place of memorial.      strong.                      can-Islamic  Relations  also
            believe  a  Facebook  Live   “As a city we stand with the  “When we hear the sound  The city of Boston is strong,”  denounced the vandalism.
            video posted on a Michael    Jewish community,” Boston  of  broken  glass,  we  shud-  he said.                     “Desecration  of  a  religious
            Reed’s  account  that  de-   Mayor Marty Walsh said at  der,”  said  Barry  Shrage,  Isaac was held on $750 bail  memorial  is  always  heart-
            picted  the  destruction  is   the memorial.              president  and  CEO  of  at his arraignment but had  breaking and must be con-
            authentic.                   Police responding to a call  Combined  Jewish  Philan-    his  bail  revoked  for  violat-  demned,”  chapter  Execu-
            In the video, the sky is dark   from  a  witness  at  about  thropies, referring to Kristall-  ing the terms of his proba-  tive  Director  John  Robbins
            and  the  Arkansas  Capi-    2  a.m.  found  a  roughly  nacht, a wave of anti-Jew-    tion  in  other  pending  cas-  said in a statement.q
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