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A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Thursday 29 June 2017
                   Mom’s ex-boyfriend gets life in killing of ‘Baby Doe’

            By DENISE LAVOIE             Judge Janet Sanders.         —  10  years  more  than  the  she  saw  McCarthy  kill  her  dispose  of  her  daughter’s
            Associated Press             McCarthy  was  convicted  minimum.  McCarthy’s  law-      daughter  one  night  after  body.  Under  a  plea  deal
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  Mas-     Monday of second-degree  yer called that recommen-        the girl didn’t want to go to  with prosecutors, she is ex-
            sachusetts  man  was  sen-   murder in the 2015 killing of  dation  “vindictive”  and  bed.                         pected  to  serve  less  than
            tenced    Wednesday      to  Bella Bond, the daughter of  asked Sanders to make him  McCarthy’s  lawyer,  Jona-     two years in jail. The agree-
            life in prison in the killing of  his girlfriend at the time. A  eligible  for  parole  after  15  than  Shapiro,  insisted  that  ment calls for her to be re-
            a  2-year-old  girl  who  be-  computer-generated    im-  years. The judge came out  Bond  was  the  real  killer  leased after her sentencing
            came known as Baby Doe  age of Bella was shared by  in  the  middle  of  the  two  and cast a “web of lies” to  July 12.
            after  her  remains  washed  millions on social media as  recommendations  at  20  blame McCarthy.                  Bella Bond’s father, Joseph
            up on the shore of a Boston  authorities  scrambled  to  years.                        “There  was  no  justice  for  Amoroso, gave a victim im-
            Harbor island.               identify her.                The  girl’s  mother,  Rachelle  Mr. McCarthy here,” Shap-  pact statement before Mc-
            Michael  McCarthy,  37,  will  Assistant  District  Attorney  Bond,   who   also   was  iro said.                   Carthy was sentenced, de-
            be  eligible  for  parole  af-  David  Deakin  asked  the  charged  in  the  case,  was  Bond pleaded guilty to be-  scribing  Bella  as  “a  happy
            ter  serving  20  years  under  judge  to  set  McCarthy’s  the  prosecution’s  star  wit-  ing an accessory after the  and  innocent  child  full  of
            the  sentence  imposed  by  parole eligibility at 25 years  ness.  She  told  the  jury  fact  for  helping  McCarthy  life.”q
             FBI agent in court on charge of lying about rancher shooting

                                                                                                   general  of  the  U.S.  Justice  the  integrity  of  the  entire
                                                                                                   Department  last  year  be-  law  enforcement  profes-
                                                                                                   gan  investigating  possible  sion, which makes me both
                                                                                                   FBI misconduct and wheth-    disappointed  and  angry,”
                                                                                                   er there was a cover-up.     said   Deschutes   County
                                                                                                   He  said  nothing  during  a  Sheriff Shane Nelson, whose
                                                                                                   brief  court  hearing  and  department     investigated
                                                                                                   was  released  on  his  own  Finicum’s shooting.
                                                                                                   recognizance, declining to  Oregon  U.S.  Attorney  Billy
                                                                                                   comment as he left.          Williams would neither con-
                                                                                                   Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, a  firm  nor  deny  that  up  to
                                                                                                   spokesman  for  the  group  four additional members of
                                                                                                   that  took  over  the  remote  the FBI team are under in-
                                                                                                   bird  sanctuary  to  oppose  vestigation for making false
                                                                                                   federal  control  of  land  in  statements.
                                                                                                   the  Western  U.S.,  was  fa-  Asked  why  Astarita  may
                                                                                                   tally shot Jan. 26, 2016. Or-  have  lied,  Williams  said:  “I
                                                                                                   egon State Police opened  suspect  that  question  will
                                                                                                   fire after he got out of a ve-  be answered in court.”
                                                                                                   hicle at a police roadblock  The  FBI  spokeswoman  in
                                                                                                   and  reached  toward  a  Portland,  Jennifer  Adams,
                                                                                                   handgun in an inner jacket  referred questions to head-
                                                                                                   pocket.  Investigators  de-  quarters  in  Washington,
            U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon Billy J. Williams speaks during a press conference Portland,   termined the troopers were  D.C.,  which  did  not  return
            Ore., Wednesday, June 28, 2017, after the indictment of an FBI agent. FBI special agent W. Joseph   justified in shooting Finicum  messages  seeking  com-
            Astarita pleaded not guilty to charges that he lied about shooting at a key figure in last year’s   but  also  found  members  ment.
            armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge just before the man was killed by Oregon police.   of  an  FBI  hostage  rescue  A grand jury indicted Astar-
                                                                              (AP Photo/Don Ryan)  team at the scene failed to  ita  on  making  false  state-
            By STEVEN DUBOIS             charges that he lied about  was  killed  by  Oregon  po-  disclose that they fired two  ments to his FBI supervisors
            Associated Press             shooting at a key figure in  lice.                        rounds that missed the Ari-  just after the shooting and
            PORTLAND,  Ore.  (AP)  —  last year’s armed occupa-       W.  Joseph  Astarita  was    zona rancher.                obstruction  of  justice  for
            An  FBI  agent  pleaded  not  tion  of  a  national  wildlife  indicted  on  five  felony   “The actions of the FBI HRT  misleading   the   Oregon
            guilty  on  Wednesday  to  refuge just before the man  charges after the inspector     team in this case damage  State Police. q

                 Bail set at $6.4M for surgeon charged with child rape

            By PAUL ELIAS                children  he  could  sexually  argued in court papers that  years in prison if convicted.  ally  abusing  children  and
            SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A  abuse in a so-called taboo  Kohut does not represent a  Kohut  was  arrested  four  her  bail  has  been  set  at
            judge set bail at $6.45 mil-  family lifestyle.           danger  to  the  public  or  a  days  after  police  arrested  $500,000.
            lion  on  Wednesday  for  a  Prosecutors have said there  flight risk.                 Rashel  Brandon,  a  nurse  Stephens  was  arrested  in
            Northern  California  brain  is no evidence he created  Kohut  was  arrested  in  his  who  worked  with  the  sur-  Tuscon,  Arizona  and  is  be-
            surgeon charged with sex-    such  a  family,  but  they  Santa    Cruz,   California  geon at a nearby hospital.   ing  held  there  while  Santa
            ually abusing children.      have charged him with 11  home  last  month  along  Brandon was arrested after  Cruz  authorities  seek  a
            Prosecutors  had  opposed  counts  of  sexually  abusing  with  two  nurses  who  are  her husband gave police a  court-ordered  transfer  to
            bail  for  Dr.  James  Kohut,  children  under  the  age  of  charged with participating  video  recording  he  found  Northern California to face
            saying  the  neurologist  is  a  14.                      in child sex abuse with the  that investigators say shows  similar charges.
            public danger who recruits  Kohut  has  pleaded  not  57-year-old doctor.              Brandon    and     another  Brandon’s    attorney   An-
            women  to  help  find  child  guilty. His lawyer, Jay Rorty,  If Kohut does post bail, he  nurse, Emily Stephens, sexu-  thony  Robinson  did  not
            victims.                     did not immediately return  will be monitored electroni-  ally abusing children.       immediately       respond
            The  Santa  Cruz  district  at-  a  phone message  seeking  cally.  He  voluntarily  sus-  Court  records  and  law-  phone  message  seeking
            torney’s  office  said  Kohut  comment  but  has  previ-  pended his California med-   yers  said  Brandon  impli-  comment.  It  is  unclear  if
            also  discussed  impregnat-  ously  declined  the  pros-  ical license while the case  cated  Kohut.  Brandon  is  Stephens  has  retained  an
            ing women to give birth to  ecutor’s  allegations.  Rorty  is  pending  and  faces  165  also  charged  with  sexu-  attorney.q
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