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October 28, 2017
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Botulism Pills, the CIA, the Mob and the JFK Assassination
Associated Press
lism pills.
Conspiracy theories.
What the government
might have known and still
won’t say about Lee Har-
vey Oswald.
The release of thousands
of records relating to the
assassination of President
John F. Kennedy hasn’t
settled the best-known,
real-life whodunit in Ameri-
can history.
But the record offered riv-
eting details of the way
intelligence services oper-
ated at the time and are
striving very hard to keep
some particulars a secret
even now.
“The Kennedy records re-
ally are an emblem of the
fight of secrecy against
transparency,” said Peter
Kornbluh, senior analyst at
the private National Secu-
rity Archive research group Traffic streaks past the U. S. National Archive headquarters building early in the morning, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017. The release of
in Washington. thousands of records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy hasn’t settled the best-known, real-life whodunit in
“The ‘secureaucrats’ man- American history.
aged to withhold key doc- (AP Photos/J. David Ake)
uments and keep this long SOME HIGHLIGHTS: behind the assassination that Johnson “used to go Director of Central Intelli-
saga of secrecy going.” of the South Vietnamese around saying that the rea- gence Richard Helms said
The 2,800 records released LBJ’s THEORY president weeks before his son (Kennedy) was assassi- in a 1975 deposition.
on Thursday night include Everyone has their theories, death and that Kennedy’s nated was that he had as- Diem and his brother were
some that had dribbled including even President murder was payback, the sassinated President (Ngo killed on Nov. 2, 1963 after
out over the years but are Lyndon B. Johnson. Ac- newly released documents Dinh) Diem and this was just a coup by South Vietnam-
getting renewed atten- cording to one document say. U.S. Director of Central justice.” ese generals.
tion from being in this big released on Thursday, John- Intelligence Richard Helms “Where he got this idea
batch. son believed Kennedy was said in a 1975 deposition from I don’t know,” U.S. Continued on Page 4