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A16   sports
                 Monday 16 noveMber 2020

            Dustin Johnson buries some major memories, wins the Masters

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    betting  favorite  and  big-
            AP Golf Writer                                                                                                      gest  basher  in  golf,  Bryson
            AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — In this                                                                                         DeChambeau,       couldn't
            one-of-a-kind  Masters  that                                                                                        even beat 63-year-old Ber-
            had no fans and no roars,                                                                                           nhard Langer, who shot 71
            Dustin  Johnson  made  sure                                                                                         and  wound  up  one  shot
            it had no drama. And when                                                                                           ahead  of  the  U.S.  Open
            he polished off his five-shot                                                                                       champion.
            victory  Sunday  with  lowest                                                                                       These were only sideshows
            score in tournament history,                                                                                        on  a  quiet  Sunday  at  Au-
            he had no words.                                                                                                    gusta National.
            Only tears.                                                                                                         Johnson,  the  first  No.  1
            Looking smart in his Masters                                                                                        player  in  the  world  to  win
            green  jacket  he  dreamed                                                                                          the Masters since Woods in
            his  whole  life  of  winning,                                                                                      2002, was the main event.
            Johnson  spoke  to  a  small                                                                                        But  even  a  record  score,
            gathering  on  the  putting                                                                                         and  the  widest  margin  of
            green  in  absence  of  the                                                                                         victory  since  1997,  didn't
            official   ceremony,    but                                                                                         mean  it  was  easy.  This  is
            only  briefly.  In  control  of                                                                                     Johnson,  after  all,  who  for
            every  aspect  of  his  game                                                                                        all his talent has dealt with
            on a course that never al-                                                                                          more than his share of mis-
            lows  anyone  to  relax,  he                                                                                        fortune, not all his own do-
            couldn't speak when it was   Tiger Woods helps Masters' champion Dustin Johnson with his green jacket after his victory at the   ing. "I knew it wasn't going
            over. Instead, he turned to   Masters golf tournament Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020, in Augusta, Ga.       Associated Press   to be easy," he said.
            wipe his eyes.                                                                                                      After  the  big  turning  point
            "I've  never  had  this  much  chance.                    and his birdie putts on the  restored  his  lead  to  three  at  No.  6,  and  his  nifty  par
            trouble  gathering  myself,"  Johnson  closed  with  a  back nine that put it away.    shots  when  Im  missed  a  save from a bunker on the
            Johnson  finally  said.  "On  4-under 68 and finished at  It  wasn't  the  loneliest  walk  3-foot  par  putt.  Smith  was  seventh,  Johnson  didn't
            the  golf  course,  I'm  pretty  20-under  268,  breaking  by  up the hill to the 18th green.  the only one who was clos-  bother  looking  at  a  lead-
            good at it."                 two shots the record set by  About  250  people  offering  er than two the rest of the  erboard  until  his  brother
            No  one  was  better.  Not  Tiger  Woods  in  1997  and  warm  applause  and  part-    way.  Smith  got  quite  the  asked if he knew where he
            even  close.  Johnson  over-  matched by Jordan Spieth  ner Paulina Gretzky rushed  consolation.  He  became  stood  on  the  18th  green.
            came  a  nervous  start  that  in  2015.  He  had  only  four  onto  the  green  to  cel-  the first player in Masters his-  Johnson knew only that he
            conjured memories of past  bogeys in 72 holes, anoth-     ebrate  with  Johnson  and  tory to post all four rounds  was in control and it was up
            majors he failed to finish off,  er record, this one held by  his  brother,  caddie  Austin  in the 60s, and all it got him  to  everyone  else  to  catch
            and then delivered a com-    Jack  Nicklaus  and  Jimmy  Johnson. Johnson now has  was a silver medal.              him. "I took what the course
            mand  performance  that  Demaret. He missed only 12  two majors to go along with  "I thought I'd have a decent  gave me and hit the shots I
            added his own touch to a  greens  all  week,  a  record  his 25 victories worldwide, a  shot if I got to Dustin's origi-  felt I could hit," he said.
            Masters unlike another.      last set by Woods.           combination that validates  nal score at the start of the  And so ended the Masters
            Because  of  the  COVID-19  All that mattered was that  him as one of the greats of  day, 16 under," Smith said. "I  in  November,  so  strange
            pandemic,  it  was  the  first  green jacket. Nothing ever  his generation.            knew I had to put the pres-  in  so  many  ways.  No  roars
            played  in  November.  It  comes easily for Johnson in  "I'm sure a lot of you all think  sure  on  early.  Got  out  of  from  Amen  Corner.  Soft
            was  the  first  without  ropes  the majors. Nothing looked  ... there were doubts in my  the gates pretty good and  conditions — not only from
            and without roars because  so natural as seeing Woods,  mind,  just  because  I  had  DJ was just too good at the  rain that delayed the start
            patrons  were  not  allowed,  the  defending  champion,  been there. I'm in this posi-  end."  Johnson  became  but  an  autumn  date  that
            only  one  guest  for  each  help  him  into  that  size  42  tion a lot of times," Johnson  the  12th  Masters  champi-  affected  the  grass  —  led
            player,  coaches,  Augusta  long in Butler Cabin.         said.  "When  am  I  going  to  on  to  never  trail  after  any  to  record  scoring.  The  av-
            National members and of-     "Having Tiger put it on was  have  the  lead  and  finish-  round,  and  his  closing  68  erage  score  for  the  week
            ficials.                     awesome.  You  wouldn't  ing off a major? It definitely  broke another record held  was 71.75, the lowest ever,
            Leading  by  two  shots  want  it  any  other  way,"  proved that I can do it."        by Woods — it was his 11th  breaking  the  record  from
            heading into Amen Corner,  Johnson said. And then he  There  were  some  nervous  consecutive  subpar  round  last year.
            the world's No. 1 player got  smiled before adding, "But  moments early.               at Augusta National.         Gone  were  the  white  and
            through  the  12th  hole  —  any guy could put it on me  Johnson's  four-shot  lead  No one had a better finish  pink blooms of azaleas and
            where  Tiger  Woods  earlier  and I'd be just fine."      was  reduced  to  one  af-   than Woods, but only after  dogwoods,  replaced  by
            hit three balls in Rae's Creek  His five-shot victory was the  ter five holes, and then he  the five-time Masters cham-  autumn hues of brown and
            and made 10 — and then  largest at the Masters since  quickly  restored  control  pion  posted  the  highest  gold.
            ran  off  three  straight  bird-  Woods  won  by  12  in  1997.  with an 8-iron to 6 feet on  score  of  his  career  on  the  The Masters, though, in any
            ies to pull away from Cam-   All  that  was  missing  were  the  top  shelf  on  the  right  12th  hole.  He  finished  with  month is defined by green.
            eron Smith and Sungjae Im,  the roars from a crowd for  corner of the green at the  five birdies over the last six  And the jacket fit Johnson
            the only players who had a  any of his pivotal putts early  par-3  sixth  for  birdie.  That  holes to salvage a 76. The  well.q
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