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a14   people & arts
                 Monday 16 noveMber 2020
            AC/DC is back and fighting off the black with new album

            By ANDREW DALTON                                                                                                    Young  stood  in  for  him  on
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             2014's  "Rock  or  Bust,"  and
            LOS    ANGELES    (AP)   —                                                                                          did it again on "Power Up,"
            Through  decades,  deaths                                                                                           though at 63 he's hardly the
            and     disasters,   AC/DC                                                                                          new kid.
            keeps thundering on.                                                                                                "We've  known  Stevie  for-
            Forty-seven  years  along,                                                                                          ever  and  ever.  He's  been
            and  with  the  closest  thing                                                                                      around  us  for  decades,"
            possible  to  their  original                                                                                       bassist  Cliff  Williams  said
            lineup,  the  rockers  on  Fri-                                                                                     via Zoom from his home in
            day  are  releasing  "Power                                                                                         North  Carolina.  "So  there
            Up,"  their  first  album  in  six                                                                                  was no trying to fit him into
            years.                                                                                                              any kind of thing."
            It's  also  the  first  since  the                                                                                  After  a  tough  tour  in  2016
            2017  death  of  Malcolm                                                                                            that  Johnson  couldn't  fin-
            Young,  who  founded  the                                                                                           ish because of hearing loss
            band  in  Sydney,  Australia                                                                                        that had grown increasing-
            in 1973 with his little brother,                                                                                    ly  severe,  it  appeared  the
            Angus.  "Power  Up"  is  dedi-                                                                                      classic version of the band
            cated to the elder brother                                                                                          might  never  play  together
            and is shot through with his                                                                                        again.
            spirit and songwriting.                                                                                             He's  since  been  equipped
            "We all felt Malcolm around                                                                                         with  state-of-the-art  hear-
            us, he was there. We're not   Brian Johnson, left, and Angus Young, of AC/DC, perform on the Rock or Bust Tour on Feb. 17, 2016,   ing-aid  technology  and
            spiritual  type  people,  but,   in Chicago.                                                                        had  been  anxious  to  get
            boy,  oh  boy,"  lead  singer                                                                      Associated Press   back  on  stage,  especially
            Brian Johnson, 73, told The  long life. "Malcolm and my-  those that most evoked his  and schoolboy sneers that  after  feeling  how  well  it
            Associated  Press  in  an  in-  self  over  the  years,  when-  big brother.           made  them  legends  with  worked  to  rehearse  with
            terview  via  Zoom  from  his  ever  we'd  come  to  an  al-  "I  concentrated  on  the  albums  like  "Highway  to  the band at full power.
            home  in  Sarasota,  Florida.  bum  we  always  walked  ones I knew were Mal's fa-     Hell"  and  "Back  in  Black."  "It was just a lot of fun to be
            "Malcolm was a very strong  in  with  a  lot  of  A-grade  vorites,"  Young  said.  "It's  a  The latter was also dedicat-  with the boys, and I felt like
            character  in  real  life,  and  songs," the 65-year-old An-  fitting  project  for  him.  He  ed to a recently deceased  I was equipped to actually
            him  passing  away  wasn't  gus  Young  said  via  Zoom  always  liked  being  simple  essential  bandmate,  origi-  go out and do something,"
            gonna  stop  that.  He  was  from  his  home  in  Sydney.  and  direct,  so  I  felt,  what  nal  singer  Bon  Scott,  who  Johnson  said.  "My  ammu-
            there,  everywhere,  and  I  "We  always  had  a  stack  better than his music?"       died in 1980.                nition  belt  was  full.  I  was
            think you can tell it on the  full  more  left  that  were  all  "Power  Up,"  their  17th  stu-  "There  is  the  similarity  be-  ready to go."
            record."  All  12  tracks  are  great, great tracks."     dio  album,  whose  first  sin-  tween  Bon's  tragedy  and  The  album  had  been  re-
            co-written by Malcolm and  Most  of  the  songs  came  gle  and  video,  the  blues-   Mal's," Angus Young said.    corded  in  2018  and  early
            Angus  Young,  selected  by  from a fruitful writing period  inflected "Shot in the Dark,"  With  Malcolm  Young  suf-  2019, and the jam sessions
            the younger Young from a  in a long gap between al-       were  released  in  October,  fering  from  the  demen-   came  in  preparation  for
            trove of unused songs that  bums  from  2000  to  2008,  is  overflowing  with  the  tia  that  would  lead  to  his  the  planned  release  date,
            piled up during the band's  and  Angus  Young  chose  same  thundering  chords  death,  his  nephew  Stevie  early in 2020. q

            The Weeknd to headline the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.      static  to  be  the  center  of                           the  Pepsi  Super  Bowl  LV   Weeknd, whose real name
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  that infamous stage.”                                      Halftime  Show  is  going  to   is, Abel Tesfaye, joins a list
            Weeknd will bring his pop-   The Weeknd broke though                                   be an extraordinary experi-  of  celebrated  musicians
            ular  falsetto  vocals  to  the  into  mainstream  with  his                           ence with an extraordinary   who  have  played  during
            2021 Pepsi Super Bowl Half-  smash  hit  “Can’t  Feel  My                              performer.”  Roc  Nation     Super Bowl halftime shows,
            time  Show.  NFL,  Pepsi  and  Face” that was featured on                              and Emmy-nominated pro-      including  Madonna,  Be-
            Roc  Nation  announced  his  second  studio  album,                                    ducer Jesse Collins will serve   yoncé, Coldplay, Katy Per-
            Thursday  that  the  three-  “Beauty  Behind  the  Mad-                                as co-executive producers    ry,  U2,  Red  Hot  Chili  Pep-
            time  Grammy  Award  win-    ness,”  which  topped  the                                of  the  halftime  show.  The   pers, Lady Gaga, Michael
            ner  will  be  the  headline  Billboard  200  in  2015  and                            game  and  halftime  show    Jackson  and  last  year’s
            performer on Feb. 7 at Ray-  won  a  Grammy.  He’s  had                                will  air  live  on  CBS.  It’s  the   duo  of  Shakira  and  Jenni-
            mond  James  Stadium  in  three  other  chart-topping                                  second  year  of  collabora-  fer Lopez.q
            Tampa, Florida. The Week-    albums  including  his  re-                               tion between the NFL, Pepsi
            nd  said  he’s  humbled  by  cent offering “After Hours,”                              and Roc Nation. Full Cover-  Solution Sudoku
            the  opportunity.  He  post-  which  was  released  in                                 age:  Entertainment  “We
            ed a photo of himself with  March. Earlier this year, The                              are  thrilled  to  have  The
            the  logo  of  the  halftime  Weeknd’s  hit  single  “Blind-  The  Weeknd  performs  on   Weeknd  join  us  in  Tampa
            show  on  social  media  to  ing Lights” became his fifth   day  three  at  Lollapalooza  in   Bay  on  the  Pepsi  Halftime
            announce  the  news.  “We  song  to  peak  at  No.  1  on   Chicago on Aug 4, 2018.    Stage,”  said  Brian  Rolapp,
            all  grow  up  watching  the  the Billboard Hot 100 chart.            Associated Press  the NFL’s chief media and
            world’s  biggest  acts  play-  He’s also won Grammys for  Z,  founder  of  Roc  Nation.  business  officer.  “Halftime
            ing the Super Bowl and one  his  album  “Starboy”  and  “His  soulful  uniqueness  has  show  performances  have
            can  only  dream  of  being  the  song  “Earned  It  (Fifty  defined a new generation  a history of excellence and
            in that position,” the singer  Shades  of  Grey).”    “The  of  greatness  in  music  and  creativity and we look for-
            said  in  a  statement.  “I’m  Weeknd  has  introduced  a  artistry.  This  is  an  extraordi-  ward to seeing what he will
            humbled, honored and ec-     sound all his own,” said Jay-  nary  moment  in  time  and  bring to Super Bowl LV.” The         Puzzle on Page 13
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