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                 Monday 16 noveMber 2020
            New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

            By LOUISE DIXON                                                                                                     perience  Ramstein  asked
            Associated Press                                                                                                    himself how it was different
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Imagine                                                                                            from other audio devices.
            a  world  where  you  move                                                                                          "I  was  thinking,  'Yeah,  but
            around in your own person-                                                                                          is  it  the  same  with  head-
            al sound bubble. You listen                                                                                         phones?'  No,  because  I
            to your favorite tunes, play                                                                                        have  the  freedom  and  it's
            loud   computer     games,                                                                                          like  I  have  the  freedom  of
            watch a movie or get navi-                                                                                          doing  what  I  want  to  do.
            gation  directions  in  your                                                                                        And  I  have  these  sounds
            car — all without disturbing                                                                                        playing  in  my  head  as
            those around you.                                                                                                   there  would  be  something
            That's  the  possibility  pre-                                                                                      happening  here,  which  is
            sented  by  "sound  beam-                                                                                           difficult to explain because
            ing," a new futuristic audio                                                                                        we  have  no  reference  for
            technology  from  Noveto                                                                                            that."
            Systems,  an  Israeli  com-                                                                                         While the concept of sound
            pany.  On  Friday  it  will  de-                                                                                    beaming is not new, Nove-
            but a desktop device that    This product image released by Noveto Systems shows the SoundBeamer which beams music and   to  was  the  first  to  launch
            beams sound directly to a    sounds straight into your head, without the need for headphones.                       the  technology  and  their
            listener  without  the  need                                                                       Associated Press  SoundBeamer  1.0  desk-
            for headphones.              means  it's  possible  to  hear  understand what it doesn't  sound can follow a listener  top  device  will  be  the  first
            The  company  provided  other  sounds  in  the  room  know," he said.                  around  when  they  move  branded  consumer  prod-
            The  Associated  Press  with  clearly.                    In a Noveto demonstration  their head. It's also possible  uct.
            an  exclusive  demo  of  the  The technology uses a 3-D  conducted  via  Zoom  from  to move out of the beam's  Ramstein  said  a  "smaller,
            desktop  prototype  of  its  sensing  module  and  lo-    Tel   Aviv,   SoundBeamer  path  and  hear  nothing  at  sexier" version of the proto-
            SoundBeamer 1.0 before its  cates  and  tracks  the  ear  Product  Manager  Ayana  all, which creates a surreal  type will be ready for con-
            launch Friday.               position  sending  audio  via  Wallwater  was  unable  to  experience.                 sumer  release  in  time  for
            The  listening  sensation  is  ultrasonic  waves  to  cre-  hear the sound of gunshots  "You don't need to tell the  Christmas 2021.
            straight out of a sci-fi movie.  ate  sound  pockets  by  the  on a gaming demo.       device  where  you  are.  It's  "You  know,  I  was  trying  to
            The 3-D sound is so close it  user's  ears.  Sound  can  be  That's  the  point.  But  she  not streaming to one exact  think  how  we  compare
            feels like it's inside your ears  heard in stereo or a spatial  does get to enjoy the reac-  place," Wallwater said.   sound  beaming  with  any
            while  also  in  front,  above  3-D mode that creates 360  tions  of  people  trying  the  "It follows you wherever you  other  inventions  in  history.
            and behind them.             degree  sound  around  the  software for the first time.   go. So it's personally for you  And  I  think  the  only  one
            Noveto expects the device  listener, the company said.    "Most  people  just  say,  —  follows  you,  plays  what  that came to mind is… the
            will have plenty of practical  The  demo  includes  nature  'Wow, I really don't believe  you want inside your head."  first  time  I  tried  the  iPod
            uses,  from  allowing  office  video  clips  of  swans  on  a  it,'" she said.         "This is what we dream of,"  I  was  like,  'Oh,  my  God.
            workers  to  listen  to  music  lake,  bees  buzzing  and  a  "You  don't  believe  it  be-  she  adds.  "A  world  where  What's  that?'  I  think  sound
            or  conference  calls  with-  babbling brook, where the  cause  it  sounds  like  a  we  get  the  sound  you  beaming is something that
            out interrupting colleagues  listener  feels  completely  speaker,  but  no  one  else  want.  You  don't  need  to  is  as  disruptive  as  that.
            to  letting  someone  play  a  transported into the scene.  can hear it…it's supporting  disturb  others  and  others  There's  something  to  be
            game, movie or music with-   But  even  CEO  Christophe  you and you're in the mid-    don't get disturbed by your  said  about  it  doesn't  exist
            out  disturbing  their  signifi-  Ramstein  finds  it  hard  dle  of  everything.  It's  hap-  sound.  But  you  can  still  in-  before. There's the freedom
            cant others.                 to  put  the  concept  into  pening around you."          teract with them."           of  using  it.  And  it's  really
            The  lack  of  headphones  words.  "The  brain  doesn't  By changing a setting, the  After  his  first  listening  ex-  amazing."q

            Community colleges boost internet capability through network

                                                                      of other major institutions.  on their own campus.” Mis-  ing  the  coronavirus  pan-
                                                                      The  network  allows  mem-   sissippi  State’s  supercom-  demic.  She  said  MissiON  is
                                                                      bers  to  access  speeds  up  puter  is  among  the  fastest  critical for online workforce
                                                                      to 100 Gigabits per second  academic  systems  in  the  development  training.  For
                                                                      (Gbps)  and  share  virtual  world. It can accomplish 5  example, the network can
                                                                      resources, C  Spire  CEO  Hu  quadrillion computations a  help  community  colleges
                                                                      Meena said.                  second,  according  to  the  use  tools  like  augmented
                                                                        “MissiON  allows  students,  university’s website.      reality  and  virtual  reality-
                                                                      researchers   and    others  The MissiON network began  based  training  for  front-
                                                                      from  Jackson  State  to  use  serving  Mississippi’s  four  re-  line  healthcare  workers,
            A C-Spire logo looms above its corporate offices in Ridgeland,   the  supercomputer  at  Mis-  search  institutions  and  has  Mayfield  said.  Jason  Gun-
            Miss., Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press  sissippi  State,”  University  of  expanded  over  the  years.  tharp,  Systems  Engineer
                                                                      Southern  Mississippi  chief  Adding  community  col-     at  Itawamba  Community
            RIDGELAND,  Miss.  (AP)  —  The Mississippi Optical Net-  information  officer  David  leges  will  allow  more  than  College said the school has
            Mississippi’s  15  community  work  (MissiON),  run  by  C  Sliman  said  during  an  on-  200,000 students to access  already leveraged the new
            colleges  are  upgrading  to  Spire,  already  serves  the  line  announcement  Thurs-  the network.                network to host a virtual job
            a  fiber-based  broadband  University of Mississippi, Mis-  day.  “Likewise,  MissiON  al-  Andrea  Mayfield,  execu-  fair. Students were able to
            network  that  officials  say  sissippi  State University, the  lows  terabytes  of  oceano-  tive  director  of  the  Missis-  connect  with  employers
            will  allow  faster  internet  Stennis  Space  Center  and  graphic  data  generated  sippi  Community  College  —  including  those  in  other
            speeds and more collabo-     the  U.S.  Army  Corp  of  En-  by USM and Stennis Space  Board,  said  the  transition  states  —  through  video
            ration with other institutions  gineers’  Engineering  Re-  Center to be accessed di-  to the MissiON network will  conferencing  where  they
            of  higher  learning  and  re-  search  and  Development  rectly by individuals at Ole  help  with  expanded  dis-  could  tour  the  employers’
            search in the state.         Center, as well as a number  Miss  as  if  the  data  resides  tance  learning  needs  dur-  headquarters.q
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