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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 16 noveMber 2020

            Peru's interim president resigns as chaos embroils nation

            By FRANKLIN BRICEÑO and  Congress  scheduled  an  to 2000.
            CHRISTINE ARMARIO            emergency session for Sun-   Congress  kicked  Vizcarra
            Associated Press             day  afternoon  to  select  a  out  using  a  clause  dating
            LIMA,  Peru  (AP)  —  Peru's  new president. Meanwhile,  back  to  the  19th  century
            interim  president  resigned  ex-President  Martín  Vizcar-  that  allows  the  powerful
            Sunday    as   the   nation  ra  –  whose  ouster  sparked  legislature  to  remove  a
            plunged into its worst con-  the  upheaval  –  called  on  president  for  "permanent
            stitutional  crisis  in  two  de-  the  country's  highest  court  moral  incapacity."  Legisla-
            cades  following  massive  to step in.                    tors  accused  Vizcarra  of
            protests  unleashed  when  "It can't be that the institu-  taking more than $630,000
            Congress  ousted  the  na-   tion that got us into this po-  in  bribes  in  exchange  for
            tion's popular leader.       litical crisis, that has for five  two construction contracts
            In  a  short  televised  ad-  days  paralyzed  Peru,  with  while  governor  of  a  small
            dress,  Manuel  Merino  said  deaths, is going to give us a  province years ago.
            Congress  acted  within  the  solution,  choosing  the  per-  Prosecutors  are  investigat-
            law  when  he  was  sworn  son  who  they  best  see  fit,"  ing  the  allegations  but   A  protester  comes  to  the  aid  of  a  Televisa  journalist  injured
            into office as chief of state  Vizcarra said.             Vizcarra  has  not  been     during clashes with police who launched tear gas to disperse
            Tuesday, despite protesters'  Peru has much at stake: The  charged.  He  has  vehe-    protesters  gathered  in  Plaza  San  Martin  to  demonstrate  their
            allegations  that  legislators  country  is  in  the  throes  of  mently denied the accusa-  refusal to recognize Peru's new government, in Lima, Saturday,
                                                                                                   Nov. 14, 2020.
            had  staged  a  parliamen-   one of the world's most le-  tions.                                                                Associated Press
            tary coup.                   thal  coronavirus  outbreaks  Merino,  previously  head
            The  politician  agreed  to  and  political  analysts  say  of Congress, stepped in as  are  themselves  under  in-  groups  reported  that  112
            step  down  after  night  of  the  constitutional  crisis  has  interim  president,  but  his  vestigation   for   alleged  people  were  hurt  in  Sat-
            unrest  in  which  two  young  cast  the  country's  democ-  six-day rule was marred by  crimes  including  money  urday's  protests  and  the
            protesters  were  killed  and  racy into jeopardy.        constant protests. The little-  laundering  and  homicide.  whereabouts  of  41  others
            half  his  Cabinet  resigned.  "I think this is the most seri-  known  politician  and  rice  Polls show most wanted Viz-  were  unknown.  Health  au-
            Peruvians cheered the de-    ous  democratic  and  hu-    farmer  promised  to  keep  carra to carry out the rest of  thorities  said  the  dead  in-
            cision, waving their nation's  man  rights  crisis  we  have  in place a scheduled vote  his presidential term, due to  cluded  Jack  Pintado,  22,
            red  and  white  flag  on  the  seen  since  Fujimori,"  said  for a new president in April.  expire in July. As Peruvians  who  was  shot  11  times,  in-
            streets  of  Lima  and  chant-  analyst  Alonso  Gurmendi  That did little to sway Peru-  took  to  the  streets,  police  cluding  in  the  head,  and
            ing "We did it!" But there is  Dunkelberg, referring to the  vians who were loath to ac-  responded  with  batons,  Jordan Sotelo, 24, who was
            still  no  clear  playbook  for  turbulent rule of strongman  cept him.                rubber bullets and tear gas.  hit  four  times  in  the  thorax
            what comes next.             Alberto  Fujimori  from  1990  Half  of  those  in  Congress  A network of human rights  near his heart.q
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