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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Monday 16 noveMber 2020
            In a moment of turmoil, US Catholic bishops meet virtually

            By DAVID CRARY                                                                                                      the Trump administration.
            AP National Writer                                                                                                  He drew criticism last week
            Catholic  bishops  of  the                                                                                          from  some  staunch  con-
            United  States  open  a  na-                                                                                        servatives  for  congratulat-
            tional  meeting  Monday                                                                                             ing  the  Democratic  ticket
            under  dramatic  circum-                                                                                            of  Joe  Biden  and  Kamala
            stances.                                                                                                            Harris for their victory in the
            A  pandemic  has  com-                                                                                              presidential election.
            pelled  them  to  meet  vir-                                                                                        Biden,  who  is  a  practic-
            tually  from  their  far-flung                                                                                      ing  Catholic,  has  been  re-
            dioceses.  A  hard-fought                                                                                           viled  by  some  members
            presidential  election  has                                                                                         of  the  faith,  including  sev-
            caused  sharp  divisions  in                                                                                        eral  conservative  bishops,
            their  own  ranks.  And  six                                                                                        for   supporting   abortion
            days  before  the  meeting,                                                                                         rights  even  while  saying
            the Vatican released a re-                                                                                          he  personally  accepts  the
            velatory  report  detailing                                                                                         church's teachings against
            how clerics in the U.S. and                                                                                         the procedure.
            abroad  failed  to  hold  ex-                                                                                       "A dark cloud has descend-
            Cardinal Theodore McCar-                                                                                            ed on this nation when the
            rick to account until many                                                                                          USCCB  and  Planned  Par-
            years after suspicions of se-                                                                                       enthood  speak  in  unison
            rial sexual misconduct had   In this Sunday, June 7, 2020 file photo, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez celebrates the the Solemnity   in support of a Biden-Harris
            become widespread.           of the Most Holy Trinity Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles.     administration  that  sup-
            "The  shadow  of  the  Mc-                                                                         Associated Press  ports the slaughter of inno-
            Carrick  report  hangs  over  of an investigation in 2000,  and  one  of  the  confer-  how  the  church  can  best  cents  by  abortion,"  Bishop
            this  meeting,"  said  John  just  a  few  months  before  ence's top advisers on the  respond to the coronavirus  Joseph  Strickland  of  Tyler,
            Gehring, Catholic program  he became a cardinal and  prevention  of  clerical  sex  pandemic  and  to  racism  Texas,  tweeted  Tuesday,
            director  at  a  Washington-  archbishop of Washington.   abuse,  National  Review  and racial inequality.          alluding  to  Gomez's  state-
            based     clergy   network  The bishops will discuss the  Board chair Suzanne Healy.   A  budget  for  2021  is  ex-  ment.
            called Faith in Public Life.  McCarrick   report   twice  Gehring  noted  that  the  pected  to  be  approved,  Bishop  Richard  Stika  of
            McCarrick,  who  was  de-    Monday,  first  in  a  private  U.S. bishops already vary in  though  some  bishops  may  Knoxville,  Tennessee,  has
            frocked  by  Pope  Francis  session and later in a pub-   their views of Pope Francis,  point out that their dioces-  suggested,  also  on  Twitter,
            last  year,  headed  up  dio-  lic livestream, according to  with  some  skeptical  of  his  es  are  suffering  financially  that Biden supports "the ul-
            ceses  in  Metuchen  and  the communications office  exhortations on issues such  as  attendance  and  offer-       timate child abuse."
            Newark,  New  Jersey,  and  of  the  U.S.  Conference  of  as  climate  change  and  ings  have  declined  during  And  during  the  election
            in  Washington,  D.C.  The  Catholic Bishops.             social  justice,  and  said  it's  the pandemic.          campaign,  Bishop  Thomas
            report found that three de-  Among the opening speak-     important  to  avoid  having  This  is  the  bishops'  first  na-  Tobin of Providence, Rhode
            cades of bishops, cardinals  ers  at  USCCB's  two-day  the  latest  McCarrick  rev-   tional  meeting  since  No-  Island,  openly  questioned
            and  popes  dismissed  or  meeting  will  be  its  presi-  elations  further  divide  the  vember 2019, when Gomez  Biden's  faith:  "Biden-Harris.
            downplayed reports of Mc-    dent,  Los  Angeles  Arch-   U.S. church.                 was  elected  the  USCCB's  First time in a while that the
            Carrick's  misconduct  with  bishop  José  Gomez.  He  "It  will  be  a  disservice  to  first  Hispanic  president.  A  Democratic  ticket  hasn't
            young men.                   has described the report as  survivors  if  bishops  allow  scheduled  June  gathering  had a Catholic on it. Sad,"
            For  U.S.  clergy,  one  of  the  "another  tragic  chapter  in  the  report  to  create  even  was canceled because of  he tweeted.
            most  embarrassing  revela-  the  Church's  long  struggle  more factions and fissures,"  the coronavirus.          USCCB  policy  discourages
            tions  was  that  three  New  to  confront  the  crimes  of  Gehring said. "They need to  Gomez  is  considered  a  bishops from endorsing po-
            Jersey  bishops  —  all  now  sexual abuse by clergy."    address the moral and sys-   pragmatic  conservative  in  litical candidates, and Rev.
            deceased  —  provided  "in-  Other  scheduled  speakers  temic  failures  revealed  in  terms  of  church  doctrine,  James Martin, a prominent
            accurate  and  incomplete  include  the  Vatican's  am-   the report head-on."         though he has made clear  Jesuit priest, said such com-
            information" about McCar-    bassador to the U.S., Arch-  Also  on  the  meeting's  his  dismay  over  restrictive  ments  appear  to  violate
            rick to the Vatican as part  bishop  Christophe  Pierre,  agenda  are  discussions  of  immigration policies during  that. q

              Baltimore to pay about $8M in police corruption settlement

              BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  Balti-  Board of Estimates has ap-  a  young  Black  man  who  Burley crashed with anoth-   undeniably  framed  by  a
              more  officials  are  set  to  proved several settlements  died a week after he was  er vehicle, killing Davis.  conspiracy of at least four
              approve  a  roughly  $8  in recent weeks stemming  critically  injured  in  police  Burley  spent  seven  years  police  officers,"  the  men's
              million  settlement  to  two  from  the  misconduct  of  custody and whose death  in  prison,  while  Matthews  attorneys,   Steve   Silver-
              men  who  went  to  prison  members of the Gun Trace  lead to civil unrest.         served two-and-half years  man, said in a statement.
              after  drugs  were  planted  Task Force, a once-lauded  The proposed payment in-    behind bars. Their convic-  "It should not take an army
              on  them  a  decade  ago  group  that  was  supposed  cludes $6.3 million for Bur-  tions were vacated in 2017  of  lawyers  litigating  for
              during  an  encounter  with  to take guns off the streets  ley  and  Matthews  as  well  after  officers  cooperating  years  to  right  wrongs  like
              members  of  a  rogue  po-  of Baltimore.               as $1.8 million to pay off a  in  the  federal  investiga-  this."
              lice  unit  that  brutalized,  The  settlement  for  Umar  lien due to the estate of El-  tion into the task force told  The  investigation  into  the
              robbed and falsely arrest-  Burley and Brent Matthews  bert Davis, which sued Bur-  authorities that a member  task  force  has  led  to  the
              ed residents.               is the largest settlement in  ley.  Burley  and  Matthews  of the unit had spoken of  convictions  of  more  than
              The  city's  spending  board  connection  with  the  task  encountered  task  force  drugs being planted in the  a dozen officers. Hundreds
              is scheduled to take up the  force  and  surpasses  the  members  in  2010  during  incident.                   of  criminal  cases  based
              settlement    Wednesday,  amount  paid  in  2015  to  an  illegal  traffic  stop  that  "Mr.  Burley  and  Mr.  Mat-  on  their  work  have  been
              news outlets reported. The  the family of Freddie Gray,  led to a high-speed chase.  thews  were  overtly  and  dropped or vacated.q
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