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a8   local
                 Monday 16 noveMber 2020

            Asi es mi Peru launches quality Food Truck at Eagle Beach

                                                                                     was born so we could make sure  say the best ceviche on the island,
                                                                                     to keep all of our staff who other-  is  a  best  seller  and  our  roasted
                                                                                     wise would be out of a job. A per-  chicken (pollo a la brasa) are fa-
                                                                                     fect food truck with all whistles and  vorite  items  but  hotdogs,  ham-
              EAGLE BEACH — While operating two successful restaurants at Para-      bells appeared on the horizon and  burgers, salads, soups and wraps,
              dise Beach Villas- Eagle Beach, The Kitchen Table (TKT) and Asi es mi   with  permits  filed  the  food  truck  empanadas  and  pastechis  are
              Peru (AEMP) who are both under one roof, COVID-19 interrupted op-      made  her  appearance  at  Eagle  just a few of the items offered. Ac-
              erations of both restaurants and each and every restaurant in Aruba    Beach  at  the  end  of  September.  tually,  there  are  no  restrictions  as
              in March this year. TKT was closed temporarily, AEMP kept operating    Just, 100 yards from the restaurant  the  entire  Asi  es  mi  Peru  menu  is
              for take out in the weekends, operating lunch and dinner again in the   at the corner of the T-crossing be-  available  converted  from  dollars
              weekends until fully operational in July.                              tween  Paradise  Beach  Villas  and  to  florins.  While  most  food  trucks
                                                                                     La Cabana. Convenient to offer a  in  Aruba  operate  in  the  evening
              It became clear says owner Roxanna Salinas, “that we would not be      large scale of products!            and  night  the  AEMP  Food  Truck
              able  to  maintain  all  of  the  staff  with  hotel  occupancies  of  around                              operates  from  11.00  am  –  9  pm.
              twenty percent once the tourists started returning slowly in August.”   Best  ceviche  and  grilled  chicken  Every  day  with  the  exception  of
              But we saw it as an obligation to maintain all of our staff as one family!  on the island                  Monday, orders can  be  called  in
              And that’s when the idea of extending our services with a food truck   Our now famous ceviche, insiders  at +297 592-5699 and picked up at
                                                                                                                         the food truck.

                                                                                                                         Mi Retiro (My Retirement)
                                                                                                                         “When  I  married  Roxanna  says
                                                                                                                         co-operator  Jan  van  Nes,  I  knew
                                                                                                                         that the word retirement was not
                                                                                                                         in her vocabulary. Now, a retired
                                                                                                                         hotelier for two years, I know that
                                                                                                                         somewhere down the road there
                                                                                                                         will  always  be  something  to  do,
                                                                                                                         even  when  our  two  restaurants
                                                                                                                         would be operated by a younger
                                                                                                                         generation.  With  this  perspective
                                                                                                                         the  Food  Truck  could  be  called
                                                                                                                         “Mi Retiro (My Retirement).”

                                                                                                                         For reservations for The Kitchen Ta-
                                                                                                                         ble  (www.thekitchenableinaruba.
                                                                                                                         com ) , Asi es Mi Peru (www.asies-
                                                                                                                ) and take-out
                                                                                                                         orders,  feel  free  to  call  Roxanna
                                                                                                                         at +297 592-5699. We love to wel-
                                                                                                                         come you!q
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