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                                                                                                       sports Monday 16 noveMber 2020
            Giants beat Eagles 27-17, tighten NFC East race

            By ROB MAADDI                                                                                                       ent took it in from there for
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                             his  first  TD  since  Oct.  11,
            EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP)                                                                                          2018.  Eagles  coach  Doug
            —  Joe  Judge  isn't  looking                                                                                       Pederson chose to go for 2
            at  the  standings  yet  even                                                                                       and Wentz was sacked.
            though his New York Giants                                                                                          After  Jones  had  a  14-yard
            are  inching  closer  to  the                                                                                       TD run negated by Andrew
            top.                                                                                                                Thomas'  holding  penalty,
            Daniel Jones threw for 244                                                                                          Graham Gano kicked a 35-
            yards and ran for a touch-                                                                                          yard  field  goal  to  extend
            down,  Wayne  Gallman  Jr.                                                                                          the  lead  to  24-17.  Gano's
            had two TD runs and the Gi-                                                                                         44-yarder made it 27-17.
            ants beat the Philadelphia                                                                                          Jones  had  lost  16  straight
            Eagles  27-17  on  Sunday,                                                                                          starts  to  teams  other  than
            making  their  case  to  win                                                                                        Washington.
            the dreadful NFC East.                                                                                              "I think people are just sick
            The  Giants  improved  to                                                                                           of losing any game," Judge
            3-7  under  first-year  coach                                                                                       said. "Whoever we play on
            Judge  with  their  second                                                                                          a  given  Sunday,  we  want
            straight  win,  snapping  an                                                                                        to win that game. They all
            eight-game  losing  streak                                                                                          hurt  the  same  if  you  don't
            against Philly.                                                                                                     come  out  with  the  result
            The  Eagles  (3-5-1)  still  lead   New York Giants' Sterling Shepard (87) catches a pass in front of Philadelphia Eagles' Avonte Mad-  you  want.  It's  a  division
            the NFL's worst division. Dal-  dox (29) during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020, in East Rutherford,   game  so  obviously  it's  im-
            las  and  Washington  are    N.J.                                                                                   portant to go out there and
            each 2-7.                                                                                          Associated Press   win for a lot of reasons. We
            "I'll tell everyone right now,  of  Philadelphia's  offense  tire game. It was  similar  to  toed down the left sideline.  wanted  to  make  sure  that
            it's  irrelevant,"  Judge  said  were out of sync following  Jones'  80-yard  run  against  Miles Sanders ran in for the  we  couldn't  come  out  to-
            about  the  standings.  "The  a bye. They were 0 for 9 on  Philadelphia in a 22-21 loss  2-point  conversion  to  cut  day  and  leave  any  meat
            only  thing  that  matters  is  third  downs.  Boston  Scott  on Oct. 22 except he didn't  the deficit to 14-11.    on  the  bone.  We  had  to
            if  we  keep  improving  as  had a 56-yard TD run early  stumble at the 8 this time.   But  the  Giants  quickly  an-  make sure we finished as a
            a  team  and  go  1-0  every  in the third quarter but the  Jones finished with 64 yards  swered   with   Gallman's  team to get the results we
            week.  The  overall  stand-  Eagles couldn't get closer.  rushing and the Giants had  1-yard TD run. Jones hit con-  wanted."
            ings,  we're  not  going  to  "We  made  it  tougher  on  151 on the ground.           secutive passes of 27 yards  When  Gallman  leaped  in
            look at those, we're not go-  ourselves,  left  some  plays  "We were confident in what  to Sterling Shepard and 38  from the 2 on fourth-and-1,
            ing to focus on those. We're  out there, didn't execute, 0  we  were  doing  all  day,"  yards to Golden Tate to set  the Eagles were down 14-3
            going to have an emphasis  for 9 on third downs is frus-  Jones said. "Offensively, we  up the score.               just  seconds  into  the  sec-
            on  organization.  We  have  trating," Wentz said.        felt like we were executing  Philadelphia  came  right  ond quarter.
            to  keep  improving  as  a  Jones  ran  untouched  34  and it was up to us to keep  back.  Wentz  completed  "We  gave  them  14  early
            team  to  give  ourselves  a  yards  for  a  score  to  cap  drives going."            a pair of 16-yard passes to  and  we  can't  do  that,"
            chance to be the program  a  well-executed  85-yard  The Eagles were down 14-3  Jalen  Reagor  and  Greg  Eagles defensive end Bran-
            we want to be."              drive  to  start  the  game  at  halftime  before  Scott  Ward. Sanders ran 14 yards  don  Graham  said.  "We
            Carson Wentz and the rest  and the Giants led the en-     broke  a  long  run  and  tip-  to  the  5  and  Corey  Clem-  have to strike first."q

            Thiem beats Tsitsipas in 3 sets in ATP Finals opener

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Dominic  for  the  world's  top  eight  ty  tight  I  must  say  in  that
            Thiem made sure this year's  players. But he let the first-  game,"  Thiem  said  about
            ATP  Finals  didn't  begin  the  set tiebreaker slip away this  his hold for 4-1. "I think that
            same  way  last  year's  end-  time, after leading 4-1 and  was  the  last  key  moment
            ed.                          5-3.  Facing  set  point,  the  where  the  match  went  fi-
            Thiem  outlasted  Stefanos  Greek  failed  to  put  away  nally in my direction."
            Tsitsipas  in  a  rematch  of  a fairly simple overhead at  This  is  the  12th  and  last
            the 2019 final, beating the  the  net  before  sending  a  year  that  the  ATP  Finals  is
            defending  champion  7-6  lob long to hand Thiem the  played  at  the  02  Arena
            (5),  4-6,  6-3  Sunday  in  the  lead.                   before  moving  to  Turin,  It-
            opening  singles  match  of  Tsitsipas  broke  for  a  2-1  aly,  next  year.  Because  of
            the  tournament  inside  a  lead in the second set with  the  coronavirus  pandemic
            largely empty O2 Arena.      a  forehand  passing  shot  there are no fans inside the
            The  U.S.  Open  champion  before leveling the match.  20,000-capacity venue this
            broke Tsitsipas for a 2-0 lead  He had a chance to break  time  —  meaning  the  nor-
            in the third set with a drop  back at 3-1 in the third but  mally  raucous  atmosphere
            shot  at  the  net  and  con-  netted  a  backhand,  let-  has  been  replaced  by  an   Austria's Dominic Thiem returns a shot to Greece's Stefanos Tsit-
                                                                                                   sipas, during their London 2020 group singles match on day one
            verted  his  second  match  ting  out  a  scream  of  frus-  eerie  silence  interrupted   of the ATP Finals tennis championship at the O2 Arena, London,
            point when Tsitsipas sent a  tration after the miss. Thiem  only  by  muted  applause   Sunday Nov. 15, 2020.
            forehand wide.               eventually held serve after  from the players' boxes be-                                           Associated Press
            Tsitsipas  beat  Thiem  in  a  a  game  that  went  to  six  tween points.
            third-set  tiebreaker  in  last  deuces,  and  was  never  There are also no line judg-  means players can no lon-  cally.  However,  they  can
            year's  final  to  clinch  the  troubled  the  rest  of  the  es, as the tournament is us-  ger  challenge  whether  a  request  a  video  review  for
            biggest title of his career at  way.                      ing  electronic  line  calling  ball was in or out as those  other  disputed  situations,
            the  season-ending  event  "That was crazy, I was pret-   for the first time. The system  calls  get  made  automati-  such as double bounces. q
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