Page 22 - ATD09APRIL2016
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   SPORTSSaturday 9 April 2016

NL Capsules

Pence grand slam powers Giants past Dodgers 12-6  

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —               San Francisco Giants’ Hunter Pence heads for home plate after hitting a grand slam off Los An-                                        Bruce connected for a
Hunter Pence hit a grand           geles Dodgers relief pitcher Pedro Baez in the eighth inning of a baseball game Thursday, April 7,                                    three-run shot as the Reds
slam in the eighth inning,         2016, in San Francisco. San Francisco won the game 12-6.                                                                              scored eight times in the
Joe Panik drove in three                                                                                                                                                 fourth inning, ruining the
runs to key San Francisco’s                                                                                                                            Associated Press  big league debut of re-
comeback, and the Gi-                                                                                                                                                    liever Daniel Stumpf. Bruce
ants beat the Los Angeles          While Phelps (1-0) replaced                        ed with his 2015 NL MVP           REDS 10, PHILLIES 6                              capped the 13-batter out-
Dodgers 12-6 in their home         Adam Conley following a                            and Silver Slugger trophies       CINCINNATI (AP) — Jay                            burst with an RBI single.
opener Thursday.                   1-hour, 25-minute break                            during pregame festivities        Bruce homered twice and                          Stephenson (1-0), a first-
The Dodgers’ 31-inning             because of a thunder-                              and hit his second homer of       matched a career high                            round draft pick in 2011, al-
shutout streak ended in            storm in the second with                           2016 in the seventh, a solo       with five RBIs, and Cincin-                      lowed six hits and four runs
the fifth, one inning shy of       the score 3-all, Nationals                         shot off Bryan Morris.            nati made a winner of top                        — three earned — in five
the record to begin a sea-         starter Tanner Roark (0-1)                         Harper flied out to deep          pitching prospect Robert                         innings. He was optioned
son set by the 1963 St. Louis      surprisingly remained in the                       center to open the ninth          Stephenson in his major                          back to Triple-A Louisville
Cardinals.                         game. Roark allowed four                           against A.J. Ramos, who           league debut by beating                          after the game.
Chris Heston (1-0) worked          runs — three earned, all in                        worked around a walk for          Philadelphia to complete a                       Cedric Hunter, Ryan How-
the sixth in relief of Jake        the first — and nine hits in                       his first save, striking out      season-opening sweep.                            ard and Carlos Ruiz hom-
Peavy for the victory as San       four innings.                                      Daniel Murphy looking to          Eugenio Suarez hit his first                     ered for the Phillies.
Francisco erased a 4-0 defi-       Bryce Harper was present-                          end it.                           career grand slam and                            The Reds are 3-0 for the
cit. Bruce Bochy bested his                                                                                                                                              second consecutive sea-
former outfielder and now-                                                                                                                                               son. The loss was Philadel-
Dodgers manager Dave                                                                                                                                                     phia’s eighth straight in Cin-
Roberts in their first match-                                                                                                                                            cinnati.
up. In the fifth, Los Angeles                                                                                                                                            The Phillies are 0-3 for the
finally gave up its first runs of                                                                                                                                        first time since 2007. They
2016 when the Giants got                                                                                                                                                 have dropped seven in a
to Alex Wood (0-1).                                                                                                                                                      row overall to the Reds.
Joc Pederson hit a two-run                                                                                                                                               Charlie Morton (0-1) al-
homer for the Dodgers.                                                                                                                                                   lowed six runs over 3 2/3 in-
MARLINS 6, NATIONALS 4                                                                                                                                                   nings in his Phillies debut.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mi-                                                                                                                                                    CUBS 14, DIAMONDBACKS
ami reliever David Phelps                                                                                                                                                6
entered after a rain delay                                                                                                                                               PHOENIX (AP) — Anthony
and shut out Washington                                                                                                                                                  Rizzo matched his career
for four innings while deliv-                                                                                                                                            high with six RBIs and the
ering his first career RBI at                                                                                                                                            Chicago Cubs beat the Ar-
the plate, and the Marlins                                                                                                                                               izona Diamondbacks, but
spoiled the Nationals’ slop-                                                                                                                                             lost Kyle Schwarber with a
py home opener in front of                                                                                                                                               sprained ankle in an out-
a dwindling crowd.                                                                                                                                                       field collision. q

                                                                                      AL Capsules 

                                                                                         Teixeira hits go-ahead HR,
                                                                                        Yanks take 2 of 3 from Astros

New York Yankees’ Mark Teixeira, right, follows through on a                          making him 7 for 12. The for-     lined consecutive home                           until Chris Coghlan’s one-
3-run home run as Houston Astros catcher Erik Kratz, second                           mer Cubs infielder has eight      runs off Nathan Eovaldi in                       out single in the fifth — one
from left, looks on during the seventh inning of a baseball game,                     RBIs, the most by any player      the second.                                      pitch after left fielder J.B.
Thursday, April 7, 2016, in New York.                                                 in his first three games for      Chasen Shreve (1-0) was                          Shuck dropped Coghlan’s
                                                                                      the Yankees since the stat        the winner and Andrew                            foul ball.
                                                                    Associated Press  became official in 1920,          Miller earned his first save.                    Abreu homered off Ken-
                                                                                      STATS said.                       Will Harris (0-1) took the loss.                 dall Graveman (0-1) and
NEW YORK (AP) — Mark               three in the season-open-                          Brian McCann also hom-            WHITE SOX 6, ATHLETICS 1                         added a sacrifice fly during
Teixeira sliced a tiebreak-        ing series against the team                        ered for the Yankees, and         OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) —                           Chicago’s four-run ninth.
ing, three-run homer in the        that beat them in the AL                           Jacoby Ellsbury doubled           Mat Latos gave up one hit                        ORIOLES 4, TWINS 2
seventh inning and Starlin         wild-card game last Octo-                          twice. Alex Rodriguez             over six shutout innings for                     BALTIMORE (AP) — Ubaldo
Castro connected again,            ber.                                               made it 5-all with his first hit  his first win since last July,                   Jimenez pitched seven
sending New York past              Castro kept up his torrid                          of the season, an RBI single      Jose Abreu hit a two-run                         sharp innings and Baltimore
Houston.                           start with a solo home run                         in the fifth.                     homer and Chicago beat                           rallied to beat Minnesota
The Yankees took two of            and a single off the wall,                         Tyler White hit his first homer   Oakland to give manager                          for a three-game sweep.
                                                                                      in the majors, drove in four      Robin Ventura his 300th ca-                      Manny Machado and
                                                                                      runs and got three hits for       reer win.                                        rookie Joey Rickard hom-
                                                                                      the Astros. He’s 6 for 9 since    Latos (1-0) was stellar in his                   ered for the Orioles, who
                                                                                      making his big league de-         White Sox debut. He retired                      trailed 2-0 in the sixth be-
                                                                                      but this week.                    13 of the first 14 batters and                   fore coming back against
                                                                                      White and Preston Tucker          didn’t allow a baserunner                        Phil Hughes (0-1).q
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