Page 18 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 18


SPORTSSaturday 9 April 2016

         NHL Capsules            Pittsburgh Penguins centers Matt Cullen (7) and Sidney Crosby                         PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Jake         LIGHTNING 4, DEVILS 2
 Continued from page 17          (87) celebrate Crosby’s winning goal with defenseman Kris                             Gardiner scored a power-         NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Jon-
                                 Letang (58) after the overtime period of an NHL hockey game                           play goal at 2:51 of over-       athan Drouin scored the
Dickinson was recalled           against the Washington Capitals, Thursday, April 7, 2016, in                          time to lift Toronto past Phil-  winning goal in his second-
from Texas of the AHL ear-       Washington.                                                                           adelphia.                        chance return to the NHL
lier Thursday because of                                                                                               The Flyers fell a point be-      and Tampa Bay beat New
injuries to Stars forwards, in-                                                                      Associated Press  hind Boston and Detroit          Jersey to clinch home-
cluding 30-goal scorers Ty-                                                                                            for the eighth seed in the       ice advantage for the first
ler Seguin and Jason Spe-        a rebound attempt off a       sists, Brad Marchand and                                Eastern Conference. But          round of the playoffs.
zza. The game was score-         shot from Kevin Shattenkirk.  Loui Eriksson each added                                Philadelphia would secure        Eric Condra and Cedric
less until Dickinson back-       His team-best 39th goal       a goal and assist, and Bos-                             a playoff berth by winning       Paquette also scored and
handed a shot past Calvin        was an easy one, with Alex    ton beat Detroit to keep its                            its last two games. The Bru-     Ben Bishop made 20 saves
Pickard from short range at      Pietrangelo making a nice     playoff hopes alive.                                    ins and Red Wings each           as the injury-plagued Light-
15:13 of the first period.       pass to set up an open net    Tuukka Rask had 13 saves,                               have one game left and           ning snapped a two-game
Colton Sceviour and Jordie       for the winner.               and David Pastrnak and                                  one of them is guaranteed        losing streak and won for
Benn scored on the power         St. Louis won for the eighth  Lee Stempniak also scored                               a playoff berth that goes to     only the third time in seven
play in the second period,       time in nine games to re-     to help Boston tie Detroit                              the third-place team in the      games. Valtteri Filppula
and Antoine Roussel add-         main tied with Dallas for     for third place in the Atlan-                           Atlantic Division.               scored an empty-net goal
ed an empty-net goal with        the Central Division lead.    tic Division.                                           Wayne Simmonds scored            in the final minute.
3:06 remaining for the Stars.    Jonathan Toews scored for     Alexey Marchenko and An-                                the tying goal for the Fly-      Sergey Kalinin scored twice
Francois Beauchemin and          Chicago.                      dreas Athanasiou scored                                 ers with 58 seconds left and     for the Devils.
Shawn Matthias scored for        BRUINS 5, RED WINGS 2         for Detroit.                                            goalie Steve Mason pulled        As much as they wanted
Colorado in the third pe-        BOSTON (AP) — Torey Krug      MAPLE LEAFS 4, FLYERS 3,                                for the extra skater. With       home-ice advantage, the
riod.                            had a goal and two as-        OT                                                      Andrew MacDonald in the          story for the Lightning was
BLUES 2, BLACKHAWKS 1,                                                                                                 penalty box for tripping,        Drouin. The third pick over-
OT                                                                                                                     Gardiner ripped a slap shot      all in the 2013 draft walked
CHICAGO (AP) — Vladimir                                                                                                past Mason to win it for the     away from the Lightning’s
Tarasenko scored his sec-                                                                                              Leafs.                           American Hockey League
ond goal of the game at                                                                                                William Nylander, Colin          affiliate in Syracuse in Janu-
3:37 of overtime, and St.                                                                                              Greening and Michael             ary after they refused to
Louis cooled off Chicago                                                                                               Grabner also scored goals        trade him.
in a possible playoff pre-                                                                                             for Toronto, and Jonathan        Tampa Bay suspended him
view.                                                                                                                  Bernier made 41 saves.           and he did not return to
Tarasenko also tied it with                                                                                            Brayden Schenn and Mac-          the minors until asking gen-
1:16 left in regulation with a                                                                                         Donald also scored for the       eral manager Steve Yzer-
laser from the left circle on                                                                                          Flyers.                          man for a second chance.
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