Page 14 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 14


LOCALSaturday 9 April 2016

Ms. Canada’s Beach Volleyball Tournament for Charities in Aruba a Hit!

   Continued from page 13

-Donation to Casabel -
-Donation to Comacuri -
-Donation to Nos cu Nos -
-Paint for ‘Fundacion Aru-
bano di esnun Visualmente
Incapacita’ (FAVI) - $277.95.
-Donation towards the con-
struction of a Gazebo and
interlocking stones for Ambi-
ente Feliz - $3,366.74.
To the many sponsors, sup-
porters, volunteers and
tournament participants
Michelle extends a warm
thanks of gratitude. “We are
blessed to have so many
wonderful people support
our efforts in giving back to
the community,” she com-
“My sincere thanks to: Re-
naissance Resort (Meta-
Corp), Diamante, Queens
Jewelers, Balashi, Carib-
bean Overseas, ASD Hotel

                               and Restaurant Equipment
                               & Supplies, Super Foods,
                               ATC, Clearly Realty, Print
                               Media, Smith & Dolas, Kite
                               Creations, Indulgence by
                               the Sea, Pro Sports, South
                               Beach, Peanuts Restaurant,
                               Little Switzerland, Hard Rock
                               Café, Power 101.7 FM, Mag-
                               ic 96.5 FM, Ling & Sons, Cur-
                               tain Call, ATC, Aruba Tourism
                               Authority, Cas Tua, Julio’s
                               Watersports, Cede Aruba,
                               Jelitsza Lake, Rosalie Klien,
                               Jubby Naar, Claret Lopez,
                               Rubien Garcia, Karen Enz,
                               Igmar Ignacio, Mark Hodg-
                               son, Octavio Woodley, Paul
                               Dattolo, Domenica Dattolo,
                               Tony Bosch, Rolando Ruiz,
                               Viola Hennessey, Carlos
                               Hirschfeld, Amparo Rich-
                               ardson, the Tournament Vol-
                               leyball Teams: A Team, (1st
                               Place) Global Elevators, Ca-
                               nadian, Hyatt, La Cabana
                               and Balashi and the many
                               people who purchased raf-
                               fle tickets Michelle is already
                               planning the 6th Annual Ms.
                               Canada’s Annual Beach
                               Volleyball Tournament for
                               Charities in Aruba, which will
                               take place at La Cabana on
                               March 5th, 2017.
                               Anyone wishing to take part
                               or contribute are invited to
                               like their Facebook page:
                               Ms Canada’s Charity in Aru-
                               ba to be kept informed of
                               the event. q
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