Page 9 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 9

                                                                                                                   Saturday 9 April 2016

Spain: Government talks take hit as negotiating parties bicker 

ALAN CLENDENNING               made by Podemos for its          Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont, right, shakes hands with Podemos Party leader
Associated Press               support “were received           Pablo Iglesias at the Generalitat Palace in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, April 8, 2016. The leader of
MADRID (AP) — Bickering        with inflexibility” by the So-   Spain’s far left Podemos party has announced party members will vote next week on whether to
between Spain’s far-left       cialists and Ciudadanos.         support or oppose a deal to form a government and end nearly four months of political stalemate.
Podemos party and the          That prompted Socialist
Socialists escalated Friday    spokesman Antonio Her-                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
over the formation of a        nando to accuse Iglesias
new government, lead-          of nixing any deal and be-       government with Podem-         Podemos’ commitment to      “The chances of a last-min-
ing experts to predict the     traying voters who want          os’ votes, or abstentions, in  allowing the northeastern   ute agreement are dim,”
country is headed to an-       an agreement. Spaniards          the 350-seat lower house of    Catalonia region to hold a  said Antonio Barroso, a
other national election.       enraged with high un-            Parliament.                    secession referendum. The   London-based analyst with
If no government is in         employment, seemingly            One of the biggest is-         Socialists and Ciudadanos   the Eurasia Group political
place by May 2, another        endless corruption cases         sues threatening a deal is     are adamantly opposed.      risk consultancy.q
election will be held on       and austerity ended the
June 26.                       nation’s traditional two-
Podemos’ leader, Pablo         party system in the Dec. 20
Iglesias, told reporters his   election. The conservative
party’s members will vote      Popular Party came in first
next week on whether to        but fell far short of its 2011-
support or oppose a deal       2015 parliamentary ma-
for the Socialists and the     jority. The Socialists were
centrist Ciudadanos party      second and newcomers
to form a government af-       Podemos and Ciudada-
ter nearly four months of      nos took third and fourth.
political stalemate.           Acting Prime Minister Mari-
He suggested he opposed        ano Rajoy, the Popular
a deal, saying he felt “be-    Party’s leader, decided in
trayed” a day after meet-      January against trying to
ing with negotiators for So-   form a government be-
cialists and Ciudadanos,       cause he lacked support.
who have a deal to form a      So King Felipe VI offered
government but lack par-       the task to Socialist leader
liamentary support which       Pedro Sanchez.
Podemos could deliver.         The Socialists and Ciu-
Iglesias said proposals        dadanos could form a

Skirmishes continuing in Nagorno
Karabakh despite cease-fire deal

AIDA SULTANOVA                 which marked the worst
Associated Press               violence since a separatist
BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) —        war ended in 1994. The war
Skirmishes continued Friday    left Nagorno-Karabakh, of-
around Nagorno-Kara-           ficially a part of Azerbaijan,
bakh with Azerbaijan and       under the control of local
Armenia blaming each           ethnic Armenian forces
other for cease-fire viola-    and the Armenian military.
tions, while Russia sought     Armenian forces also oc-
to stabilize the situation by  cupy several areas outside
playing as go-between.         the Karabakh region.
Russian Prime Minister Dmi-    Azerbaijan has said 31 of
try Medvedev met with          its soldiers have been killed
Azerbaijan’s President Il-     since Saturday while Arme-
ham Aliyev in Baku a day       nia’s Defense Ministry has
after holding talks with the   acknowledged the loss of
Armenian leadership.           44 troops. Several civilians
Azerbaijan’s Defense Min-      have also been killed on
istry said Friday its troops   both sides.
returned fire after Arme-      The conflicting parties
nian forces shelled Azer-      reached a tentative
baijani military positions     agreement to evacuate
and populated areas. The       bodies from the frontline
Armenian side accused          on Friday.
Azerbaijan of shelling its     Along with the United
positions, killing two Arme-   States and France, Russia
nian soldiers overnight.       has also acted as a medi-
The gunbattles threaten to     ator in the Nagorno-Kara-
derail the Russia-brokered     bakh peace talks which
truce declared at midday       have dragged on since
Tuesday following several      1994 without any visible
days of intense battles        results.q
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