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U.S. NEWSSaturday 9 April 2016
Brooklyn case takes front seat in Apple encryption fight
An iPhone is seen in Washington. The Justice Department said Friday it will continue trying to force Department said in a one- ple has opposed requests
Apple to reveal an iPhone’s data in a New York drug case, putting the Brooklyn case at the cen- paragraph letter to Brodie. to help extract information
ter of a fight over whether a 227-year-old law gives officials wide authority to force a technology Apple expressed disap- from over a dozen iPhones
company to help in criminal probes. pointment, saying its law- in California, Illinois, Massa-
yers will press the question chusetts and New York.
LARRY NEUMEISTER cials wide authority to force break into an iPhone used of whether the FBI has tried In challenging Orenstein’s
Associated Press a technology company to by a gunman in a Decem- any other means to get ruling, the government said
NEW YORK (AP) — The Jus- help in criminal probes. ber attack in San Bernardi- into the phone in Brooklyn. the jurist had overstepped
tice Department said Fri- The government told U.S. no that killed 14 people. Apple had sought to delay his powers, creating “an
day it will continue trying District Judge Margo K. “The government’s appli- the Brooklyn case, unprecedented limitation
to force Apple to reveal Brodie in Brooklyn that it cation is not moot and the saying that the same tech- on” judicial authority.
an iPhone’s data in a New still wants an order requir- government continues to nique the FBI was using to It said it did not have ad-
York drug case, putting the ing Apple’s cooperation in require Apple’s assistance get information from the equate alternatives to ob-
Brooklyn case at the center the drug case even though in accessing the data that phone in California might taining Apple’s assistance
of a fight over whether a it recently dropped its fight it is authorized to search work with the drug case in the Brooklyn case, which
227-year-old law gives offi- to compel Apple to help it by warrant,” the Justice phone, eliminating the involves a phone with a dif-
need for additional litiga- ferent version of operating
tion. system than the phone at
Federal prosecutors told issue in the California case.
Brodie on Friday that it In a statement Friday, Jus-
would not modify their tice Department spokes-
March request for her to woman Emily Pierce said
overturn a February ruling the mechanism used to
concluding that the centu- gain access in the San Ber-
ries-old All Writs Act could nardino case can only be
not be used to force Apple used on a narrow category
to help the government of phones.
extract information from “In this case, we still need
iPhones. Apple’s help in accessing
Magistrate Judge James the data, which they have
Orenstein made the rul- done with little effort in at
ing after inviting Apple to least 70 other cases when
challenge the 1789 law, presented with court orders
saying he wanted to know for comparable phones
if the government requests running iOS 7 or earlier op-
had created a burden for erating systems,” she said.
the Cupertino, California- Apple is due to file a re-
based company. sponse in the case by Thurs-
Since then, lawyers say Ap- day.
New Jersey pols, Whoopi: Say yes to pot for menstrual cramps
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — With of organic marijuana ed- ment authorized for medi- law, marijuana is limited chocolate. The products
ibles on a line of medical cal marijuanause. But she are set to be available soon
a nod to Whoopi Gold- cannabis designed to re- said that it has likely been to use for a specific list of in a handful of dispensaries
lieve menstrual pain. prescribed for menstrual in California, where users
berg, lawmakers in New “People have this puritani- cramps in states where ailments, need a doctor’s authoriza-
cal idea that it’s a bunch doctors have more leeway tion to buy a wide range
Jersey announced legisla- of potheads sitting in these in prescribing medical mar- including multiple sclero- of marijuana or pot-based
dispensaries, but there are ijuana. products.
tion that would loosen the some very sick patients in “For many women, the re- sis, terminal cancer, mus- The idea for the legislation
need,” Eustace said. sponse to pain so severe came from oversight hear-
state’s strict medical mari- Taylor West, the deputy di- that it causes them to vomit cular dystrophy, and other ings on New Jersey’s medi-
rector of the National Can- or faint is either, ‘Just deal cal marijuana that showed
juana law to allow women nabis Industry Association, with it,’ or a prescription chronic illnesses. It’s also the state is missing out on
a nonprofit trade group, drug that may not even al- edible and liquid marijua-
to get pot-based products said she’s not aware of leviate their symptoms,” Ji- approved for seizures and na products because only
any other state that specifi- menez said. smokable forms are avail-
to ease menstrual cramps. cally list cramps as an ail- Under current New Jersey glaucoma if resistant to able, Eustace said.
Democratic Assembly conventional treatment.
members Tim Eustace, L. Goldberg, a West Orange
Grace Spencer and An- resident, connected with
gelica Jimenez introduced edibles manufacturer
the bill on Thursday, noting Maya Elisabeth to launch
in a news release that their the line, Whoopi & Maya,
move follows the actress’ which includes THC-infused
collaboration with a maker creams, bath salts and