Page 7 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 7
Saturday 9 April 2016
US Financial Front:
Neighborhood bars closing, but don’t count them out yet
JOYCE M. ROSENBERG have changed, says Lester Tess Collins poses behind the bar at her McGeary’s Irish Pub in Albany, N.Y. The number of
AP Business Writer Jones, chief economist neighborhood bars across the country is shrinking as more people do their drinking in restaurants
NEW YORK (AP) — Taps are with the National Beer and huge sports bars. But don’t count the neighborhood bar out, as many are still thriving because
running dry and doors are Wholesalers Association, a of their own, special appeal.
closing at neighborhood trade group. Tougher laws
bars across the country. on underage drinking and (AP Photo/Mike Groll)
That has left the remaining drunk driving have cut into
ones to try to find ways to consumption. space, which includes bars, climbing at a higher pace, a regular after-work crowd
stay afloat. The growth of in-home pay says Ryan McCullough, according to Cushman & and people visiting the
One in six bars closed TV services has also had a senior economist with Wakefield, a real estate state capital on business.
between 2004 and 2014, an impact; when relatively CoStar Group, a real estate services company. Families show up on
according to market few homes had cable in information provider. Rents In addition to higher rent, weekends. There are seven
research firm Nielsen. More the early 1970s, sports fans in those areas nationwide neighborhood bars have TVs in the main bar and
than 600 close each month, went to bars to see games are up an average 9.4 to contend with other rising two in a back room, but
with just 334 opening. that weren’t on broadcast percent since the high costs. Collins finds her customers
The neighborhood bar TV. There were nearly 10 they reached before the Larger companies with are more interested in
closures are happening as million cable subscribers recession. multiple locations can talking to each other than
more people are getting in 1975 and close to 100 But in areas where demand buy beer, liquor and food watching a game.
their alcoholic drinks from million pay TV subscribers for real estate is particularly at lower prices because “I have an awesome
restaurants, cavernous last year, including cable, high, rent increases can they get bigger discounts community here,” says
sports bars with scores satellite and telephone be substantially higher. — the New York State Collins, whose bar is nearby
of TV screens, brewpubs company-delivered Rents on a trendy stretch Liquor Authority mandates Recovery Sports Grill, a
and at home. Besides the services, according to of Broadway in Manhattan a 40 percent discount on sports bar and restaurant
increasing competition, research firm SNL Kagan. not far from Mumbles purchases of 50 cases, that has 35 screens and
neighborhood bars also People don’t need the soared 42 percent between compared to 20 percent is part of an 11-location
are contending with other corner bar. the fall of 2014 and this past on five cases. A higher chain. “Everybody knows
challenges, including rising When consumers do fall, according to the Real minimum wage and rising each other.”
costs for expenses such as go out, they have a Estate Board of New York, a insurance costs also sap
rent. rapidly growing number trade group. profits, says Tess Collins, SMALL BARS FIGHT TO
For instance, when the rent of choices. Restaurants Other cities see similar who runs McGeary’s in SURVIVE
doubled seven years ago at including national chains increases: In Miami, retail downtown Albany, New Many owners have to pass
Mumbles in New York City, have bars and advertise rents rose an average of York. on their higher costs to
running a neighborhood their beverages as much nearly 33 percent from But Collins brightens as their customers, or look for
bar became more difficult as their food. 2011 to last year, with she talks about McGeary’s lower-priced food options
for owner David Feldman. They’re also the kind of rates in the hottest areas customers. The bar draws for their menus.q
Online reservation and place where parents can
order-taking services took take their kids and have a
more bites out of his profits. beer with their meals. And
At the end of January, after the chains are growing;
22 years, Mumbles closed. the number of Buffalo Wild
“It’s getting harder Wings locations has tripled
and harder. The bigger from 370 in 2005 to 1,136 by
corporate restaurants have the end of 2015.
tons of money, that seems
to be the way things are HIGHER EXPENSES
going,” says Feldman, who
still has two restaurants in Rising costs also have hurt
Manhattan, one of which
will now employ one of neighborhood bars.
Mumbles’ bartenders.
Rent increases, in
The number of particular, are typical
neighborhood bars has
declined as drinking habits of areas that are trendy
or have high real estate
taxes. Urban areas where
residents have big incomes
have seen the largest
increases in rents for retail