Page 8 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 8
WORLD NEWSSaturday 9 April 2016
Greece resumes migrant deportations to Turkey amid protests
A migrant child posies for photo near her tent at the northern Greek border point of Idomeni, or turning back to Syria,” of Dikili, health and migra-
Greece, Friday, April 8, 2016. A plan to send back migrants from Greece to Turkey sparked says Mohammed, a Syrian tion officials checked the
demonstrations by local residents in both countries days before the deal brokered by the European who is stranded in the Turk- passengers amid heavy
Union is set to be implemented. ish coastal town of Izmir. security before they were
“People are shocked and whisked onto police-es-
(AP Photo/Amel Emric) scared.” corted buses heading to
Mohammed, who only a deportation center in
D. SOGUEL the island, four activists agency said. It did not gave his first name be- Kirklareli province, near the
P. GIANNAKOURIS jumped into the sea to try elaborate on the reason. cause he might decide to border with Bulgaria.
Associated Press to obstruct the operation The EU-Turkey deal, which go back to his hometown Some 4,000 migrants who
DIKILI, Turkey (AP) — — swimming to the front aims to deter illegal migra- which is under the control reached Greek islands
Greece on Friday resumed of the chartered ferry and tion, has faced several set- of the Islamic State group, from nearby Turkey after
deportations of migrants grabbing the anchor chain backs and sharp criticism in says he told his family to March 20 are being held
to Turkey after a four-day — and were detained by its first week of implemen- stay put. in detention camps to be
pause, despite mounting the coast guard. The sec- tation and has left many “If any Syrian asked me screened for deportation.
desperation among refu- ond boat made the jour- would-be migrants in limbo today, ‘should I make the But the returns have been
gees and attempts by ac- ney without incident. along the coast of Turkey. journey?’ I’d say go back held up by delays in pro-
tivists to stop the two boats One of the migrants, how- “There is no legal or ade- and die in your land with cessing asylum claims by
from leaving Lesbos with ever, was refused by Turkey quate way for us to go to honor,” said the scrawny overwhelmed Greek au-
124 people onboard. and sent back to Lesbos, Europe so people are ei- young man. “Europe wants thorities who are also pre-
Before the first boat left Europe’s Frontex border ther waiting for the boats you dead. Turkey wants paring to deal with appli-
you dead.” cations across the country
The deportations on Friday by some 50,000 refugees
followed the return of 202 who have been promised
migrants earlier this week places in a slow-moving EU
under the EU-Turkey deal relocation scheme.
which aims to return mi- A Turkish official said his
grants who don’t apply country was prepared to
for asylum from Greece to receive higher numbers
Turkey. In exchange, the EU with an array of 1,000 pro-
will take in some Syrians di- fessionals ranging from
rectly from Turkey, provide doctors to migration offi-
funds for Ankara, visa-free cials and police deployed
travel for Turks and acceler- in Dikili. The official, who
ated EU membership talks. spoke on condition of ano-
Officers from the Europe- nymity because he was not
an Union’s border protec- authorized to speak to the
tion agency escorted the press, said that they had
migrants to the boats on expected to receive 2,050
Lesbos. In the Turkish port migrants on Friday.
Cameron takes more heat over link to offshore accounts
DUBLIN (AP) — British Prime lar investments in trusts Thursday night he had sold opposition Labour Party, to a different set of rules,”
Minister David Cameron beyond the reach of the more than 30,000 pounds said nobody believed this said Watson, who recalled
faced mounting pressure British tax system. The is- (about $48,450 at the time) was Cameron’s only in- Cameron’s 2013 speech
Friday over his involvement sue — which has ensnared in shares in his late father’s volvement in profiting from denouncing offshore tax
in offshore investments af- scores of leaders, stars and Blairmore Holdings, an in- offshore investments. He evasion. “He heralded the
ter he finally admitted he others since Sunday’s un- vestment vehicle that and many other lawmak- new age of transparency.
benefited from his father’s precedented leak of 11.5 Mossack Fonseca helped ers called on Cameron He said sunlight is the best
Panama-registered trust, million documents from organize in the Bahamas. to publish not merely his disinfectant. Why doesn’t
an entity exposed by this clients of law firm Mossack Cameron said he bought recent annual tax returns he just step out of the shad-
week’s massive data leak Fonseca — is causing par- the shares in 1997, the year — something Cameron ows, into the sunlight, and
at a law firm specializing in ticular damage to Cam- his Conservative Party was has pledged to do — but reveal his investment port-
global tax avoidance. eron, who for years has ousted from power, and also details of his invest- folio since 2005?”
Lawmakers from opposition campaigned prominently sold them in 2010 shortly ment portfolio since 2005, Opposition leaders called
parties demanded that for a crackdown on global before his party returned when he became Conser- on Cameron to address
Cameron tell the House tax avoidance. After three to office with him in the vative Party leader. “This their demands with a Mon-
of Commons whether he days of obfuscating state- top post. Tom Watson, is the man who is making day statement to Parlia-
holds, or held, other simi- ments, Cameron admitted deputy leader of Britain’s the rules and living his life ment.