Page 13 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 13
Saturday 9 April 2016
In its 5th Annual Edition:
Ms. Canada’s Beach Volleyball Tournament for Charities in Aruba a Hit!
ROSALIE KLEIN land. She is also a compul- passed away in 2015. He Necklace donated by Dia- (Super Foods matched the
(Special to Aruba Today) sive fundraiser for worthy was always a strong sup- mante. donation)
EAGLE BEACH - For the fifth causes, both here and at porter of all her community -Jackie McCluskey – Ster- -Filled a seniors (Lorenzo
year in a row “Ms. Cana- home. When she discovers efforts. The Ms. Canada’s ling Silver Tanzanite Dia- Scotty) wish list $238.77.
da,” Michelle Begin of To- people in need, or those 5th Annual Beach Vol- mond Bracelet donated by -TV for nursing home Cas di
ronto dedicated her time who volunteer their time to leyball Tournament raised Queens Jewelers. Machi -$462.52.
and energy to a fundrais- help the less fortunate, she $7,387 with additional do- During a farewell event at -Fun day with the kids in
nations. A large part of the
ing event that is now a very feels compelled to get in- funds raised are from sales Hard Rock Cafe in Palm San Nicholas – hot dogs,
anticipated day of fun and volved. This year, the fifth of the famous raffle, which Beach, the following chari- hamburgers, toys and the
fundraising for beach vol- anniversary event, which included such wonderful ties received the proceeds cash for helping pick up
leyball enthusiasts living took place in March, was donated prizes as a Sterling from the event: garbage - $505.19.
and vacationing on Aruba. dedicated to memory of Silver Tanzanite Diamond -Ms. Palmer and Ms. Cana- -Donation to Cas di Cultura
Michelle is a long time visi- Michelle’s beloved hus- Bracelet from Queen’s da’s Soup Kitchen $800.00 – - $280.00.
tor who winters on the is- band, Jean Begin, who Jewelers, two nights at the funds to purchase supplies
Renaissance Resort, and a Continued on page 14
Sterling Silver Cartier Pan-
ther Design Swarovski Crys-
tal Necklace donated by
The raffle winners were:
-Maria Santano - $250 cash.
-John Demonte – Two
nights at the Renaissance.
-Rosanna Hirschfeld –
Dream Vacation week
-Jimema Molina – Ster-
ling Silver Cartier Panther
Design Swarovski Crystals