Page 12 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 12


WORLD NEWSSaturday 9 April 2016

Cuba’s economic model in spotlight at party congress                                                                                                         Fidel Castro, age 89,
                                                                                                                                                             makes a rare public
CHRISTINE ARMARIO              island’s ailing economy.         oriented changes enacted                                      model through 2030.           appearance in Cuba 
ANDREA RODRIGUEZ               It’s also likely to be the last  in 2011 in Cuba’s most sig-                                   So far, Cuban leaders have
Associated Press               Communist Party congress         nificant economic over-                                       indicated the government      C. ARMARIO
HAVANA (AP) — Victor Ro-       with any Castro in power         haul to date.                                                 intends to maintain strong    Associated Press
driguez imagines a future      as President Raul Castro         “Everybody’s wondered                                         control of the island’s cen-  HAVANA (AP) — Fidel Cas-
Cuban economy that will        has said he intends to re-       since 2011, what’s the end                                    trally planned economy.       tro has made a rare pub-
                                                                                                                              Less clear are the roles the  lic appearance, speaking
Sandy, the barman at the upscale private “El De Enfrente” Bar serves drinks in Havana, Cuba. One                              state and private market      to school children about
month after President Obama’s visit, all eyes will be on Cuba’s Communist Party congress for the                              will play, and how much       his brother’s late wife and
clearest picture yet of just how far the island’s leaders are willing to open their economy to deeper                         the non-state sector will be  revolutionary figure Vilma
free market reforms, if at all.                                                                                               permitted to expand.          Espin.
                                                                                                                              Since assuming power in       The 89-year-old former
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Desmond Boylan)  2006, Castro has instituted   president regularly writes
                                                                                                                              scattered free-market re-     reflections in the state me-
let him import large quan-     tire in 2018 when he will be     game?” said William Leo-                                      forms to alleviate the is-    dia and meets with digni-
tities of thread, export the   85, turning 86 that June. His    Grande, an American Uni-                                      land’s deep fiscal woes       taries but seldom appears
women’s clothing he de-        older brother Fidel stepped      versity expert on U.S.-Cuba                                   while preserving the com-     in public. His last appear-
signs and keep him from        aside at age 79 in 2006 in       relations. “What are they                                     munist system ushered in      ance at a public event
worrying about obtuse          what he said was a tempo-        anticipating Cuba will look                                   by the 1959 revolution. In    was in July 2015. Wearing
regulations such as where      rary move after suffering a      like when the restructuring                                   2010, he announced plans      a white sports jacket and
he can place items on his      serious illness and retired for  is done? Will it look like Viet-                              to permit more small busi-    speaking in a scratchy
small retail stand.            good two years later.            nam? China? Something                                         nesses and reduce state       voice, Castro told a room
“Maybe then I could think      “This is basically setting the   else?”                                                        employment. The 2011          of students and teachers
about opening a full store,”   future of Cuba,” said Car-       Based on the Marxist-Lenin-                                   Communist Party congress      that Espin would be happy
he said.                       melo Mesa-Lago, an eco-          ist model, the Communist                                      passed 313 resolutions that   to see the fruits of her sac-
One month after President      nomics professor at the Uni-     Party of Cuba is the only                                     included legalizing car       rifice at schools like theirs.
Barack Obama’s visit, is-      versity of Pittsburgh.           legal political party on the                                  sales, encouraging the        Thursday’s appearance
landers are now looking to     The congress has already         island. It holds its congress                                 development of mid-size       came on what would have
Cuba’s upcoming Com-           generated much atten-            roughly every five years to                                   cooperatives with dozens      been her 86th birthday.
munist Party congress for      tion with party members          map the island’s political,                                   of employees and elimi-       “For those of us who are
the clearest picture yet       complaining about a lack         social and economic fu-                                       nating an exit permit all     here we consider it a privi-
of how far their leaders       of the advance debate            ture — except for a 14-year                                   Cubans once needed to         lege to be in this school to-
will open the economy          on economic and social           stretch from 1997-2011.                                       travel outside the country.   day because this type of
to deeper free-market re-      reforms seen in the past.        The latest congress will                                      Cubans were also permit-      school is getting close to a
forms — if at all.             The party’s official news-       bring together 1,000 party                                    ted to buy and sell homes     kind of dream,” he said.
The congress being held        paper, Granma, published         members from throughout                                       for the first time since the  The revolutionary leader
April 16-19 comes at a criti-  a lengthy article explain-       the island to discuss Cu-                                     early years of the revolu-    did not make any remarks
cal juncture in Cuba’s histo-  ing that instead of inviting     ba’s plan going forward.                                      tion.                         about last month’s visit to
ry, with diplomatic relations  new public discussion of re-     Among the things mem-                                         Emilio Morales, an eco-       Cuba by President Obama
with the U.S. generating en-   forms, this year’s congress      bers will consider this year is                               nomic analyst who heads       in televised portions of the
thusiasm but bringing lim-     will focus on the continued      a description of the island’s                                 the Miami-based Havana        visit aired on Cuban state
ited improvements to the       implementation of market-        economic development                                          Consulting Group, said the    news media.
                                                                                                                              reforms to date have en-      Castro wrote a 1,500-
                                                                                                                              couraged the growth of a      word essay in response to
                                                                                                                              small business sector that    Obama’s trip in his only
                                                                                                                              includes retail enterprises   statement about the U.S.
                                                                                                                              like Rodriguez’s clothing     leader’s visit to date, re-
                                                                                                                              stand, stylish new restau-    minding Cubans about a
                                                                                                                              rants and polished 1960       long history of U.S. aggres-
                                                                                                                              Cadillacs and other old       sion against the island and
                                                                                                                              cars serving as taxis. About  stating “we don’t need the
                                                                                                                              500,000 Cubans now run        empire to give us any pres-
                                                                                                                              their own businesses, yet     ents.”
                                                                                                                              total private-sector em-      Castro stepped aside in
                                                                                                                              ployment represents just a    2006 after suffering a seri-
                                                                                                                              fraction of the economy —     ous illness and officially re-
                                                                                                                              an estimated 23 percent       tired two years later, but his
                                                                                                                              of all employment in 2014,    presence still casts a long
                                                                                                                              compared to 18 percent in     shadow on Cuban govern-
                                                                                                                              2011.                         ment and society.q

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