Page 16 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 16


   LOCALSaturday 9 April 2016

As Aging Population Increases in Aruba:

  Indrah Zievinger Calls For Social Workers in Nursing Homes

ORANJESTAD - Indrah Ziev-    SABA. Indra’s parents both     tinues to age, social work-    a social worker. The study     congratulates Indrah Ziev-
inger recently became the    worked at SABA, resulting in   ers’ role in caring for the    recommends a similar re-       inger on her graduation
11th student to graduate     her acquiring a keen inter-    elderly is an issue that must  search be conducted at         and hopes that one day,
with a Bachelor Degree in    est in working with elderly    not be ignored. The quan-      the private nursing homes.     she will find her place and
Social Work and Develop-     persons. To this end, she      titative research, in which    Additionally, a similar study  space at the SABA nurs-
ment from the University     chose to conduct research      40 residents and 73 staff      will be conducted with         ing homes, or in one of the
of Aruba. During Indrah’s    on the topic: “The role of     employed at one of the         family members to explore      private nursing homes or
tenure at the University of  social work in the future de-  SABA Nursing Homes were        their expectations of social   establish her own center
Aruba, she did her intern-   velopment of SABA nursing      interviewed, concluded         workers in nursing homes.      of excellence for older per-
ship at SVGA, Stichting      homes.”                        that 90% of the residents      The Department of Social       sons continuing in the tradi-
Hamied- Woonhof in Cu-       According to Indrah, as the    and 90.4% of the staff sup-    Work and Development           tion of the Zievingers.q
racao, and at Marie Stella,  population of Aruba con-       port the employment of         at the University of Aruba
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