Page 19 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 19

                                                                                                                             Saturday 9 April 2016

Pacquiao has familiar place and opponent for return to ring 

TIM DAHLBERG                  that he’s a man of his           Manny Pacquiao, left, of the Philippines, and Timothy Bradley pose during a weigh-in, Friday,
AP Boxing Writer              word,” Bradley said. “He’s       April 8, 2016, in Las Vegas. They are scheduled to fight in a welterweight title fight Saturday in Las
LAS VEGAS (AP) — He re-       always shown that charac-        Vegas.
turns to a familiar place,    ter and that integrity and I
with an equally familiar op-  think he’s the right man for                                                                                                                         Associated Press
ponent. Manny Pacquiao        the job.”
is taking no chances when     Pacquiao has waffled             under new trainer Teddy he hasn’t had a knockout Mayweather had trouble
he meets Timothy Bradley      about whether this is his last
in what could be the last     fight, saying he still loves     Atlas, the longtime ESPN since 2009 though he was selling his last fight, too,
fight of his remarkable ca-   boxing but his family wants
reer.                         him to retire. Trainer Fred-     broadcaster who he con- on the receiving end of drawing relatively mea-
There’s chatter in the back-  die Roach said he believes
ground about a possible       Pacquiao has benefited           vinced to return to boxing one when he lost to Juan ger pay-per-view numbers
rematch with Floyd May-       from a year’s rest after the
weather Jr., though that      Mayweather fight and             to train him.                   Manuel Marquez.               for what most considered
appears very unlikely. Their  can go on at the age of
hugely hyped fight last       37, even though he hasn’t        “Having Teddy is like hav- “I feel it’s good that I had a non-competitive bout
May was a dud, and May-       scored a knockout since
weather has shown no in-      2009.                            ing a cheat sheet. He ana- a long layoff,” said Pac- against Andre Berto.
terest — at least publicly —  “He hasn’t slowed down
in changing his mind about    at all,” Roach said. “He still   lyzes fights,” Bradley said. quiao, who began his pro The low numbers for both
retirement.                   has a couple fights left in      “This fight will be fought dif- career as a 16-year-old in fighters indicate fans are
Pacquiao could be head-       him.”                            ferently. I’m going to be a 1995 in the Philippines. “It suffering from hangover
ed there himself, even if     Pacquiao weighed in Fri-
he beats Bradley in the       day afternoon at 145 1/2         lot smarter than I was the makes me hungry again, from buying the May-
rubber match of their se-     pounds to 146 1/2 for Brad-
ries. He’s running for the    ley. The welterweight limit is   first two fights.”              makes me fresher.”            weather-Pacquiao fight.
Senate in the Philippines,    147 pounds.
a job that takes far more     Pacquiao is guaranteed           Pacquiao is a 2-1 favorite in Not feeling quite as good Arum has tried to generate
time than his current posi-   $7 million — a far cry from
tion of congressman in his    the $100 million or so he        his return to the ring, which is promoter Bob Arum, who more interest by trumpeting
native country, and polls     got to fight Mayweather —
make him a favorite in next   to meet Bradley again in a       comes after shoulder sur- has struggled to sell the a “No Trump” undercard of
month’s election.             pay-per-view fight that is
Pacquiao might solidify his   struggling to get noticed.       gery and a long rest in the fight. There were tickets mostly Hispanic fighters he
position in the polls with a  With good reason, be-
win over Bradley in Satur-    cause there’s still a hang-      Philippines. The winner of      widely available in the days  said will strike a blow for im-
day night’s welterweight      over from the Mayweather         titles in eight weight classes  leading up to the bout, and   migrants.
fight at the MGM Grand,       fight and he and Bradley         — the first one coming 17       pay-per-view projections      “My Hispanic army is
where he met Mayweather       have already fought 24           years ago at 112 pounds —       have been scaled down.        marching,” Arum said.q
last May.                     mostly non-descript rounds.
                              “He will be remembered
  Everyone loves a win-       as one of the best fight-
ner, though Pacquiao is       ers who ever put on the
already beloved by most       gloves,” Bradley said. “But
people in the Philippines as  I’m a different fighter than
the biggest sports hero the   I was in the first two fights.”
country has ever had.         Bradley won the first of
Indeed, Bradley said he       those fights on a highly
would be in Pacquiao’s        controversial decision, then
corner if he had a vote.      faded in the later rounds
“He’s shown over and over     to lose the second bout.
that he is for the people     He says he is rejuvenated
and by the people and
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