Page 21 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 21

                                                                                                                                Saturday 9 April 2016

Warriors become 2nd NBA team to win 70 games

OAKLAND, California (AP)                                                                          ja Bjelica also scored 18          Darren Collison had 19
— Stephen Curry scored                                                                            points, and Minnesota              points and six assists in the
27 points and the Golden                                                                          beat Sacramento.                   Kings’ third straight loss.
State Warriors became                                                                             The Timberwolves led for           Quincy Acy scored 17
the second team to win                                                                            most of the game in follow-        points, Willie Cauley-Stein
70 games in a season by                                                                           ing up their victory at Gold-      had 15 and Rudy Gay fin-
beating the San Antonio                                                                           en State by sweeping the           ished with 13 points and 13
Spurs 112-101 on Thursday                                                                         four-game series against           rebounds.
night, wrapping up home-                                                                          the Kings.                         Kings coach George Karl
court advantage through-                                                                          Karl-Anthony Towns had             rested DeMarcus Cousins,
out the playoffs.                                                                                 17 points and 10 rebounds          the team’s leading scorer
The Warriors (70-9)                                                                               and Andrew Wiggins                 and rebounder, and Ra-
bounced back from their                                                                           scored 15 points for the Tim-      jon Rondo, who leads the
second loss in three home                                                                         berwolves. Bjelica made            NBA in assists. This was Sac-
games two nights ear-                                                                             four 3-pointers and his point      ramento’s 32nd different
lier against Minnesota and                                                                        total was a career high.           starting lineup.
joined the 1995-96 Chica-
go Bulls as the only teams                                                                        Bills LB Tarpley cites 2 con-
to win 70 games. Golden                                                                           cussions as reason to retire 
State can break Chicago’s
single-season record of 72       Golden State Warriors’ Draymond Green signals after making a     JOHN WAWROW                        injury report for having a
wins by sweeping the final       3-point basket against the San Antonio Spurs during the second   AP Sports Writer                   concussion just once in ear-
three games, including a         half of an NBA basketball game Thursday, April 7, 2016, in Oak-  BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Buf-          ly November after he was
rematch in San Antonio on        land, Calif. Golden State won 112-101.                           falo Bills linebacker A.J. Tar-    hurt in a 34-31 loss to Jack-
Sunday.                          NBA Capsules                                                     pley is retiring from football     sonville in a game played
Harrison Barnes scored                                                                            after just one season rather       at London. Following the
21 points and Draymond           HAWKS 95, RAPTORS 87              off the bench, P.J. Tuck-      than risk suffering another        team’s bye week off, Tar-
Green added 18 to help           ATLANTA (AP) — Jeff               er added 24 and Phoe-          concussion.                        pley returned to play the
the Warriors avoid losing        Teague scored 23 points,          nix dealt another blow to      Not even one last visit to his     next game.
back-to-back games for           Kyle Korver added 14 and          Houston’s dwindling play-      locker stall at the Bills’ facil-  “This is the hardest deci-
the first time this season.      Atlanta held off Toronto.         off chances.                   ity could change his mind.         sion I’ve made yet, but
Golden State has out-            It was one of the season’s        It’s the second straight       Tarpley’s agent, Ryan              after much research and
scored the opposition by         best performances for the         loss for the Rockets, who      Downey, confirmed his cli-         contemplation I believe it’s
14.6 points per game fol-        Hawks, who remained in            entered the day in ninth       ent’s decision on Thursday,        what is best for me going
lowing its nine losses.          third place in the Eastern        place in the Western Con-      a day after Tarpley an-            forward,” Tarpley wrote,
Kawhi Leonard scored 23          Conference by beating             ference after a loss at Dal-   nounced the news on his            before thanking his family,
points for the Spurs, who        the East’s No. 2 seed.            las on Wednesday.              Instagram account.                 teammates, former coach-
will enter the playoffs next     With Paul Millsap scoring         The game was back and          “After months of introspec-        es, the Bills and their fans.
weekend as the second            13 points and Al Horford,         forth through the first few    tion, I am retiring from foot-     The Bills issued a statement
seed in the West.                Tim Hardaway Jr. and Mike         minutes of the fourth quar-    ball,” Tarpley wrote. “I suf-      saying Tarpley informed
HEAT 106, BULLS 98               Scott each adding 11, At-         ter before the Suns took       fered the 3rd and 4th con-         coach Rex Ryan about his
Dwyane Wade scored 21            lanta used a balanced at-         over.                          cussions of my career this         plans to retire, but the team
points, Joe Johnson add-         tack to knock off Toronto         They scored 10 straight        past season and I am walk-         didn’t know whether the
ed 17 and Miami shook off        for the first time in four tries  points, with eight coming      ing away from the game I           player formally submitted
a slow first half to beat Chi-   this season.                      on free throws, to take a      love to preserve my future         the required paperwork to
cago, clamping down in           The Hawks have won 16 of          117-110 lead with 1:03 left    health.”                           the NFL.
the final minutes for its ninth  21 and are a half-game            and send fans streaming        Tarpley became the latest          “He has expressed how dif-
win in the last 10 home          ahead of Boston for the           for the exits.                 player to walk away from           ficult the decision was, and
games.                           third spot in the East. Toron-    Tyson Chandler added 21        the game because of con-           we certainly respect his de-
Goran Dragic and Hassan          to dropped 3½ games be-           points for the Suns, who       cussion concerns.                  cision,” the Bills statement
Whiteside each had 16            hind first-place Cleveland.       snapped a NBA-high, sev-       Last year, San Francisco           added. “We enjoyed hav-
points and 12 rebounds for       Kyle Lowry and DeMar              en-game skid.                  49ers rookie linebacker            ing A.J. as a valued mem-
Miami, which has 14 con-         DeRozan each finished             James Harden led Houston       Chris Borland retired at           ber of our team last year
secutive games of scoring        with 16 points and Jonas          with 30 points.                the age of 24 by saying he         and wish him the best of
100 or more at home — the        Valanciunas had 13 for            TIMBERWOLVES 105, KINGS        wants to do “what’s best           luck in his future endeav-
second-longest such streak       the Raptors. Toronto has          97                             for my health.” Last week,         ors.”
in franchise history.            dropped two of three.             SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)        Kansas City Chiefs safety          Tarpley is retiring despite
Luol Deng scored 13, Josh        SUNS 124, ROCKETS 115             — Gorgui Dieng had 18          Husain Abdullah cited              knowing he had a chance
Richardson had 11 and            HOUSTON (AP) — Mirza              points and 13 rebounds,        health concerns in electing        to compete for more play-
Amare Stoudemire added           Teletovic scored 26 points        Zach LaVine and Neman-         to retire after seven sea-         ing time in Buffalo after
10 for the Heat (46-32),                                                                          sons, and after suffering his      the team failed to re-sign
who remained fifth in the                                                                         fifth concussion last year.        starter Nigel Bradham and
Eastern Conference.                                                                               Tarpley signed with Buffalo        backup Ty Powell this off-
Jimmy Butler scored 25                                                                            as an undrafted rookie free        season.
points for the Bulls (39-40),                                                                     agent out of Stanford. He          Downey, who helped his
who now need a series of                                                                          had a sack and two inter-          client write the four-para-
miracles to get into the                                                                          ceptions in 15 games, in-          graph message, said he
postseason. Pau Gasol fin-                                                                        cluding two starts, last sea-      and Tarpley’s parents had
ished with 21 points and                                                                          son.                               been informed of the deci-
12 rebounds, and Derrick                                                                          He was listed on the Bills’        sion last weekend.
Rose scored 17 for Chica-
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