Page 20 - ATD09APRIL2016
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SPORTSSaturday 9 April 2016
Spieth hangs on to Masters
lead, but just barely
Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, holds up his ball after saving DOUG FERGUSON Danny Lee bogeyed his last said, before turning and
par on the first hole during the second round of the Masters golf AP Golf Writer two holes for a 72 and was having a stern conversa-
tournament Friday, April 8, 2016, in Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Jor- two shots behind, along tion with himself.
dan Spieth set a Masters re- with Scott Piercy (72). The McIlroy was as many as
Associated Press cord on Friday by leading only other players who re- eight shots behind and
the tournament for the sixth mained under par were never lost sight of the diffi-
straight round. Hideki Matsuyama (72), cult conditions. He picked
He sure didn’t seem to be Brandt Snedeker (72) and up birdies on the two par
in a mood to celebrate. Soren Kjeldsen (74). 5s on the back, and holed
Spieth led by as many as Dustin Johnson birdied all a 40-foot birdie putt on the
five shots after a fast start, the par 5s for a 71 and was 16th before finishing with a
and then, just like everyone in the group at even par par save out of the trees.
else on this wickedly windy that included U.S. Ama- “I was at 8 under and you
day, he had to hang on for teur champion Bryson De- finish at 4. That’s kind of
dear life. Spieth holed a 15- Chambeau, who felt the tough,” Spieth said. “I felt
foot par putt on the 18th sting of Augusta on the final like I played better than 4
hole for a 2-over 74 that hole. DeChambeau was over from the fourth hole
gave him a one-shot lead playing the best round of on.”
over Rory McIlroy. the day at 3 under and just The gusts topped out at
“I’m still in the lead. I one shot out of the lead. 30 mph on Friday, and it’s
couldn’t ask for much bet- But he hooked his tee shot not expected to get easier.
ter than leading,” Spieth into the trees and had to Throw in the pressure on
said. “I’m a bit disappoint- return to the tee, hooked Spieth to become only the
ed right now, fresh off the the next one and made fourth back-to-back winner
round. Two over on the last triple bogey for a 72. at the Masters, and a bur-
three holes will leave you Still in the mix was Jason den on McIlroy to finish off
that way.” Day, who sputtered along the Grand Slam, and this
McIlroy, who needs a to a 73 but was only five could be theater at its fin-
green jacket to complete shots behind. est.
the Grand Slam, played “It almost feels like a U.S. “Tomorrow is going to be
the last six holes in 3 under Open where you need to more difficult than today,”
for a 71 to match the low survive,” Day said. “And Spieth said. “Even par is
round of the day. Condi- I’m trying my best to survive one heck of a score tomor-
tions were so brutal that it right now.” row.”
was the first time since the Spieth finished a round He said anyone breaking
third round in 2007 that no over par at Augusta for the par Saturday could move
one broke 70. first time in his three Masters into the lead from as far
“I know I’m in a good po- appearances. Coming off back as 25th place.
sition going into the week- his wire-to-wire victory last Spieth’s par on the last hole
end,” McIlroy said. “And year, that par save from the not only kept him in the
I’m happy with that.” bunker on the 18th allowed lead, it sent Phil Mickelson
The prospects of Spieth him to set a record for most home for the weekend be-
and McIlroy in the final consecutive rounds in the cause of the 10-shot rule.
group at any major, much lead. Mickelson shot a career-
less the Masters, is tantaliz- Arnold Palmer was atop high 79 and finished at
ing. Both of them realize the leaderboard for six 7-over to miss the cut.
that this is far from the duel. straight rounds in 1960 and Tom Watson missed the
With more wind expected the opening two rounds in cut by two shots in his fi-
on Saturday, it feels more 1961, though he shared in nal Masters appearance,
like everyone against Au- those last two rounds. walking up the 18th fairway
gusta National. And right Even so, it was hard to get to a standing ovation and
now, the odds are with the past Spieth’s mistakes — a warm applause. He parred
golf course. four-putt double bogey on his last four holes for a 78
The way Spieth came back No. 5, a three-putt bogey and said later, “I’m glad
to the field, the Masters is on No. 16. Frustration be- I don’t have to play that
wide open. gan to set in on the 10th 18th hole anymore.”
He was at 4-under 140, the when Spieth posed over Spieth, McIlroy and every-
highest 36-hole lead since his approach until it came one else have two more
that frigid, windy Masters in up short of the green. “How days to endure to see who
2007. is that into the wind?” he claims the green jacket.q