Page 11 - ATD09APRIL2016
P. 11

                                                                                                                                     Saturday 9 April 2016

Brazil’s AG says Silva should be barred from Cabinet 

An opposition deputy holds up an inflatable doll of former Presi-                 a move widely seen as an        ment in Sao Paulo state        the name of Silva’s wife
dent Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in prison garb, during the Parlia-                 attempt to help shield him      and another project at a       written on them. Two sus-
mentary Commission examining the request for impeachment                          from potential detention        country house used by Silva    pects were arrested while
of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, in Brasilia, Brazil.                        as part of the Petrobras        and his family constituted     they were hiding the stolen
                                                                                  probe. As a Cabinet minis-      favors in exchange for po-     goods in a wooded area.
                                                         (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)  ter, Silva can only be pros-    litical benefit.               Janot made his recom-
                                                                                  ecuted with the approval        Both residences have un-       mendations to the Su-
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil’s      Rodrigo Janot’s recom-                             of the Supreme Court.           dergone major renovations      preme Court just days
attorney general has rec-      mendation on Thursday                              Supreme Court Justice Gil-      paid for by construction       before the lower house
ommended that the Su-          reversed an earlier opin-                          mar Mendes temporarily          companies that for de-         of congress is to vote on
preme Court block former       ion he expressed a few                             blocked his appointment,        cades have had contracts       whether to impeach Rous-
President Luiz Inacio Lula da  weeks ago when he said                             saying it was aimed at          with the federal govern-       seff on charges of manipu-
Silva from becoming chief      that Silva’s appointment                           helping Silva get around his    ment. Those enterprises        lating budget accounts to
of staff to President Dilma    was legitimate. He said he                         legal woes. The full court is   are also at the center of      allow her administration to
Rousseff, saying it would      changed his mind after an-                         to rule on April 20 whether     the scandal gripping Petro-    boost spending to shore up
disrupt investigations into    other examination of the                           to uphold Mendes’ injunc-       bras, in which prosecutors     votes before her 2014 re-
the corruption-kickback        case.                                              tion.                           allege $2 billion was paid in  election campaign.
scheme at state-owned oil      Rousseff appointed Silva                           Janot said there was a “de-     bribes to obtain contracts.    She has vehemently denied
company Petrobras.             to her Cabinet in March in                         viation of purpose” in Silva’s  Police said that two rob-      committing any crime and
                                                                                  appointment which would         bers broke into the country    said previous presidents
                                                                                  “disrupt the progress of the    house located in the rural     made use of similar ac-
                                                                                  criminal investigation.”        city of Atibaia on Thursday    counting techniques. She
                                                                                  Prosecutors are investigat-     and made off with a box of     has called the impeach-
                                                                                  ing if renovations made at      Cuban cigars, a television     ment effort an attempted
                                                                                  a luxury beachfront apart-      set and jars of cream with     coup.

Guatemala bank raids, probe
target Venezuelan’s account

GUATEMALA CITY (AP)            Guatemalan prosecutors
— Guatemalan prosecu-          said the case is not related
tors raided the offices of a   to this week’s “Panama Pa-
bank and froze some $20        pers” leak of documents
million worth of assets on     related to offshore hold-
Friday as part of a money-     ings.
laundering probe involving     Judge Marco Villeda told
an account in the name of      The Associated Press that
a Venezuelan national.         the complaint presented
The search at Banco de         by prosecutors was based
los Trabajadores targeted      on “strong indications that
documents related to the       the money could have
account of Hidalgo Rafael      come from illicit acts.”
Socorro Urdaneta, a Ven-       Banco de los Trabajadores
ezuelan said to be the le-     said in a news release
gal representative of DHK      that it respects Guatema-
Finance INC Panama. The        lan law and will cooper-
firm was established in Oc-    ate with authorities in any
tober 2011 in Panama City.     investigation.q
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