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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Chicago Mayor Fires Police Chief In Wake Of Video Release 

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel speaks at a news conference in Chicago, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015, where he announced the firing of Chicago Police Superintendent
Garry McCarthy and discussed the creation of a newly created task force on police accountability. The firing of McCarthy came a week after the release of a dash-
cam video that showed a white police officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times.

                                                                                                                                                                                    (Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times Media via AP )

DON BABWIN                    among those protesting the    published Monday.                sional way.”
Associated Press              teen’s death. Many activ-     The mayor defended the           Emanuel on Tuesday an-
CHICAGO (AP) — Rahm           ists are especially incensed  decision to withhold the         nounced the dismissal of
Emanuel sought for months     by the fact that the video    video from the public until      Garry McCarthy, who only
to keep the public from       first surfaced during a re-   the investigation was fin-       days ago insisted to report-
seeing a video that shows     election campaign, when       ished. “You don’t compro-        ers that the mayor had his
a white police officer        the mayor was seeking Af-     mise an ongoing investiga-       “back.”
shooting a black teenager     rican-American votes.         tion,” he said. “Yet it’s clear  The mayor praised McCar-
16 times. Now, a week af-     “In our community, every-     you all want and the pub-        thy’s leadership but called
ter the video’s release, the  one is saying it (the video)  lic deserves that informa-       it an “undeniable fact”
Chicago mayor has fired       was not released because      tion. They’re two conflicting    that the public’s trust in the
the police superintendent,    of the election,’ said Corey  principles.”                     police had eroded.
created a new task force      Brooks, a prominent black     Asked by a reporter if           “Now is the time for fresh
for police accountability     minister.                     Emanuel thought he would         eyes and new leadership,”
and expanded the  use  of     Had it emerged earlier, the   become a distraction him-        Emanuel said.
body cameras.                 video “could have buried”     self and would consider          Through a spokesman, Mc-
But Emanuel’s effort to       Emanuel’s chances for re-     resigning, the mayor re-         Carthy declined to com-
keep the video secret and     election, Columbia Law        sponded, “You’ll make that       ment Tuesday to The Asso-
his long wait to take action  School professor Bernard      judgment. I think I’m doing      ciated Press.
at the police department      E. Harcourt wrote in a New    my job. And I try to do it
has stirred deep skepticism   York Times op-ed piece        every day do it in a profes-         Continued on page 5
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