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U.S. NEWSWednesday 2 December

Clinton commemorates boycott, says US must address injustice 

                                                                                                  the slain civil rights leader  and communities because
                                                                                                  preached his Sunday ser-
                                                                                                  mons from 1954 to 1960.        of incarceration and pre-
                                                                                                  King’s daughter, Bernice
                                                                                                  King, gave the benedic-        mature death. And too
                                                                                                  tion. “We must be hon-
                                                                                                  est about the larger and       many black families mourn
                                                                                                  deeper inequalities that
                                                                                                  continue to exist across our   the loss of a child,” she said.
                                                                                                  country,” Clinton said.
                                                                                                  Clinton’s speech fell on the   Clinton praised the work of
                                                                                                  anniversary of Rosa Parks’
                                                                                                  Dec. 1, 1955 arrest for re-    police who build trust and
                                                                                                  fusing to give her bus seat
                                                                                                  to a white passenger. Her      confidence with the pub-
                                                                                                  arrest sparked the 381-day
                                                                                                  boycott of Montgomery          lic, but she called for re-
                                                                                                  buses by blacks to protest
                                                                                                  segregated seating.            forms and “a new course
                                                                                                  “There are still injustices
                                                                                                  perpetuated every day in       in how we approach pun-
                                                                                                  our country, sometimes in
                                                                                                  spite of the law, sometimes    ishment and prison.”
                                                                                                  unfortunately in keeping of
                                                                                                  it,” Clinton said.             Clinton also decried what
                                                                                                  She said mass imprison-
                                                                                                  ment of nonviolent crimi-      she called efforts to erode
                                                                                                  nals such as drug offenders
                                                                                                  does little to reduce crime,   the voting rights that mi-
                                                                                                  but much to rip apart fami-
                                                                                                  lies.                          norities won decades ago.
                                                                                                  “Right now an estimated
                                                                                                  1.5 million black men are      “Unfortunately, there is mis-
                                                                                                  missing from their families
                                                                                                                                 chief afoot,” she said.

                                                                                                                                 In stops in the South, the

                                                                                                                                 Democratic        presiden-

                                                                                                                                 tial front-runner has been

                                                                                                                                 working to solidify her ad-

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Dexter Avenue King Memorial                                      vantage among African-

Baptist Church, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015, in Montgomery, Ala. Clinton’s keynote address is part of                                  American voters.

a two-day event put on by the National Bar Association in recognition of the 60th anniversary of                                 Clinton has made frank

the Montgomery city bus boycott which began after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a                                    discussion about the coun-

white man. 							                                            (AP Photo/ Hal Yeager)                                             try’s lingering racism a cen-

KIM CHANDLER                  boycott, Democratic presi-      ic of gun violence and at-                                         tral theme of her primary
Associated Press              dential front-runner Hillary    tempts to roll back voting
MONTGOMERY, Alabama           Clinton reached out to          rights.                                                            campaign, in an effort to
(AP) — Standing in the        black voters Tuesday say-       Clinton spoke to a majority
pulpit where the Rev. Mar-    ing the  U.S. is still plagued  black crowd at the Dex-                                            woo the coalition of minor-
tin Luther King Jr. led the   by injustices such as mass      ter Avenue King Memo-
historic Montgomery bus       incarceration, an epidem-       rial Baptist Church where                                          ity, young, and female vot-

                                                                                                                                 ers who twice catapulted

                                                                                                                                 Barack Obama into the

                                                                                                                                 White House.q

Officer says he told boy to show hands before fatal shots 

JOHN SEEWER                   he saw the boy pulling a        A grand jury will decide            Ginty to step aside and al-    Loehmann and patrolman
Associated Press              weapon out of his waist         if Loehmann or his field            low a special prosecutor       Frank Garmback describe
A white Cleveland patrol-     band.                           training officer should be          to take over the case. They    in detail action that the
man who fatally shot a        “I knew it was a gun and I      charged criminally for              called the prosecutor’s        surveillance video shows
12-year-old black boy car-    knew it was coming out,”        Tamir’s death.                      presentation to the grand      took about two seconds.
rying a pellet gun told in-   officer Timothy Loehmann        Prosecutors in recent               jury “biased” and “im-         They were responding af-
vestigators that he and his   said in the statement given     weeks released a frame-             proper” after releasing the    ter a person called police
partner continuously yelled   to investigators.               by-frame analysis of the            reports that found no fault    and reported that a man
“show me your hands” be-      It turned out Tamir was car-    surveillance camera foot-           with the officers’ actions.    was waving a gun and
fore he fired, according      rying a nonlethal, Airsoft-     age from the shooting,              They said Tuesday that         pointing it at people. The
to the officer’s statement    type gun that shoots plas-      along with expert reports           allowing both officers to      caller told the dispatcher
released by prosecutors       tic pellets when Loehmann       that called the shooting            make unsworn statements        that the gun might not be
Tuesday.                      shot him twice outside a        justified.                          that won’t be subject to       real. The call also said the
The rookie officer said that  recreation center on Nov.       Attorneys for the Rice fam-         cross examination “further     man might be a juvenile,
Tamir Rice didn’t obey        22, 2014. He died a day         ily have asked Cuyahoga             taints these proceedings.”     but that information wasn’t
his commands and that         later.                          County Prosecutor Tim Mc-           The statements from            passed on to the officers.q
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