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                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 2 December

Chicago mayor fires police chief after video release 

                                                                            legations that he used ra-       that many murder suspects
                                                                            cial epithets and excessive      had prior gun convictions,
                                                                            force. Complaints against        which McCarthy argued
                                                                            police are not uncom-            should have kept them off
                                                                            mon, but the number filed        the streets.
                                                                            against Van Dyke was high        But the police chief came
                                                                            compared with other offi-        under pressure because of
                                                                            cers. Emanuel’s office an-       homicides that included
                                                                            nounced Sunday that the          high-profile cases such as
                                                                            police department would          the slaying of Hadiya Pend-
                                                                            expand its  use  of officer      leton.
                                                                            body cameras from a sin-         Also on Tuesday, relatives
                                                                            gle district to roughly a third  of another person fatally
                                                                            of Chicago. Emanuel cred-        shot last year by Chicago
                                                                            ited McCarthy with mod-          police stepped up their
                                                                            ernizing Chicago’s police        pleas to have the squad
                                                                            force, getting illegal guns      car video made public.
                                                                            off the streets and pushing      Emanuel spokeswoman
                                                                            a community policing strat-      Kelley Quinn said the city
                                                                            egy that the mayor said          was “looking into” releas-
                                                                            had reduced overall crime        ing it.
                                                                            rates to a record low.           Police have said 25-year-
                                                                            In particular, McCarthy was      old Ronald Johnson III was
                                                                            a constant preacher on           fatally shot by an officer on
                                                                            the need for tougher pun-        Oct. 12, 2014. A the time,
                                                                            ishments for gun offenses.       authorities said he pointed
                                                                            He hammered on the fact          a gun at police.q

In this 2012 photo, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCar-
thy responds to a question during a news conference in Chica-
go. Chicago’s mayor fired McCarthy on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015,
a week after the release of a dash-cam video that showed a
white officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times.

                                     (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

    Continued from Front      are trusted by all Chicago-
                              ans, whoever they are and
Protesters have been call-    wherever they live in the
ing for McCarthy’s dismissal  city.”
in response to the handling   Emanuel introduced Mc-
of the death of Laquan        Carthy as his pick to lead
McDonald, a 17-year-old       the department in May
who was killed in October     2011, replacing former
2014.                         FBI agent Jody Weis, who
Some aldermen, particu-       was unpopular with many
larly members of the city     rank-and-file officers who
council’s black caucus,       claimed Weis did not stand
have also been seeking        behind them.
McCarthy’s resignation,       Alderman Howard Brookins
citing the city’s crime rate  Jr., a member of the black
and questions about the       caucus, said he appreciat-
department transparency.      ed Emanuel’s “willingness
The city released video       to change course.”
of the shooting only after    Chief of Detectives John
a judge ordered it to be      Escalante will oversee the
made public. Last week’s      department until a per-
release set off several days  manent replacement is
of largely peaceful pro-      named, Emanuel said.
tests. On the same day, of-   The mayor also announced
ficer Jason Van Dyke was      the creation of a task force
charged with murder.          on police accountability
“Any case of excessive        that will help develop an
force or abuse of author-     early warning system al-
ity undermines the entire     lowing the department to
force and the trust we        intervene with problem
must build with every com-    officers racking up com-
munity in the city,” the      plaints from the public.
mayor said. Police officers   Van Dyke was the subject
are only effective “if they   of 18 civilian complaints
                              over 14 years, including al-
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