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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Saturday 17 OctOber 2020
            EPA letting some hazardous coal ash ponds stay open longer

            By TRAVIS LOLLER                                                                                                    The  2015  rule  required  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    most  dangerous  ponds  to
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —                                                                                          close by April 2019, but that
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          deadline has been repeat-
            will let some leaking or oth-                                                                                       edly  pushed  back,  Evans
            erwise dangerous coal ash                                                                                           said.  Her  group  sued  over
            storage  ponds  stay  in  op-                                                                                       the  original  rule,  arguing
            eration for years more and                                                                                          that it didn't go far enough.
            some  unlined  ponds  stay                                                                                          One of their victories came
            open  indefinitely  under  a                                                                                        in 2018 when the U.S. Court
            rule  change  announced                                                                                             of Appeals for the District of
            Friday.                                                                                                             Columbia Circuit ruled that
            The  move  by  the  Environ-                                                                                        all  unlined  ponds  (called
            mental  Protection  Agency                                                                                          "clay-lined"  by  the  EPA)
            is the administration's latest                                                                                      needed to close. The court
            rollback  of  environmental                                                                                         stated  simply,  "Clay-lined
            and  public  health  regula-                                                                                        units are dangerous."
            tions  governing  operators                                                                                         The revised rule tries to get
            of coal-fired power plants,                                                                                         around  the  court  order  by
            which are taking hits finan-                                                                                        letting utilities demonstrate
            cially  as  cheaper  natural                                                                                        that  their  unlined  ponds
            gas, solar and wind power                                                                                           "pose no reasonable prob-
            make  dirtier-burning  coal                                                                                         ability  of  adverse  effects
            plants less competitive.     In this Aug. 7, 2019, photo, the Kingston Fossil Plant stands near a waterway in Kingston, Tenn.   on  human  health  or  the
            Friday's  move  weakens  an                                                                        Associated Press  environment."  The  agency
            Obama-era  rule  in  which  lead  and  other  hazardous  tall dike on a massive coal  mer  coal  lobbyist  Andrew  reasoned  that  all  sites  are
            the EPA regulated the stor-  heavy  metals.  U.S.  coal  ash  pond  at  a  Tennessee  Wheeler to lead the EPA.      different, and some unlined
            age  and  disposal  of  toxic  plants  produce  about  100  plant  collapsed,  releasing  The  latest  rollbacks  will  al-  ponds might be safe.
            coal  ash  for  the  first  time,  million tons (90 million met-  more than a billion gallons  low  some  coal  plants  to  But  Evans  said  the  pro-
            including  closing  coal-ash  ric tonnes) annually of ash  of  coal  ash  into  the  Swan  keep  their  storage  ponds  cess for determining safety
            dumping  ponds  that  were  and other waste.              Pond community. It remains  open for years longer than  could  keep  ponds  that
            unstable  or  contaminating  Data  released  by  utilities  the  largest  industrial  spill  envisioned in the 2015 rule.  were  scheduled  to  close
            groundwater.                 in  March  2018,  after  the  in  modern  U.S.  history  and  "The reason the utilities are  open  for  many  years  lon-
            The  looser  strictures  an-  Obama  administration  re-  prompted  the  2015  regu-   arguing to keep the ponds  ger.
            nounced Friday are "impor-   quired  groundwater  moni-   lations  that  were  intended  is  because  they  have  put  "The  Trump  EPA  is  flouting
            tant  to  power-producing  toring  around  coal  ash  to increase oversight of the  in these unlined pits out the  the  court's  decision,"  she
            utilities that Americans in a  storage sites, showed wide-  industry.                  back  door  of  the  power  said.  "I've  never  seen  any-
            number of states rely on ev-  spread  evidence  of  con-  But the change in adminis-   plant that act as a catchall  thing like this before."
            ery day," EPA assistant ad-  tamination  at  coal  plants  trations brought a change  for  their  toxic  waste,"  said  All  the  changes  together
            ministrator Peter Wright said  from Virginia to Alaska.   in  priorities,  with  President  Lisa  Evans,  an  attorney  for  are  expected  to  save  the
            in a statement.              For decades, utilities large-  Donald  Trump  vowing  to  the  environmental  group  industry  between  $41  mil-
            Coal ash is a byproduct of  ly disposed of coal ash by  boost the struggling coal in-  Earthjustice.  "They  don't  lion  and  $138  million  per
            burning coal for power and  sluicing  it  into  huge  open  dustry by rolling back regu-  want to get rid of them be-  year, according to EPA es-
            contains  arsenic,  mercury,  pits.  In  2008,  the  six-story-  lations and appointing for-  cause they are cheap."  timates. q

            GM to run robot cars in San Francisco without human backups

                                                                      Thursday  from  California's  a ride service, which would  in the march toward prolif-
                                                                      Department  of  Motor  Ve-   require further government  eration of self-driving cars.
                                                                      hicles to let the cars travel  permission, he said.       Progress  toward  autono-
                                                                      on their own.                Cruise  will  go  neighbor-  mous    vehicles   slowed
                                                                      The   move    follows   last  hood-by-neighborhood  in  markedly  after  an  Uber
                                                                      week's     announcement  San  Francisco  and  launch  autonomous  test  SUV  ran
                                                                      from  Waymo  that  it  would  the driverless vehicles slowly  down a pedestrian in Tem-
                                                                      open  its  autonomous  ride-  before spreading to the en-  pe, Arizona, in 2018.
                                                                      hailing service to the public  tire city, he said. It will hold  Steven  Shladover,  a  re-
                                                                      in the Phoenix area in vehi-  neighborhood meetings to  search engineer at the Uni-
                                                                      cles without human drivers.  answer people's questions,  versity  of  California,  Berke-
                                                                      Waymo,  a  unit  of  Google  he said.                     ley, who has studied auton-
                                                                      parent  Alphabet  Inc.,  is  "We  understand  that  this  omous driving for 40 years,
                                                                      hoping  to  eventually  ex-  is  a  trust  race  as  much  as  said the moves are the next
                                                                      pand the service into Cali-  it  is  a  technology  race,"  logical steps by both com-
            In  this  Jan.  16,  2019,  file  photo,  Cruise  AV,  General  Motor's   fornia, where it already has  Wert said. "This is absolute-  panies  in  a  gradual  pro-
            autonomous electric Bolt EV is displayed in Detroit.      a permit to run without hu-  ly  about  making  sure  that  gression.
                                                     Associated Press  man backups.                we're  doing  this  with  San  "I  don't  see  them  as  revo-
            By TOM KRISHER               ers  from  its  vehicles  in  San  Cruise  has  reached  the  Francisco."              lutionary  steps,  but  they're
            AP Auto Writer               Francisco by the end of the  point  where  it's  confident  The moves by Waymo and  part  of  this  step-by-step
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  General  year.                          that  it  can  safely  operate  Cruise,  which  are  consid-  progress toward getting the
            Motors' Cruise autonomous  Cruise  CEO  Dan  Ammann  without humans in the cars,  ered among the leaders in  technology  to  be  able  to
            vehicle  unit  says  it  will  pull  said  in  a  statement  that  spokesman  Ray  Wert  said.  autonomous  vehicle  tech-  work  under  a  wider  range
            the  human  backup  driv-    the company got a permit  There's no date for starting  nology, are important steps  of conditions," he said.q
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