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                Saturday 17 OctOber 2020
            French leader decries terrorist beheading of teacher

            By ELAINE GANLEY                                                                                                    recent months, in the Dijon
            Associated Press                                                                                                    region,  the  Mediterranean
            PARIS (AP) — French Presi-                                                                                          city of Nice, and the west-
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron                                                                                              ern town of Saint-Dizier, be-
            denounced what he called                                                                                            lieved linked to local crimi-
            an "Islamist terrorist attack"                                                                                      nal activity.
            against  a  history  teacher                                                                                        The  attack  came  as  Ma-
            decapitated in a Paris sub-                                                                                         cron  is  pushing  for  a  new
            urb  Friday,  urging  the  na-                                                                                      law  against  what  he  calls
            tion to stand united against                                                                                        domestic  "separatism,"  no-
            extremism.                                                                                                          tably  by  Islamic  radicals
            The teacher had discussed                                                                                           accused  of  indoctrinating
            caricatures of Islam's Proph-                                                                                       vulnerable people through
            et  Muhammad  with  his                                                                                             home  schools,  extremist
            class,  authorities  said.  The                                                                                     preaching  and  other  ac-
            suspected  attacker  was                                                                                            tivities.
            shot to death by police af-                                                                                         France has the largest Mus-
            ter Friday's beheading.                                                                                             lim  population  in  Western
            The  French  anti-terrorism                                                                                         Europe with up to 5 million
            prosecutor  opened  an  in-                                                                                         members,  and  Islam  is  the
            vestigation     concerning                                                                                          country's No. 2 religion.
            murder  with  a  suspected                                                                                          "We didn't see this coming,"
            terrorist  motive,  the  pros-                                                                                      Conflans resident Remi Tell
            ecutor's office said.        French police officers gather outside a high school after a history teacher who opened a discussion   said  on  CNews  TV  station.
            Macron  visited  the  school   with students on caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammad was beheaded, Friday, Oct. 16, 2020   He  described  the  town  as
                                         in Conflans-Saint-Honorine, north of Paris. Police have shot the suspected killer dead.
            where the teacher worked                                                                           Associated Press  peaceful.
            in  the  town  of  Conflans-                                                                                        It was the second terrorism-
            Saint-Honorine  and  met  gether as citizens," he said.   threats  after  opening  a  That information could not  related  incident  since  the
            with  staff  after  the  slaying.  The gruesome killing of the  discussion  "for  a  debate"  be immediately confirmed.  opening of an ongoing trial
            An Associated Press report-  teacher  occurred  in  the  about     the    caricatures  The two officials could not  on  the  newsroom  massa-
            er  saw  three  ambulances  town  of  Conflans-Sainte-    about 10 days ago, the po-   be  named  because  they  cre in Jan. 2015 at the sa-
            arrive  at  the  scene,  and  Honorine while the suspect  lice official told The Associ-  were  not  authorized  to  tirical  newspaper  Charlie
            heavily  armed  police  sur-  was killed by police in ad-  ated Press. The parent of a  discuss  ongoing  investiga-  Hebdo  after  the  publica-
            rounding the area and po-    joining Eragny.              student  had  filed  a  com-  tions.                      tion  of  caricatures  of  the
            lice vans lining leafy nearby  A  police  official  said  the  plaint against the teacher,  France has offered asylum  prophet of Islam. As the trial
            streets.                     suspect, armed with a knife  another police official said,  to  many  Chechens  since  opened, the paper repub-
            "One  of  our  compatriots  and an airsoft gun — which  adding that the suspected  the Russian military waged  lished  caricatures  of  the
            was  murdered  today  be-    fires  plastic  pellets  —  was  killer  did  not  have  a  child  war  against  Islamist  sepa-  prophet to underscore the
            cause  he  taught  ...  the  shot  dead  about  600  me-  at the school. The suspect's  ratists  in  Chechnya  in  the  right of freedom of expres-
            freedom of expression, the  ters (yards) from where the  identity was not made pub-    1990s and early 2000s, and  sion.  Exactly  three  weeks
            freedom  to  believe  or  not  male teacher was killed af-  lic.                       there  are  Chechen  com-    ago,  a  young  man  from
            believe," Macron said.       ter he failed to respond to  The  suspect's  identity  was  munities  scattered  around  Pakistan was arrested after
            He said the attack shouldn't  orders to put down his arms,  not  made  public.  French  France.                     stabbing, outside the news-
            divide   France   because  and acted in a threatening  media  reported  that  the  France  has  seen  occa-         paper's former offices, two
            that's  what  the  extremists  manner.                    suspect was an 18-year-old  sional  violence  involving  people  who  suffered  non
            want. "We must stand all to-  The  teacher  had  received  Chechen, born in Moscow.  its  Chechen  community  in  life-threatening injuries.q

            Canadian FM sees exiled Belarus opposition figure in Vilnius

                                                                      be on your side."            with  European  leaders  in-  nouskaya  said  after  her
                                                                      "In  fact  I  believe  you  can  cluding  French  President  talks with Champagne.
                                                                      expect that (the) entire in-  Emmanuel  Macron  and  Tsikhanouskaya              has
                                                                      ternational  community  will  German Chancellor Ange-     warned  the  government
                                                                      be  together  with  you  and  la Merkel.                  in Minsk that she will call a
                                                                      the  people  of  Belarus  for  The  United  States  and  the  nationwide strike in Belarus
                                                                      the  democratic  future  of  European  Union  have  de-   later  this  month  unless  Lu-
                                                                      your country," Champagne  nounced       Belarus'   elec-  kashenko,  who  got  a  sixth
                                                                      said  after  the  meeting,  on  tion as neither free nor fair  term in office in August, re-
                                                                      the last leg of his European  and  introduced  sanctions  signs, releases political pris-
                                                                      tour. Champagne has said  against  Belarusian  officials  oners and stops the violent
             Belarusian opposition figure Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya speaks   the result of the Aug. 9 pres-  responsible   for   alleged  crackdown on protesters.
             as  Canadian  Foreign  Minister  Francois-Philippe  Champagne   idential elections in Belarus,  vote-rigging  and  a  crack-  Earlier  Friday,  Belarusian
             looks on during a press conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, Friday,   which  gave  the  country's  down on protests.   authorities announced that
             Oct. 16, 2020.                                           long-standing  strongman,  "This  is  a  very  clear  sign  to  they  have  issued  an  arrest
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      President  Alexander  Lu-    the criminals in Belarus that  warrant for Tsikhanouskaya,
            By LIUDAS DAPKUS             Sviatlana  Tsikhanouskaya,  kashenko,  a  landslide  vic-  the  international  commu-  who  fled  to  neighboring
            Associated Press             who is in exile in Lithuania,  tory  strongly  disputed  by  nity  is  watching  them  and  Lithuania after the election,
            VILNIUS,  Lithuania  (AP)  —  during a meeting Friday.    the opposition, was "fraud-  they should think twice be-  accusing  her  of  "attempts
            Canada's  foreign  minister  Francois-Philippe   Cham-    ulent."  Champagne's  visit  fore  (unleashing)  another  to overthrow constitutional
            pledged  support  for  top  pagne told Tsikhanouskaya  to the Baltic country follows  wave  of  violence  against  order" and of being a threat
            Belarusian opposition figure  that  Canada  "will  always  Tsikhanouskaya's  meetings  their  own  people,"  Tsikha-  to national security.q
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