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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 17 OctOber 2020
            Ex-Mexico army chief arrested in LA on drugs, money charges

            By  E.  EDUARDO  CASTILLO                                                                                           pedestal," said Vigil, author
            and STEFANIE DAZIO                                                                                                  of  the  book  "The  Land  of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Enchantment Cartel."
            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  For-                                                                                         "The corruption is just com-
            mer Mexican defense sec-                                                                                            ing  to  roost,  because  indi-
            retary Gen. Salvador Cien-                                                                                          viduals who were once un-
            fuegos, who led the coun-                                                                                           touchable are now getting
            try's army for six years under                                                                                      arrested," Vigil said. "If they
            ex-President  Enrique  Peña                                                                                         cooperate  (with  U.S.  pros-
            Nieto,  has  been  arrested                                                                                         ecutors)  there  are  others
            on  drug  trafficking  and                                                                                          who are going to be falling,
            money laundering charges                                                                                            noting  U.S.  officials  "usually
            at Los Angeles International                                                                                        don't want to trade down,
            Airport,  U.S.  and  Mexican                                                                                        they  usually  trade  up,"
            sources said Thursday.                                                                                              seeking  evidence  against
            Two  people  with  knowl-                                                                                           equal or higher-ranking of-
            edge  of  the  arrest  said                                                                                         ficials.  "It's  really  a  precari-
            Cienfuegos was taken into                                                                                           ous  situation  for  Mexico  to
            custody on a U.S. Drug En-                                                                                          have two Cabinet-level of-
            forcement  Administration                                                                                           ficials arrested in the U.S."
            warrant. One of the people                                                                                          Whatever  the  charges,  it
            said  the  warrant  was  for                                                                                        will  be  a  tough  blow  for
            drug trafficking and money   In this Sept. 16, 2016 file photo, Defense Secretary Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos, left, and Mexico's   Mexico,  where  the  army
            laundering  charges.  Both   President  Enrique  Pena  Nieto,  salute  during  the  annual  Independence  Day  military  parade  in   and navy are some of the
            spoke  on  the  condition  of   Mexico City's main square.                                                          few  remaining  respected
            anonymity  because  they                                                                           Associated Press   public institutions.
            were not authorized to dis-  who  also  spoke  on  the  Nieto.  He  is  the  highest-  partment  had  no  immedi-   While current President An-
            cuss the case publicly.      condition of anonymity be-   ranking former Cabinet of-   ate reaction to the arrest.  drés  Manuel  López  Obra-
            The DEA declined to com-     cause he wasn't authorized  ficial arrested since the top  Mike Vigil, the DEA's former  dor has vowed to go after
            ment Thursday night.         to give details of the case,  Mexican  security  official  chief  of  international  op-  corruption  and  lawbreak-
            Mexico's  Foreign  Minister,  said Cienfuegos was arrest-  Genaro  Garcia  Luna  was  erations, said when he was  ing  under  past  administra-
            Marcelo  Ebrard,  wrote  on  ed when he arrived at the  arrested  in  Texas  in  2019.  in Mexico in 2012 he heard  tions,  he  has  also  relied
            his Twitter account that U.S.  Los Angeles airport with his  Garcia  Luna,  who  served  corruption    allegations  more  heavily  on  the  army
            Ambassador      Christopher  family.  His  family  members  under  former  President  Fe-  about Cienfuegos.        —  and  charged  it  with
            Landau  had  informed  him  were released and he was  lipe Calderón, has pleaded  "There were always allega-        more  tasks,  ranging  from
            of  the  retired  general's  ar-  taken  to  the  Metropolitan  not guilty to drug trafficking  tions of corruption, nothing  building  infrastructure  proj-
            rest  and  that  Cienfuegos  Detention Center.            charges.                     we could sink our teeth into.  ects  to  distributing  medi-
            had a right to receive con-  Cienfuegos  served  from  Cienfuegos  is  72  years  old  That  was  kind  of  unheard  cal  supplies  —  than  any
            sular assistance.            2012  to  2018  as  secretary  and has retired from active  of because Mexico has al-  other  president  in  recent
            A  senior  Mexican  official,  of  defense  under  Peña  duty. Mexico's Defense De-    ways  put  the  military  on  a  history.q

            Racial tensions rise in South Africa over farm killing

            By MOGOMOTSI MAGOME          white farmers. In an earlier  a priority crime, the govern-
            Associated Press             court  hearing  last  week,  ment insists that white farm-
            SENEKAL, South Africa (AP)  a  group  of  white  farm-    ers are not being targeted,
            —  A  tense  standoff  be-   ers  stormed  the  court  and  saying  the  violence  is  a
            tween  white  farmers  and  burned a police vehicle.      result of South Africa's rela-
            Black    activists   gripped  The country's leftist opposi-  tively high crime rate. South
            the  South  African  town  of  tion  party,  the  Economic  Africa has one of the high-
            Senekal Friday, as two men  Freedom  Fighters,  mobi-     est  crime  statistics  in  the
            accused  of  killing  a  white  lized about 1,000 of its sup-  world, with a murder rate of
            farm manager were to ap-     porters  to  challenge  the  just over 58 deaths a day.
            pear in court.               white farmers in front of the  The  country's  official  crime
            More  than  100  police  pa-  court.                      statistics   indicate   there
            trolled  the  area  in  front  of  They sang songs and shout-  were 49 farm killings in the
            the courthouse in the Free  ed slogans calling for South  2019/2020 financial year.
            State  province  and  used  Africa's land to be returned  President Cyril Ramaphosa,   A  white  protester  against  farm  murders  stands  near  the
            barbed  wire  to  separate  to  Black  residents.  Many  in his weekly letter to the na-  magistrates court in Senekal, South Africa, Friday, Oct. 16, 2020
            the rival groups.            were  dressed  in  the  EFF  tion  Monday,  condemned     where two suspects were to appear on charges of killing a white
            Sekwetjie  Mahlamba  and  party's  red  uniforms  and  Horner's killing, but said the   farmer in the area.
            Sekola    Matlaletsa   ap-   berets.                      farm  killings  were  part  of                                        Associated Press
            peared  in  the  magistrates'  EFF  leader  Julius  Malema  the bigger crime problem.  also  raised  the  controver-  nority.  Although  South  Af-
            court  on  charges  of  killing  came  to  Senekal  Friday  "Those  people  who  think  sial issue of land ownership  rica  now  has  majority  rule,
            Brendin Horner, 21, on Oct.  was  expected  to  speak  that farm attacks affect just  in the country.               land  ownership  remains  a
            1. Their request for bail was  to  his  supporters  after  the  a small part of our popula-  A great deal of South Afri-  contentious issue, with par-
            postponed until Oct. 20.     court hearing.               tion  are  wrong.  The  farm-  ca's best farmland is owned  ties  like  the  EFF  urging  the
            About  250  white  farmers  While  most  white  farmers  ing  community  is  an  inte-  by  white  farmers,  as  a  re-  government to seize white-
            gathered to protest the kill-  and  organizations  repre-  gral part of our economy,"  sult of the eviction of Black  owned  land  without  com-
            ing,  charging  that  police  senting  them  have  called  wrote Ramaphosa.            farmers  when  the  country  pensation  and  return  it  to
            do not adequately protect  for farm killings to be made  The  Senekal  murder  has  was  ruled  by  a  white  mi-   Black families.q
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